B& forever
17:13 * diego73 joined #site17 ~windows@8F1BEBF7:2C76797C:6BBBA62B:IP
17:14 * Bouncl quit (Quit: have a nice day :) ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB
17:14 * Lily is now known as LilyAFK
17:14 diego73 http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-231 can somebody explain how pedophilia and rape can get so many up votes on what is supposed to be a serious writing website
17:14 Alexandra diego73: SCP-231 (Special Personnel Requirements, Written by DrClef, Rating:+801) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-231
17:15 djkaktus Oh shit that's over 800 now. I'll have to go congratulate Clef.
17:15 djkaktus diego73: I don't see any rape or pedophilia tbh
17:15 diego73 don't be a smart ass. it's very heavily implied
17:15 djkaktus I guess if that's the conclusion you want to jump to, sure.
17:15 djkaktus It's gotten so many votes because it's well written and spooky.
17:16 diego73 are you calling me a pedophile?
17:16 djkaktus Err
17:16 djkaktus no
17:16 djkaktus Just making the observation
17:16 djkaktus because you jumped to that conclusion
17:17 diego73 I'm not a pedophile. and this scp leads to that conclusion I didn't get there myself
17:17 * Joreth joined #site17 swap.htiw|epyt#swap.htiw|epyt
17:17 djkaktus …ok?
17:17 djkaktus Do you like
17:17 djkaktus have any actual questions for staff, or what?
17:17 djkaktus because that's what this is here for
17:17 djkaktus not like
17:18 djkaktus telling people you're not a pedophile.
17:18 diego73 I'm not
17:18 diego73 I just wanted an explanation
17:18 diego73 and you obviously can't give me one
17:18 djkaktus lol I mean
17:18 Tuomey Because that many people decided to upvoteit
17:18 djkaktus sorry bout ya, bro. It's a good article.
17:18 GreenWolf diego73: Here's a question for you
17:19 Tuomey It's not like we control how people vote
17:19 GreenWolf why can't those topics be the subjects of serious writing
17:19 GreenWolf if anything, it would seem like they are topics /exclusive/ to serious writing
17:19 diego73 and you guys are pedophile retards. I hope you get fucked in the ass by a big black dick when you go to jail for pedophilia
17:19 - djkaktus has banned *!~windows@8F1BEBF7:2C76797C:6BBBA62B:IP
17:19 djkaktus Hahahahahaha
17:19 djkaktus you had me going there for a second
17:19 Athenodora I mean, there can always a debate about whether this or that story is a case about /good/ writing about the topic
17:19 * diego73 was kicked by djkaktus (DEUCES)