Linking to this thread for prior behavior.
A month ago, both GreenWolf and Vertigo got into an argument, and given recent popups, and the fact that Wolf has a prior record of not behaving in chat, well… this thread is being made. There's been more incidents that haven't been logged where he's either been unofficially warned or left chat before causing more trouble.
[2015-12-18 21:28:10] <DolphinSlugchugger> wait what the everliving fuck
[2015-12-18 21:28:28] <DolphinSlugchugger> The Know Nothing party called temselves the Native American Party? the fuck?
[2015-12-18 21:28:35] <GreenWolf> yes
[2015-12-18 21:28:36] <GreenWolf> they did
[2015-12-18 21:28:41] <caseymilo> well it could be worse
[2015-12-18 21:28:49] <Famine_> >_>
[2015-12-18 21:28:49] <GreenWolf> that tells you exactly what kind of assholes they were
[2015-12-18 21:28:56] <Blake> the
[2015-12-18 21:29:02] <Blake> the Native American Party
[2015-12-18 21:29:13] <Blake> I completely forgot the Know-Nothing party used to call themselves that
[2015-12-18 21:29:29] <DolphinSlugchugger> that's… I am hating people who are /dead/
[2015-12-18 21:29:40] <Famine_> ghosts.
[2015-12-18 21:29:41] <GreenWolf> Don't waste energy
[2015-12-18 21:29:45] <GreenWolf> hate people who are alive
[2015-12-18 21:29:49] <Blake> god
[2015-12-18 21:29:50] <Blake> I'm on ao3 and
[2015-12-18 21:29:52] <GreenWolf> and work on fixing that
[2015-12-18 21:29:57] <GreenWolf> i.e. making them not alive
[2015-12-18 21:30:03] <Blake> "If one of them touches your heart or lower parts, leave a comment asking to see it posted next!" might be the funniest line in a summary I've ever read
[2015-12-18 21:30:05] <caseymilo> Which costs energy
[2015-12-18 21:30:06] <DolphinSlugchugger> greenwolf: I mean, by saying "hate" I mean "having contempt
[2015-12-18 21:30:08] <GreenWolf> (don't kill peope)
[2015-12-18 21:30:08] <DolphinSlugchugger> "
[2015-12-18 21:30:09] <thedeadlymoose> lmao blake
[2015-12-18 21:30:15] <GreenWolf> *people
[2015-12-18 21:30:32] <DolphinSlugchugger> I don't think I really hate anyone vehemently who I know personally
[2015-12-18 21:30:46] <Famine_> i dont hate anyone im not related to
[2015-12-18 21:30:48] <DolphinSlugchugger> which isn't a good thing, probably
[2015-12-18 21:30:56] <GreenWolf> There are a few people that I really, really, despise
[2015-12-18 21:31:11] <Some_Potato> I hate some cauliflower from next door…
[2015-12-18 21:31:11] <GreenWolf> like, straight up "I wish you were dead" levels of despise
[2015-12-18 21:31:20] <Famine_> and i have met some interesting people
[2015-12-18 21:31:23] <GreenWolf> tobacco executives fall into that group
[2015-12-18 21:31:27] <caseymilo> What is the best vegetable and why is it broccoli?
[2015-12-18 21:31:34] <Famine_> stop.
