With regards to the current structure we’ve got Junior Moderators, Server Moderators and Server Admins.This is separate from the overall staff structure of staff generally which is for the most part Junior Staff, Operational Staff, (OS with Mod Tools) and Admins. The two don’t really intersect. You can have an Admin Junior Moderator (and we do) or a Junior Staff Server Moderator (and we do). Can’t have a JS as Server Admin though (talked about this hypothetical prior) because, to quote the hub “Server Admins serve as a stand-in for "Captain" of the team when necessary” and JS can’t be captains.
Anyway, for the most part, we think that a custom hierarchy does make sense. While personally we trust the Wiki Admins very much, for example, it wouldn’t necessarily make sense to drop them in with the ability to accidentally do irreparable harm to the server by accident, with no prior moderation experience or guidance. Similar to how being an admin doesn’t inherently give us knowledge about doing crit, or how the magic of Wikidot CSS works, staff ranking doesn’t have bearing on what one already knows re:Discord server moderation and its tools.
There’s also, in a way, a similar philosophy for why we don’t just pass every member of staff mod tools or admin tools. The team’s roles, the internal promos, how permissions are set up, general resistance to permission creep, to our understanding this is all to decrease the chance of say, an accidental everyone ping or the deletion of a channel, or creation of an unnecessary channel without care.
There are a few problems with the way we currently have with the hierarchy however. Though we’re a bit biased because this has kind of been our own personal frustrations here.
Firstly, the promotions. Last time there were promos, had to deal mostly alone with this, for the vast vast majority of it, with both the internal promos and on-site promo, and recruitment which happened at the same time. It was too much for one person to handle. As previously stated, we believe the idea of a Discord Team exclusive hierarchy makes sense in terms of permissions, but the labor here is way not worth it. Having to set up the questions and send out the recruitment document, having to discuss candidates among the whole team and then turn those responses into a ranking, and then having to choose how many of those to pick, and then putting them up for a vote. Simultaneously discussing current Junior Moderators, seeing if any of them want to go up, approaching them individually to see if they want to go up, putting them up for a vote. Same deal for Server Admins if any candidates. That’s a lot worse than it sounds, the way we have it set up, especially if it’s only one person doing it. There’s also the demotion vote which we can choose to put up during promos, and look, we tried last time to discuss that but it with the on-site promos happening, being the only one writing the blurbs for those pretty much, the whole issue with our 1 year old policy allowing any 16+ server member to apply which caused us to have to pause things, message all the people involved to let them know they have to be 18+, etc etc…
Of course it doesn’t have to be at the same time as on-site promos, and there hopefully will never again be complications with recruitment of that sort but things happen.
One possible avenue for this is that personally think we’re a bit too democratic with this. Some teams the captains just decide on the new recruits, that’d be so, so much simpler. It’s a very nice idea, letting people, server users, vote to this extent but it’s such a hassle.
Thirdly, server admin =/= captain. Definitially it just isn't. To quote the hub “Server Admins serve as a stand-in for "Captain" of the team when necessary.” The Site Promo before last we didn’t put anyone up. Not because we didn’t think any member should be put up, not because of any reason, really, we didn’t even discuss it, don’t think. At that time we were a server admin but didn’t really even understand that putting people for on-site promos was a thing we had to do, at the time didn’t really understand that Yossi wasn’t just The Captain, if that makes sense. Which, that’s our bad, really dumb of us but we think that confusion kind of makes sense given that definition. One of our fellow server admins didn’t want the captaincy role in Staffcord for the use of the adcap channel, as another example which felt representative of the problem.
Since understanding that, kinda pushed ourself to do more of the captaincy type duties, hence undertaking the various promo junk, and bringing them up again this time (though Guaire kindly offered to help with these upcoming ones, which was nice). Also kind of pushed people to consider the position more as being just captaincy by another name (mostly just via language, also as part of 05Updating updating things to reflect that the four server admins are captains), because otherwise, we’d say, there will end up people in the position unwilling or unable to help with captaincy duties, and those voting for server admins won’t think of the captaincy aspect of things necessarily when voting.
But, we digress, feel we aren’t all on the same wavelength, the server admins, in terms of what all we need to do, or what we need to consult with each other before doing, or what stance to take on certain moderator behavior, what we need from each other. Doesn’t remotely feel we are on the same page, would say. Something clearly isn’t working here. Have had multiple of our fellow server admins talk about stepping down or leaving staff too which also adds to this feeling.
Back in May a member of staff approached server admins about concerns over the then current moderation team and how the mod team could evolve in the future. Factionalism and the like. During discussion, made concerns about “not being on the same page” known, brought up the idea of separating the server admin position from the captaincy position in some way (i.e. can be server admin without being captain, something we’ve mentioned a few times), requesting help with the server guidelines, feeling generally unsupported. Our fellow server admins, to our understanding, weren’t into that, promised renewed activity, and left it at that.
Personally the idea of separating server admin from captaincy has not left us. If people generally think that’s a good idea, that may be something worth trying. Maybe having server admins as vice captains, one main captain, along the lines of what crit seems to do? Something, imo, needs to change in a leadership capacity, am open to ideas there, personally.
If nothing else, would like to do internal promos soon to add more server admins.
In terms of relationships with other teams. Not entirely sure what you mean by that, so will generally talk about that.
Have had some ups and downs with Discord Crit, though hopefully we’re good currently? Have messaged and worked with Pedagon and OriTiefling on multiple occasions to try to get everything copacetic there, wanting to get things sorted with overstepping Discord Staff going into crit channels, and generally trying to be mindful of not being a barrier to crit staff by unintentionally depriving them of powers and tools they need to act effectively, or having undue influence over them by an uneven power dynamic (something somewhat inherent with permissions the way they’re set up). We still aren’t perfect, there’s always going to be some measure of compromise, but for the most part, think we’re doing better than we were.
In terms of Community Outreach, there has been times where CO hasn’t approached Discord Team about announcing contests, SCPD for instance has been informed first, Discord Team (ourself a few times) have only announced it because we found it out ourselves (sometimes informed BY SCPD). Ya know, we’re an official platform, it’d be nice to be thought of going to about announcements like that. Talked about this prior so it’s hopefully in mind for next time. Heck, would be willing to give announcement permissions to certain members of CO or the contest committee if that’d help, we think.
In terms of Disc and AHT, there’s been talk regarding purview, which if there is conflict there, disagreement, that’s something we feel should be defined within those teams as well. Discord isn’t really a traditional disciplinary team like we’ve had on the wiki, and really can’t be thought of that way IMO, though will discuss that in the next section to a degree.
In terms of staff generally speaking, we have kind of at times been considered “not really a staff team” and that’s affected how people judge how the team’s doing IMO, which, no, we definitely are a part of staff, but again that’s something we see less of now. Have some thoughts there but that’s less on the subject of the Discord Team itself and more on staff as a whole