Membership application from Dr KashmirDr Kashmir
Application text: 1. Thanks to TVTropes (SCP-4444). 2. Alto. 3. Any of the 4. Dr. Bright and Kain (extra credit). 5. Currently SCP-914. 6. Dr. Kondraki, if you don't join the IRC channel. 7. I''ve run out of characters
Options: accept or decline
This one looks fine to me.
Membership application from DrMochaDrMocha
Application text: Hello. 1.My friend. 2.Alto 3.Dr. Clef's Gate Guardian 4.Kain 5.SCP-914 6. Kondraki will if I don't join live chat because it's the core of the social interactions. 7.I'm quite the gourmet & love food
Options: accept or decline
I say accept, even though he got number 3 wrong
Membership application from raylasraylas
Application text: 1.A link of TV Tropes 2. Alto 3.Eberstrom 4. Dr. Bright 5. SCP 2 6. SCP 82 Because he is a cannibal 7. I enjoy learning about the supernatural and I have a vast knowledge base. Also a skilled fighter.
Options: accept or decline
I wanna decline this one, guy needs to lurk more.
Membership application from Omar KarinduOmar Karindu
Application text: 1. A link posted at a creepypasta site I was reading. 2. Aldo. 3. None of them. 4. Kaine Pathos Crow. 5. SCP-918. 6. Kondraki if I don't join the chat. 7. Male, prolific net poster, comics nerd
Options: accept or decline
Enh… on the edge with this one.
Also, I'll be changing the questions tommorrow if anyone has some good suggestions.