Relevant preceding voting thread:
Relevant preceding Discussion:
This is the official vote to replace the following section of the Author Wills policy:
Secondly staff can rewrite any hubs with significant navigational usage outside of the authors works (see GOI hubs) if control is transferred to the community.
Hubs in general can also be transferred to staff control.
With a section which definitively outlines and provides an accountable process by which modifications to hubs inherited by staff due to author inactivity may occur through staff actions. I believe the wisest course of action is to tie this process to the team which already handles virtually all authorial rights issues in regards to original/creative work, Rewrite.
A) Hubs which staff inherit due to the inactivity of the original author(s) may receive minor edits from staff (Navigational edits, fixing themes, fixing broken images) with oversight and approval from Rewrite. Addition of links to new relevant works would be considered a minor edit.
B) Rewrite may review requests to assign a guarantor/maintainer to hubs inherited due to author inactivity. (This includes but is not limited to Canon and GoI hubs inherited in this manner).
B1) These guarantors/maintainers will be allowed to update/rework a hub to respect the original intent/content of the hub while implementing modern standards, with Rewrite's oversight.
C) Hubs given to the community are subject to staff modification/updating/maintenance with review/oversight from the Rewrite team. Rewrite team may assign a guarantor/maintainer, but anyone may request to make major edits to these hubs.
|| ||~ Yes ||~ No ||
|| Approve the new sections|| || ||