[2015-12-18 21:31:53] <Famine_> best vegetable is carrots
[2015-12-18 21:31:55] <GreenWolf> seriously, if you are an executive in a tobacco company, die in a fire
[2015-12-18 21:32:01] <minmin> agreed, Famine_
[2015-12-18 21:32:03] <GreenWolf> not even kidding
[2015-12-18 21:32:06] <Some_Potato> it's because it's a little tree
[2015-12-18 21:32:18] <minmin> carrots are natural snack crunchies
[2015-12-18 21:32:21] <Famine_> brocco and ranch is good
[2015-12-18 21:32:22] <Famine_> but
[2015-12-18 21:32:24] <Some_Potato> GreenWolf, and EA
[2015-12-18 21:32:26] ⇐ Athena_Grey quit (PI.F2ECC73.6240ACCD.E99385A6|tibbiM#PI.F2ECC73.6240ACCD.E99385A6|tibbiM): Quit: ajax IRC Client
[2015-12-18 21:32:27] <caseymilo> My dad worked for one pretty briefly
[2015-12-18 21:32:27] <Famine_> i prefer my carrots
[2015-12-18 21:32:30] <GreenWolf> Some_Potato: no
[2015-12-18 21:32:36] <Some_Potato> :(
[2015-12-18 21:32:41] <GreenWolf> EA is annoying, but they don't /literally kill people/
[2015-12-18 21:32:44] <Famine_> also > any vegetable that has been cooked in any way: abomination
[2015-12-18 21:32:46] <GreenWolf> indirectly, at least
[2015-12-18 21:33:00] <GreenWolf> like, if you make things to kill people, you are an asshole
[2015-12-18 21:33:07] ⇐ Gaffsey quit (||ees.i): Quit: Leaving
[2015-12-18 21:33:07] <Famine_> eh
[2015-12-18 21:33:11] <Famine_> i disagree
[2015-12-18 21:33:30] <caseymilo> I'll be honest but most people I know who are anti-smoking are also totally into drinking hard liquor and smoking weed
[2015-12-18 21:33:30] <Famine_> things *that* kill people
[2015-12-18 21:33:35] <minmin> GreenWolf: you won't be saying that when they soulbond you to a circuit board and force your etheric essence to host online FIFA matches
[2015-12-18 21:33:39] <minmin> forever
[2015-12-18 21:33:47] <caseymilo> So I don't know who they think they're fooling
[2015-12-18 21:33:54] <Famine_> i think alcohol is worse tbh
[2015-12-18 21:33:56] <Some_Potato> Yeah, but they are ruining a beloved industry
[2015-12-18 21:34:09] <GreenWolf> caseymilo: that is… such a huge generalization
[2015-12-18 21:34:13] <GreenWolf> that it actually makes me angry
[2015-12-18 21:34:18] <Famine_> i have never known anyone who could put a cork in it
[2015-12-18 21:34:25] <caseymilo> I said the people I know, not those you know.
[2015-12-18 21:34:28] <GreenWolf> Some_Potato: no, the industry is ruining itself
[2015-12-18 21:34:40] <thedeadlymoose> alcohol /is/ worse
[2015-12-18 21:34:43] <caseymilo> I live in a pretty small town anyway with like a little over 6,000 people in it anyway
[2015-12-18 21:34:45] <GreenWolf> if consumers would actually vote with their wallets, companies wouldn't pull this shit
[2015-12-18 21:34:47] <Some_Potato> Let's not start
[2015-12-18 21:34:50] <thedeadlymoose> weed isn't, so that was a little weird comparison-wise
[2015-12-18 21:34:54] <Famine_> thedeadlymoose, i just hate drunks
[2015-12-18 21:34:56] <thedeadlymoose> I don't take issue with tobacco companies personally
[2015-12-18 21:35:01] <thedeadlymoose> Famine_: I meant in terms of health, haha
[2015-12-18 21:35:25] <Metaphysician> Cannabis; the only people to actually die from it, or anything related to it, had an allergic reaction ;p
[2015-12-18 21:35:29] <Some_Potato> Famine_, drunks tend not to try to becone drunks
[2015-12-18 21:35:36] <thedeadlymoose> GreenWolf: Well, you did make an equally rage-inducing over-generalization
[2015-12-18 21:35:38] <caseymilo> I know a man who died from using weed
[2015-12-18 21:35:45] <caseymilo> A big ton box of it fell in him and he died
[2015-12-18 21:35:51] <Some_Potato> in?
[2015-12-18 21:35:51] <Metaphysician> Of course, at this point? I'm baffled about people still smoking cigarettes
[2015-12-18 21:35:54] <GreenWolf> thedeadlymoose: which was?
[2015-12-18 21:35:57] <caseymilo> On, in
[2015-12-18 21:35:58] <Vertigo> ><GreenWolf> if consumers would actually vote with their wallets, companies wouldn't pull this shit
[2015-12-18 21:35:58] <Metaphysician> I fucking HATE anti-smoking adverts.
[2015-12-18 21:35:59] <caseymilo> Both are fatal
[2015-12-18 21:36:02] <thedeadlymoose> I mean, do you loathe gun manufacturers? Do you loathe everyone in the military?
[2015-12-18 21:36:02] <Metaphysician> I almost want to smoke to spite them…
[2015-12-18 21:36:06] → Positronium joined (tahw.gnitfihs|mgidarap#tahw.gnitfihs|mgidarap)
[2015-12-18 21:36:08] <Vertigo> Seems like the vote was held, and you feel the people have voted wrong
[2015-12-18 21:36:16] <GreenWolf> thedeadlymoose: yes to a)
[2015-12-18 21:36:19] <Vertigo> And now take issue with their agency
[2015-12-18 21:36:31] <GreenWolf> military doesn't actually make things to kill people
[2015-12-18 21:36:31] <caseymilo> Yeah I don't wanna be eating a tasty venison steak with potatoes and beans and see a commercial of a lung being chopped up and having A1 Sauce pour out of it
[2015-12-18 21:36:32] * GoomAway is now known as Goomy
[2015-12-18 21:36:33] <Some_Potato> Guys
[2015-12-18 21:36:34] <GreenWolf> they just kill people
[2015-12-18 21:36:41] <Some_Potato> this is a bad idea
[2015-12-18 21:36:42] <GreenWolf> which is a separate issue entirely
[2015-12-18 21:36:43] <Some_Potato> let's not
[2015-12-18 21:36:45] <Metaphysician> No, it's not even the lung one
[2015-12-18 21:36:49] <Metaphysician> That makes sense. It's honest.
