Noting that Mr Maryot (account age 549 days, site membership 221 days) has recently been posting low-effort feedback on the forums:
It's an interesting idea. To make a better review I would like you to give me more information or give me a sandbox. Send me in PM (Private Message).
I woul enjoy reading this, but there is on problem:
A SCP that is in space, it can alter space and time and it is a reality warper…
There are lots of reality warpers on this site. The best thing about an SCPs is what makes them unique. This SCP isn't really unique because I remember reading SCPs about space and I remember reading SCPs about reality warpers. Give it something unique and it might have a chance.
Anyways, have a great day.
This idea is so interesting. I like this idea and I would like to help you make this SCP better. If you need any help PM (Private Message) me. I don't see anything bad here.
If you are seeking greenlight please reach out to reviewers to request that they look at your thread. You can find a list of ways to contact reviewers in this thread:
As well as backseat modding by copy-pasting a staff comment:
All of the above have been staffposted. Of note, this is not the first time they have posted vague/overly positive feedback: