Hi! I know this is a long proposal, please do read it in it's entirety though, it's proposing a pretty big change! It also needs a 60% supermajority of voters, so please do vote!
Previous Threads:
Abolishing the Mod Rank 2: Now it's Personnel
Abolishing the Mod Rank 3: Temporary Moderator-y
SECTION I: Policy Need
As staff as a body has changed in responsibility and culture we need to re-examine how we use the Moderator position.
I.A Moderator Role
Moderator currently exists as two married parts. One, the staff hierarchical role of Moderator. Two, the actual moderator tools within Wikidot.
Currently the functioning differences between the Operational Staff(OS) role and Moderator(Mod) role are that:
1.) Moderator serves as a social role and may be bestowed whether or not the staff member requires the tools it comes with. Moderator is a shorthand for "trusted user".
2.) Moderators can view AdCap Coordination in the staff Discord.
3.) Moderators can request that any disciplinary action against them only be voted upon by other Moderators and Admins per Section V.B.III of the Charter.
4.) Moderators+ are able to approve the creation of workbenches.
5.) Moderators receive the Moderator wikidot tools.
Do we have a need to keep any of these?
1.) No. As Mod is promoted via the same process as any other OS, there is no guarantee that the role reflects a trustworthiness above OS. This is a holdover from a time of much more striated staff structure which gave little weight to those at the bottom.
As time has progressed this has changed with the merging of rank segregated channels, removal of blackboxes and also a shift in culture as seen by the much decreased use of those still extant segregated staff spaces that allow only OS+, mod+ or captaincy+.
2.) No. There is no reason AdCap should not be viewable to all staff of at least OS.
While in the past it may well have made sense, currently adcap see limited use and when it is used, very little, if any, warrants a blackbox of this degree.
As in 1 this would seem to be a relic of when staff spaces were more segregated, when the dynamic was geared towards the staff role one had determining the weight of one's words and opinions on matters, a trend which has been reversing as seen with the merging, unblackboxing and even opening to the public of various staff channels.
I would like to see this as a continuation of that trend.
3.) No. As long as Moderator also functions as a social role, a jury of that Mod's peers may only feed into toxic power dynamics. Even without the Moderator role, the staff member in question can still request a jury of their peers; that jury will simply be broader.
4.) Yes. Workbenches are valuable tools for certain staff members to fulfill important tasks. However, they need not be tied to the Moderator rank.
5.) Yes. The healthy functioning of the site is heavily reliant on the Moderator Wikidot tools.
Of these, the only true benefits of the Moderator role is that Mods are given Moderator tools, and are able to create and approve workbenches.
Given this, I firmly believe we should divorce Moderator wikidot tools from our current staff hierarchy, and eliminate the social component from it entirely.
I.B Moderator Role Bestowal/Removal
As staff and the site have grown, teams have been added, as have subteams which have become more specialized. In some cases there are even teams that deal with offsite content rather than the SCP Wiki itself, such as the Discord Team and portions of Internet Outreach. We have even at times had staff who are not site members.
Staff members who do not use Wikidot moderator capabilities obviously do not require those capabilities. Yet we are not in the habit of reviewing the frequency of its use by Moderators, or, if indeed they need it at all, nor do we currently remove Wikidot moderator capabilities from Moderators who do not require the role, which currently would essentially be demotion to OS.
Those accounts who do not use Wikidot moderation capabilities, be they Inactive, Reserve or active staff engaging in other work are security vulnerabilities, as there is always the possibility, however slight, of someone with malicious intent gaining access to a staff member's Wikidot account, or some other unforeseen event causing issue with the site.
While this is true for anyone with Wikidot moderation capabilities, when the account holder is not using these capabilities it is a completely unnecessary risk. We have in the past been in situations where accounts have been compromised, and while we have made changes to lower those risks I believe this is worth doing for the same reasons we typically remove moderation capabilities from retired staff.
On the flip side, it is entirely possible that a team, such as the Deletions subteam of MAST for instance would, despite having a healthy amount of OS and JS, not have enough active Moderators to keep up with a workload which requires Wikidot moderator capabilities. Given promotions happen every four months, it is easy to quickly fall behind on such tasks, going four months without sufficient Moderators on a given team or subteam can be disastrous.
SECTION II: General Policy Proposed
As such I propose
1.The elimination of Moderator as a staff rank and that all current Moderators become Operational Staff.
