Happened in #17
[13:27:18] <Jone> Hi
[13:27:56] <Jone> How all do
[13:29:32] <Jone> Paul
[13:30:18] <Jone> Hello
[13:30:40] <Trixie> hello
[13:30:50] <Trixie> do you have a question for staff?
[13:31:30] <Jone> Yes I do scp 177
[13:31:50] <Jone> Is that one new
[13:32:17] <Jone> Trioxide
[13:32:27] <Trixie> no, it is not
[13:32:45] <Jone> Ok
[13:33:41] <Jone> I been follow one for 6day
[13:34:24] <Jone> Trioxide
[13:34:39] <anqxyr> Jone, sorry, you aren't making much sense
[13:35:30] * Trixie has quit (Quit: )
[13:36:00] <Jone> I was follow scp145?
[13:36:37] <Athenodora> for the record
[13:36:38] <Athenodora> SCP-177
[13:36:40] <Alexandra> Athenodora: SCP-177 (Checkmate, Originally written by Kain Pathos Crow, rewritten by Ihp, Rating:+87) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-177
[13:36:43] <Athenodora> SCP-145
[13:36:44] <Alexandra> Athenodora: SCP-145 (Man-Absorbing Phone, Written by Unknown Author, Rating:+193) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-145
[13:36:59] <Jone> Yes
[13:38:08] <Athenodora> are you saying that you were followed by a chess board and a telephone
[13:38:44] <Athenodora> or are you saying that you were following a chess board and a telephone?
[13:38:46] <Jone> Yes how you know
[13:39:50] <Jone> It in it room I was look at it
[13:40:22] <anqxyr> this is a collaborative writing site
[13:40:32] <anqxyr> the stories on the site are fiction, not true
[13:40:37] <Athenodora> .g scp faq
[13:40:42] <Alexandra> Athenodora: http://www.scp-wiki.net/faq — FAQ - SCP Foundation: "Sep 8, 2015 … General Questions. Is SCP real? No. We are a creative writing website. All the SCPs are fictional. The Foundation is fictional. How can I join the …"
[13:41:02] <anqxyr> we also aren't a roleplaying site - we don't pretend they're true
[13:41:18] <Jone> I was try to help it
[13:41:44] <anqxyr> Athenodora, I love how it says the important part right in the blurb
[13:42:07] <Jone> So do I
[13:42:08] <Athenodora> anqxyr yeah
[13:42:35] <Athenodora> Jone please, no roleplaying here. There are other chatrooms and blogs and so forth for SCP roleplaying
[13:42:37] <Athenodora> but not here
[13:42:40] <anqxyr> Jone, do you have anything you need staff's help with?
[13:42:51] <anqxyr> I'm sorry but you're not making much sense
[13:43:20] <Jone> Can you help me
[13:43:48] * Athenodora and for the record, "staff" here means "the people running the creative writing website", not "the people running an Warehouse 13-esque secret organisation"
[13:44:25] * Athenodora on account of the Warehouse 13-esque secret organisation not actually existing
[13:44:28] <Jone> But I am a girl
[13:44:47] <Jone> That is 10 old
[13:44:56] <Athenodora> Jone is English your first language, if I may ask?
[13:45:30] <Jone> My name
[13:45:35] <Athenodora> also we do have a minimum age requirement here
[13:45:48] <Athenodora> come back in 5 years
[13:46:00] <Jone> Plz
[13:46:43] <Jone> Look my dad don't know that I do if
[13:47:02] * anqxyr has kicked Jone from #site17 (come back in 5 years)
[13:47:41] * Jone (ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.B779DF9F-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.B779DF9F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
[13:47:57] <Jone> Why
[13:48:08] <anqxyr> Jone, we have age restrictions
[13:48:13] <anqxyr> you're too young
[13:48:18] <anqxyr> come back in 5 years
[13:48:36] <Jone> But I know
[13:49:14] * anqxyr sets ban on *!*@synIRC-F9FD977B.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
[13:49:23] * anqxyr has kicked Jone from #site17 (bye)
Alex doesn't handle #17 bans, right? So IRC-ban should remain in place there, even though the user is now on Alex's banlist? Ops, please advise.