04 mirror: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-16137947/discussion-author-wills
Quite a few authors have what they call living wills on the site defining what should be done with their articles if they go missing.
Most of these articles state that either ownership or control of their articles should go to some other member of the wiki. However this has never been defined and their very much is not a
standard definition for this.
There is a question of how much staff should interfere here, but since this is very entwined with authors rights I do think this should be spelled out
As staff we should discuss what exactly does this mean and what is actually being transferred here. On a broad scale of minimal control to maximal control
- Contact person for staff related queries about articles
- Ability to make minor content edits (think wikiwalk for the limitations here)
- Ability to make major content edits
- Ability to totally rewrite an article
- Ability to delete an article
Do note that this is a scale, not an all or nothing thing.
There is the secondary question of we do make a decision here should it be retroactive to previous living wills or require a new one under new guidelines. Likely via a form in a forum thread
This discussion will go on for one week