2. The creation of a "Moderator tools" role (abbreviated as "Mod tools") which exclusively confers Wikidot Moderator status on the SCP Wiki onto a staff member, and no other powers or privileges previously conferred by the "Moderator" role.
2.1. AdCap viewing permissions be transferred to all OS+.
2.2. The power to approve the creation of workbenches be held by Acting Team Captains as well as Admins.
3. The creation, implementation and utilization of processes for the conferring of the "Moderator tools" role on qualifying staff member, as laid out in Section III
3.1. All current Moderators will immediately be given the opportunity to be put up for the newly created role if they so choose.
4. The creation, implementation and utilization of processes for the removal of the "Moderator tools" role from staff members who no longer need them, or due to disciplinary reasons, as laid out in Section V
As a result:
All current Moderators would immediately become Operational Staff with the "Moderator tools" role.
SECTION III: Nominating candidates for Moderator tools
At any time, acting Team Captains may put forth one or more of their team members of Operational Staff rank or higher as candidates for the role*.
*Acting Team Captains may only nominate the aforementioned candidates for the purpose of aiding the candidate in accomplishing staff goals under the purview of the team whose Captain nominated them. However, those possessing the Wiki Moderator role may use these powers for any team they are members of.
Admins may at any time put forth one or more candidates for the role for the purpose of aiding in staff duties requiring the role.
SECTION IV: Obtaining the Moderator tools role
Nominating Administrators or Acting Team Captains will inform all Administrators and Acting Team Captains of their intent to nominate Moderator tools candidates.
(Optional) Though it is not required it is recommended that teams merge their nomination threads if they intend to nominate staff members around the same time as to prevent voter fatigue. However as one of the tenets of this policy is the nomination on an as needed basis do not feel obligated to do so.
Nominating Administrators or Acting Team Captains will create a voting thread detailing:
A. Their candidate(s)
B. Why the candidates require the Moderator tools role.
The thread will remain open for one week.
While the thread is open O.S.+ will be able to vote on whether or not each candidate should be given the Moderator tools role.
Requirement for a candidate to receive the Moderator tools role is a simple voting majority, with a quorum equal to that required for policy implementation (currently 30%).
There is no obligation for staff members to cast a vote in the thread.
Only votes for or against candidates are permitted.
In a situation with multiple candidates a voter may choose to cast a vote on the election of all, some, or none of the candidates.
Candidates may not vote in their own election.
Following the election process Administrators must review the process and bestow upon the elected the Moderator tools role and its associated powers.
In the event the process is deemed by Administrators to have been mismanaged, the results should instead be voided.
SECTION V: Removing the Moderator tools Role
The Wiki Moderator role should be removed from staff members at the following times:
When the staff member is Retired, Inactive or Reserve*.
By request of the staff member in question*.
As a result of disciplinary action.
By consensus of their Captains.
By Admin consensus.
At such time as the staff member's Moderator tools are not renewed.
ALL Moderator tools roles expire on the conclusion of Winter promotions unless renewed as specified in Section VI.
*in these cases the role may be obtained again with assent of admins and/or team captains (in cases where the staff member used the role for the purpose of tasks under this team's purview) without requiring a staff vote.
SECTION VI: Renewal of the Moderator tools Role
When MAST informs Administrators and Acting Team Captains of upcoming Winter Promotions, MAST will also inform Administrators and Acting Team Captains of the upcoming Renewal thread.
When MAST requests a list of Operational Staff candidates for Winter Promotions from Acting Team Captains they will also ask Acting Team Captains for a list of their team members with the Moderator tools role whose role will be renewed. Acting Team Captains may only request Moderator tools renewal for members of the team of which they are Acting Team Captain. Multiple teams may request the renewal of Moderator tools for the same member of staff.
When MAST creates a Winter Promotions thread they will also create a Moderator tools Renewal thread. This thread will contain two lists:
1. The list of staff members to have their Moderator tools role renewed. This will also include which teams authorized the renewal.
2. The list of staff members to have their Moderator tools role removed.
Acting Team Captains and Admins will have until the conclusion of Winter Promotions to issue corrections in the O5 thread. MAST is responsible for editing the lists upon being informed of these corrections.
Immediately following the conclusion of Winter Promotions, Administrators MUST remove the Moderator tools role and associated permissions from every staff member whose Moderator tools role was not explicitly renewed.
In the event that Winter Promotions do not occur on a given year, the Moderator tools Renewal process should occur on the dates of the most recent Winter Promotions.
