Basically, what the thread summary said: Guy came into 19, pm'd users with roleplaying-y stuffs (of the "I'm in a car crash and my parents are dead plz send help" scenario, which is… what???)
I only logged onto 19 at the tail end of things, but according to Alexandra's .seen function, last thing the guy said on 19 was "hello everyone" (at around the 17:14 mark, my timezone). They left before I got around to kick/warn them.
Log has a few lines dropped at user's request, but the main bit is all there.
17:56 *** Athena_Grey joined #site19
Welcome to #site19! | RULES | | Sandbox | #site17 & #thecritters for staff/critique | RP: #Origins-OOC #scproleplay | | Site Crit seeks Jr Staff: | Contest! | くコ:彡 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Topic set by Dr_Kens on Thu Jan 28 2016 08:59:57 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)
17:56 +++ ChanServ has given halfop to Athena_Grey
17:56 *** HKY09 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
17:56 Athena_Grey ok guys
17:56 Athena_Grey what's the word
17:56 karakaigara hi Grey
17:57 Flamel im dealing with some roleplayer who cant understand no.
17:57 Flamel i think igot to them tho
17:57 karakaigara really?
17:57 Flamel yeh. AgentBlazkovicz
17:57 Athena_Grey for something that demands its audience to bring in their own interpretations
17:57 karakaigara I don't see any roleplay
17:57 karakaigara did they private message u?
17:58 Flamel
17:58 karakaigara the person's name kinda predicted it tho lol
17:58 Flamel
17:58 Athena_Grey instead of offering any clear "this is what this piece means"?
17:59 Athena_Grey Flamel need a chat op for that?
17:59 Flamel nah i think i handled it. theyve stopped messaging me.
17:59 karakaigara wow
17:59 karakaigara that was weird
18:00 Flamel swearing usually helps push away people.
18:00 Flamel along with punctuation after every word.
18:00 karakaigara if they're really in need they could've just say it short and clear… seriously
18:00 Flamel it enforces the fact you aint puttin up with this shit.
18:00 Athena_Grey Flamel wants it up on O5 anyway?
18:00 karakaigara no one's gonna buy that sory
18:00 karakaigara *story
Whois agentblazkovicz?
Nickname: agentblazkovicz
Username: Mibbit
Identified: yes
Real name:
Server info: synIRC, now in Dallas, TX!
Channels: #site19
18:00 Flamel yeah, go ahead if you want.
18:02 karakaigara poor you bro. Of all the people in this chat
18:02 karakaigara they just had to pick you lol
18:02 Athena_Grey okay
18:02 karakaigara probably an internet troll
18:02 Athena_Grey pm me all the logs
18:03 Flamel ive screencapped you those which i got.
18:03 Flamel so the links are above if you need em
18:03 *** AgentBlazkovicz quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
PM screenshots from Flamel:
Another user also reported receiving the same kind of PMs from the guy. Log is available on request.