[2015-12-18 21:36:58] <Famine_> .-.
[2015-12-18 21:37:05] <caseymilo> There's the one with the little cheeldrins
[2015-12-18 21:37:06] <Metaphysician> Now this millennial bullshit I see…
[2015-12-18 21:37:19] <Famine_> i think whos to blame
[2015-12-18 21:37:23] <Some_Potato> Can we not?
[2015-12-18 21:37:28] <Famine_> are the people… purchasing it!
[2015-12-18 21:37:37] <thedeadlymoose> Re: cigarettes — people do it that I know to deal with stress
[2015-12-18 21:37:40] — thedeadlymoose shrug
[2015-12-18 21:37:54] <Some_Potato> Can we not do this?
[2015-12-18 21:37:54] <Famine_> on their own volition?
[2015-12-18 21:38:01] <Famine_> woah
[2015-12-18 21:38:02] <Metaphysician> Also, the companies lied and lied but that was, well, ages ago; I think they should have been sued into oblivion but how do people get "tricked" into it these days?
[2015-12-18 21:38:09] <Metaphysician> Everyone knows what they do.
[2015-12-18 21:38:11] <caseymilo> That's really it, it outweighs the fact that it comes at a heavy cost to their body until they are hit with that cost
[2015-12-18 21:38:16] → BlueProtoman joined (~moc.rr.ser.cyn.94E0B008-CRInys|otorPeulB#moc.rr.ser.cyn.94E0B008-CRInys|otorPeulB)
[2015-12-18 21:38:24] <Soulless> thedeadlymoose: how does the Merry Gentleman find you when you're mad, does he have a crazy-dar, because you've apparently seen him when you wake up? and he just follows you??
[2015-12-18 21:38:30] <GreenWolf> Some_Potato: no one is doing anything
[2015-12-18 21:38:36] <Metaphysician> THIS
[2015-12-18 21:38:38] <Goomy> .showtells
[2015-12-18 21:38:40] <caseymilo> Because they're taking more solace in having a drag after work than worrying about their health, I guess
[2015-12-18 21:38:40] <Metaphysician> I am dumber for watching this.
[2015-12-18 21:38:40] <Famine_> sugar is worse than ciggs and alc
[2015-12-18 21:38:43] <BlueProtoman> Thought: What if 4chan was an SCP? Or at least an SCP-J?
[2015-12-18 21:38:50] <thedeadlymoose> Soulless: I have no idea lmao
[2015-12-18 21:38:59] <Metaphysician> This is everything I hate, in the form of an anti-smoking ad.
[2015-12-18 21:39:01] <thedeadlymoose> BlueProtoman: It was done years ago and deleted for being boring
[2015-12-18 21:39:15] — caseymilo gives Metaphysician a pistol
[2015-12-18 21:39:15] <Some_Potato> GreenWolf, everyone is tackling polarized issues and it's not gonna end well :/
[2015-12-18 21:39:17] <caseymilo> kill me
[2015-12-18 21:39:19] <Metaphysician> And this…
[2015-12-18 21:39:23] <thedeadlymoose> "Because they're taking more solace in having a drag after work than worrying about their health, I guess" «< Accurate
[2015-12-18 21:39:32] <GreenWolf> Some_Potato: not really
[2015-12-18 21:39:33] <Soulless> thedeadlymoose: Is he like, the grim reaper, except coming to take your soul he just corrals crazy people to make the victorian-era version of an album of excessively cute cat vines
[2015-12-18 21:39:44] <thedeadlymoose> Soulless: hahahahahahahaha
[2015-12-18 21:39:55] <thedeadlymoose> I dunno how he magically knows, no
[2015-12-18 21:40:09] <Some_Potato> GreenWolf, Ys rly
[2015-12-18 21:40:12] <thedeadlymoose> I don't get the impression he knows for everyone, it's just a Giant Coincidence, I guess
[2015-12-18 21:40:19] <Soulless> thedeadlymoose: Don't disagree with me, if he was in modern day he would totally make vines of the crazy people
[2015-12-18 21:40:23] <Vertigo> Some_Potato, he can't see it.