SECTION VII: O5 updates and Recordkeeping
VII.A Mod Tools Primer
The text within the below collapsible will be put into a newly created page on O5. It will act as a guide for those receiving the "Moderator tools" role. It will be linked under the "Information" dropdown menu on 05command.
Candidates should be made aware of this document by their nominating acting team captain before they are voted upon.
For best practices regarding editing the "Mod Primer" document please refer to Section X.
VII.B Staff lists
The Master Staff List page will have its "Moderator" section removed. Its contents will be duplicated to the "Operational Staff" section. The "Operational Staff" table will receive an additional column with the name "Mod Tools". The Mod Tools field will contain an 'X' for each row corresponding to a staff member currently holding Moderator Tools permissions. It will contain an 'E' if the staff member is eligible to receive Mod tools without review but does not currently possess those tools.
The Active Staff List page will have its "Moderator" section removed. Its contents will be duplicated to the "Operational Staff" section. The "Operational Staff" table will receive an additional column with the name "Mod Tools". The Mod Tools field will contain an 'X' for each row corresponding to a staff member currently holding Moderator Tools permissions. It will contain an 'E' if the staff member is eligible to receive Mod tools without review but does not currently possess those tools.
The Retired Staff List will keep its "Moderator" section, so as to preserve historical accuracy of the rank held by staff members prior to inactivity or retirement. However, from this point forward, no newly retired or newly inactive staff members will be added to the "Moderator" section. A note will be added above the table explaining that "Moderator" is a depreciated position. The "Operational Staff" table will receive an additional column with the name "Mod Tools". The Mod Tools field will contain an 'X' for each row corresponding to a staff member currently holding or eligible for the Moderator Tools role. As they did not hold these tools prior to retirement or inactivity, those currently on the "Operational Staff" list will not be eligible for Moderator Tools without review and marked as such. Returning Moderators will be eligible for Moderator Tools without review as per Section II.3.1 of this policy, and their status will be updated to "Operational Staff" as per Section II of this policy.
The Tech Hub Tag List section on the workbench tag should be updated to reflect Section II.2 2 of this proposal.
All other staff lists or documents which explicitly reference Moderator as a rank will be updated to reflect the changes of this proposal.
VII.C Charter Changes
Proposed Charter changes:
Current section:
If a separate voting thread is created to determine what disciplinary action is deemed appropriate for the given Staff member, individuals voting in that thread must have rank equal to or above the member in question, e.g. if a member of Operational Staff is being considered for disciplinary action, all members of OpStaff, moderators, and administrators may vote, while Junior Staff may not vote.
Proposed change:
If a separate voting thread is created to determine what disciplinary action is deemed appropriate for the given Staff member, individuals voting in that thread must have rank equal to or above the member in question, e.g. if a member of Operational Staff is being considered for disciplinary action, all members of OpStaff and above may vote, while Junior Staff may not vote.
(Proposed changes underlined for ease of viewing)
Current Section:
Staff are not to directly advertise their current position in the SCP Wiki’s staff structure on platforms where adult activity is expected or the norm. “I am [REDACTED], Moderator of SCP Wiki” is unnecessary; “[REDACTED], writer at SCP Wiki” is more acceptable, if among other hobby listings. It’s not necessary to fully isolate one’s self identity between the Wiki with other platforms, but a level of division is expected and heavily encouraged.
Proposed Change:
Staff are not to directly advertise their current position in the SCP Wiki’s staff structure on platforms where adult activity is expected or the norm. “I am [REDACTED], Admin of SCP Wiki” is unnecessary; “[REDACTED], writer at SCP Wiki” is more acceptable, if among other hobby listings. It’s not necessary to fully isolate one’s self identity between the Wiki with other platforms, but a level of division is expected and heavily encouraged.
(Proposed changes underlined for ease of viewing)
While Section V.B.4 of the Charter also mentions the word "moderator" in this instance my understanding is that it already denotes the set of Wikidot permissions rather than the staff rank. As such I propose that it remain unchanged at this time.
SECTION VIII: Responsibilities
The following is a list of responsibilities regarding this proposal and which staff groups are responsible for overseeing them:
Acting Team Captains are responsible for correctly following the nominations process and voting thread as laid out in Section III. Administrators are responsible for reviewing and validating that the process occurred in line with current policy. In the event the process was mishandled it is the responsibility of the Administrators to void the results. In the event the process was correctly handled and a candidate receives the Moderator tools role it is the responsibility of the Administrators to confer the role and its permissions upon the staff member as soon as possible.
