As it currently stands, there are no formal, documented requirements for joining staff. Because of this, people under the age of 18 can become staff, as well as users banned from the site. Allowing minors to join staff holds complications and risks for several reasons, both to staff themselves and potential applicants. People under 18 are inherently more vulnerable to abuse and may be at a higher risk when in a staff position. There is also a variety of situations that a staff member may face that minors should not be involved in. Secondary to this, people under 18 are not even eligible to join the site they would be gaining authority over. Combined, these make giving them a position in staff, as well as giving them the authority that comes with such, would be irresponsible at best.
There is also the issue of users banned from the wiki being able to join site staff. Banned users are, as the name implies, banned from contributing to the wiki. Joining staff and voting on policy or participating in most, if not all, staff activities is essentially contributing to the SCP wiki. Although in practice, this is not a big issue, it is still possible and should be addressed.
We propose the following be added in the Site Charter under section 4:
A. Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to join staff, a user must:
1. Be over the age of 18
2. Be a member of the main site of the SCP wiki.
3. Be a member of the staff site of the SCP wiki until they leave all staff positions.
Other subsections will shifted down one letter, including the current subsection A. In addition to the charter changes, any underage staffers will be removed from their positions, and any staff members who are not members of the SCP wiki will be sent a message by their team captain(s) informing them that they must apply for membership within two weeks. Staff who are inactive at the time of this policy passing will not be required to join the main site until they come out of inactivity, after which they will have two weeks to apply for site membership.
Contributors of this proposal: EmotionalEntropy torcsandantlers jjed does not match any existing user name
This discussion will be open for one week, after which it will go to voting should there be no objections. As it will require an edit to a charter, the vote will require 60% yes votes with at least half of staff members voting.