Vice-Cassandra's MASTerful Escape from Cleopatra's Tomb
Prime Girl 05 May 2023 01:12
Heya! I've had a little too much on my plate lately to give MAST the attention it deserves, so I'm stepping down from Vice-Captain. Torcs, Storm and Bread are all excellent, as are the rest of the bees, so I'm not remotely worried.
I'm also told that an immediate replacement hasn't been decided on because there's just so darn many MAST staff that'd do well in the role, which I absolutely agree with, and is a great sign of how well the team's doing imo, and a reason in and of itself for me to step down.
Anyway, I am sticking around on a few subteams, and as an admin contact for the team, so I will still be around.
Keep doing good work.