Acting Team Captains are responsible for renewing Moderator tools roles as laid out in Section VI only for members of their team who require the role to complete team tasks.
Staff with the Moderator tools role are responsible for requesting the removal of their Moderator tools role if they no longer require it to complete their staff duties as laid out in Section V.
Administrators are responsible for the removal of the Moderator tools role and associated permissions as soon as possible when required from a staff member as laid out in Section V.
MAST as the team responsible for handling promotions are responsible for the maintaining of a list of all staff members with the Moderator tools role and the regular enacting of the Renewal process as specified in Section VI. In the event MAST are no longer responsible for promotions, those who have become responsible for the promotions process will be responsible for the Renewal process. In the event MAST in unable to handle their responsibilities as outlined in this document it is the responsibility of the Administrators to ensure that the Renewal process occurs.
Administrators are responsible for using their powers (such as admin Fiat) to ensure that this policy does not unduly interfere with staff work. (For example, though it is intentionally not provided for in this policy it may become necessary to use Admin Fiat to create an exception to one or more portions of this policy to one or more members of staff.)
It is the responsibility of the Administrators to ensure that Acting Team Captains, MAST and their fellow Administrators adhere to this policy.
It is the responsibility of every staff member to appropriately delegate their responsibilities if they themselves are unable to fulfill them.
SECTION IX: Plan of Action
This section pertains to actions that should be taken by Administrators, Acting Team Captains and MAST's O5 Updating subteam following the passing of this proposal.
Note: As this proposal coincides with the current 2023 Winter Promotions this proposal will not go into effect until the conclusion of the 2023 Winter Promotions, as communicated by Acting Team Captain(s) of MAST.
In the event that the conclusion of the 2023 Winter Promotions does not occur within 7 days of the scheduled conclusion of the 2023 Winter Promotions (February 19th 2023) then this proposal will instead immediately take effect.
Once this policy is in effect (as defined above) the following actions should be performed by one or more members of the appropriate members of staff:
0. O5 Updating are to make charter changes detailed in Section VII.C
1. Administrators are to rename the "Moderator" role to "Mod Tools" in the SCP Official Staff Server on Discord.
2. Administrators are to add the existing "Operational Staff" role to staff members with the "Mod Tools" role in the Official Staff Server on Discord.
3. Acting Team Captains are to ensure the above changes are reflected in their team's server(s).
4. Administrators are to add viewing permissions for #adcap-coordination to the "Operational Staff" role on the Official Staff Server on Discord.
5. O5 Updating are to make the changes detailed in Section VII.
6. Acting Team Captains are to ask all Active Operational Staff with the Mod Tools role on their team(s) if they require the Mod Tools role to perform their staff functions. Administrators are to be informed of these responses in #adcap-coordination.
7. Administrators are to remove the Moderator tools role on Discord and the Moderator role on Wikidot from every member of staff that qualifies for removal under Section V of this proposal (specifically: Inactive staff members and those in IX.6 explicitly stating they do not require the role).
8. 05 Updating are to make the appropriate changes as detailed in Section VII.
The above actions should be completed within 7 days of this policy coming into effect and must be completed within 14 days of this policy coming into effect.
SECTION X: This Document
This document will never be perfect. It may at any time contain typos, outdated information or unclear phrasing.
As such, at any time following the passing of this proposal any staff member may correct any typos (such as "mood" instead of "mod") or outdated information (such as the current quorum) on both this proposal and the "Mod Primer" defined in SectioN VII without requiring a formal vote or discussion.
Additionally, any staffer may, with the approval of one or more Admins, Acting Captains of MAST and/or Vice Captains of MAST make any change to the "Mod Primer" document provided the changes made can reasonably be justified to better and/or more accurately convey the powers and responsibilities of those with Mod Tools.
Thank you to Rounderhouse, torcsandantlers, stormfallen, Siddhartha Alonne and psychicprogrammer for their help with the proposal.
Thank you to Zyn and stormfallen for helping with the Mod Primer
This vote is open to Operational Staff and above.
Per the Site Charter, for this proposal to pass a supermajority (60%) of all voters to be implemented, and a minimum of 50% of active Staff participation.
||~ Yes ||~ No ||
|| X || X ||
Voting will go on for one week.