These changes will mess with the Staff Structure, which will require a vote of active staff members to carry.
First, tab 2, Staff Levels. Addition to the bottom, past Universal Staff Powers:
Special Access
Site Ambassador: These users are members of other Foundation Sites, usually translation sites, with which we want to maintain a close working relationship. These users are not necessarily staff (though some may be, and any may become staff through the normal process), and their 'duties', as far as staff is concerned, are advisory and informational. Their input is always appreciated, but they shouldn't be bothered with the minutiae of the site unless they choose to involve themselves. Ambassadors are chosen by the administration of their own site, who directly inform our administrators of the choice, at which point, they're admitted to the site and added to the team automatically.
Second, tab 5, Ongoing Teams. After Technical and before Reserve:
Responsibilities: This team has no specific jobs or responsibilities, as it is made up primarily of members of SCP Foundation sister sites. Members of this team serve as an advisory board and are given the ability to:
- Voice concerns on site policy and discussions.
- Make suggestions for improvements/policy changes based on their individual and collective experiences on their own sites.
- Advise staff members on actions taken which could potentially affect other sites.
Note: Members of this team do not, by default, have any universal staff powers unless they are also members of at least one additional team.
This is a voting thread—not discussion.
The Vote Has Ended.