Apologies in advance for possible confusing wording, I'm sort of out of it today.
Policy Change:
A "Speedy trial" clause. This shouldn't apply to 99% of our current bans, because it's rare that we don't resolve them, but sometimes this does happen.
I feel that it's not acceptable for any member of the chat, no matter who they are and no matter what their record is, to have to worry that at any moment they might get banned for an infraction they thought they were let off for, or worse, an infraction they didn't realize was an infraction. Even if the chat members in question are unpleasant, they still don't deserve to have to deal with that.
If a user might get banned for an issue, this needs to be posted on O5 that same day. If for some reason it isn't posted, the user should be informed of the situation.
A ban vote should not go more than a day with no votes. If it does, and it hasn't already passed, it should be considered to have failed (unless notice is given by an operator before a day passes with no votes).
In this case the user in question should receive a warning, if the ban vote was uncontested, or let off entirely, if the ban vote was contested.
Exceptions are as follows:
- Harrassment serious enough to fall under our Harassment Policy. (Please note that this does not include, to cite a common example, badly ending friendships.)
- Excessively creepy behavior.
- Votes for permanent (not year-long) bans.
This policy is currently tentative. Please weigh in on whether you support it, think it should be changed, or think it should be thrown out entirely.
Presently this policy will apply to two current outstanding cases (the recent offenses of GreenWolf and Metaphysician). That's already done and will not be walked back.