[2015-12-18 21:40:27] <Vertigo> Just let 'er coast.
[2015-12-18 21:40:30] <Vertigo> Enjoy the ride
[2015-12-18 21:40:31] <GreenWolf> Some_Potato: no, because we are having a civil discourse
[2015-12-18 21:40:35] <BlueProtoman> thedeadlymoose: Was the concept poor, or could it have been saved with a better execution?
[2015-12-18 21:40:45] <GreenWolf> literally the only one who has an issue with it is you
[2015-12-18 21:40:56] <thedeadlymoose> BlueProtoman: The concept is poor. That said, you could still save a poor concept with good execution
[2015-12-18 21:41:01] <DolphinSlugchugger> metaphysician: holy shit
[2015-12-18 21:41:05] <thedeadlymoose> I'm not seeing an angle, personally?
[2015-12-18 21:41:11] <thedeadlymoose> Soulless: yes he would lol
[2015-12-18 21:41:20] <BlueProtoman> Some day…
[2015-12-18 21:41:21] <caseymilo> I know it's my fault for ever having buzzfeed in my Youtube search results but they just released a video criticizing how Star Wars VII has a black person in it
[2015-12-18 21:41:23] <thedeadlymoose> BlueProtoman: I mean, what would it really be beyond "lol, 4chan"
[2015-12-18 21:41:24] <DolphinSlugchugger> I'd say something about that being cancer inducing but that would be very tragic q_q
[2015-12-18 21:41:29] <GreenWolf> thedeadlymoose: eh, some concepts are so poor you can't save them
[2015-12-18 21:41:33] <caseymilo> I don't think these people know what they want
[2015-12-18 21:41:41] <thedeadlymoose> GreenWolf: that's what people said about bigfoot
[2015-12-18 21:41:45] <Vertigo> GreenWolf, how does this concern for public health carry over to other issues? Do you feel as protective when it comes to abortions?
[2015-12-18 21:41:52] <Some_Potato> I don't care much myself about the issues, but this how internet angrz start
[2015-12-18 21:41:53] <Metaphysician> Who are they trying to save? Who doesn't know what cigs do at this point?
[2015-12-18 21:41:53] <GreenWolf> well, no, I mean, —
[2015-12-18 21:41:54] → Itazu joined (~ten.nhb.ser.5211D276-CRInys|sunoyabas#ten.nhb.ser.5211D276-CRInys|sunoyabas)
[2015-12-18 21:42:06] ⇐ caseymilo quit (ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.46202773-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.46202773-CRInys|tibbiM): Quit: ajax IRC Client
[2015-12-18 21:42:08] <GreenWolf> Vertigo: are you trying to start a flame ear
[2015-12-18 21:42:10] <Metaphysician> My grandparents didn't know better - they were lied to, there was propaganda.
[2015-12-18 21:42:21] <GreenWolf> because that is a question which is entirely bait
[2015-12-18 21:42:22] <Metaphysician> So really, no excuse at this point.
[2015-12-18 21:42:23] <Some_Potato> GreenWolf, SEE?
[2015-12-18 21:42:25] <thedeadlymoose> GreenWolf: What?
[2015-12-18 21:42:25] <Vertigo> GreenWolf, I'm trying to start a civil discourse.
[2015-12-18 21:42:25] <DolphinSlugchugger> like, I despise smoking, yes, but it's someone's right to do it
[2015-12-18 21:42:36] <Soulless> thedeadlymoose: Fanfic where, in the future of 2015, Shanghai is taken or something, and Merry Gentleman literally has a vine and all he uploads are mad people and torches
[2015-12-18 21:42:37] <GreenWolf> Vertigo: no, you're being a troll
[2015-12-18 21:42:39] <Vertigo> Mind you I've stated no position at all, and have no intention of doing so.
[2015-12-18 21:42:39] → caseymilo joined (ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.46202773-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.46202773-CRInys|tibbiM)
[2015-12-18 21:42:44] * Channel mode set to +m by thedeadlymoose
[2015-12-18 21:42:54] <Famine_> i like waffles.
[2015-12-18 21:43:10] <thedeadlymoose> Conversation is over. GreenWolf, Vertigo was being no more incendiary than you. Let's not have troll accusations in the future.
[2015-12-18 21:43:14] * Channel mode set to -m by thedeadlymoose
[2015-12-18 21:43:16] <thedeadlymoose> Carry on.
Moose officially warned, don't know if it was for both of them or just GreenWolf.