Howdy all! After some discussion with admins and the leadership of MAST and Collections, we've come to an initial proposal to merge parts of MAST, Rewrite, and Collections together to create a new team with some level of thematic consistency. These are the results of that discussion!
What is this team?
The Curation team would be a new(ish) team primarily responsible for the regulation and curation of pages on the wiki. There has long been a divide between the responsibilities of Rewrite and the thematically-similar (but assigned to a different team) responsibilities of the MAST subteams of Collab Pages and Guide Updating, alongside the Åland-esque Collections team. This proposal aims to simultaneously fix this problem while also attempting to address some amount of the MAST feature creep.
Curating and maintaining content will be the primary responsibility of the Curation team. This will be achieved by consolidating the various subteams that share curatorial responsibilities into one overarching team. In this regard, the subteam's responsibilities will not significantly change, though cross-collaboration between the teams will be made easier through consolidation of the subteams into an overarching single team.
What does this team look like?
The layout of the new team is thus.
Rewrite will be renamed to the Curation Team, with the current Rewrite team being preserved as a subteam within the auspices of the Curation Team, with a subteam captain position established.
The new Curation team will absorb Collab Pages, Guide Updating, and the Adult Content Curation team from MAST alongside Collections, maintaining their current structures and membership if the members so choose.
Rewrite: Part of this proposal will be to solidify the responsibilities of Rewrite. Rewrite's purview as a staff team is overseeing authorial and editorial changes to those pages left to staff's control. This does not cover navigational or technical changes, only changes that intersect with the authorial intent of the work, such as (non-exhaustively) changes to theme (both of the Sigma9/BHL and literary kind), characterisation, diction, intent, etc. Art - you know it when you see it, and all.
Most commonly this takes the form of those pages under a rating of +10 that have been transferred to staff control by virtue of the author being absent from the site and contact for more than 1 year. This is not exclusive, as Rewrite also maintains jurisdiction over similar boundaries for those pages explicitly granted to staff and the community. Furthermore, Rewrite is expected to continue its curation of Anonymous Articles.
Rewrite also maintains jurisdiction, though not final say, on edge cases involving authorial intent or major changes not covered here. The Rewrite Team page can be found here:
Collab Pages: Collaboration Pages currently covers Hubs, Collab Logs, and Collab Pages. The responsibilities of the Collab Pages subteam should be unchanged in the case of Collab Logs and Collaboration Pages: the curation and pruning of inappropriate and poor additions to Collaboration Logs or Collaboration Pages. Much like the Rewrite Subteam, the usage of the word "poor" here is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify.
The subteam must maintain some level of editorial control in making such decisions, so I will not attempt to define "poor" here. However, perceived abuses of this power, along with the Rewrite subteam, can and should be brought to the Curation Team captain and admins, or discussed among staff, as a path of remittance.
The Collab Pages subteam will work with the Rewrite subteam on those Hubs that have been handed to staff control. The Collab Pages subteam maintains control over navigational elements of the Hubs, such as the addition of new pages and maintenance of the hub. Issues of aesthetic presentation, such as a new theme, or significant content edits, such as major changes to descriptions within the hub, must be done in collaboration with the Rewrite subteam. This purview extends only towards those hubs left in staff's control, through author inactivity similar to existing Rewrite policy (>1 year absence) or cases where the hub has been given to the community.
The Collab Pages subteam has its responsibilities outlined here - and we shall not be enacting changes to those responsibilities outside of those outlined here.
Guide Updating: Guide Updating's responsibilities are focused on maintaining and updating the non-fiction guides on the wiki that have been transferred to staff, either by inactivity by the part of the author or deliberate choice.
Collections: The Collections team is expected to continue operating in its current autonomous form.
Adult Content Curation: The ACC subteam's responsibilities are unchanged from the bounds of their original proposal.
At this stage, we are primarily concerned with how people feel about the structure and operation of this team. I am more than happy to discuss leadership positions within the team, but I would prefer to do so only after we have actually determined what the team structure looks like! So if possible, please try and limit discussion to structure and purview/responsibilities, thank you!
This discussion is open to all members of staff, and will remain open for 2 weeks.
04 Link: