User Ivory Partnaite expressed some really bigoted views regarding queer folks in #thecritters channel on IRC when asked to review an idea pitch. I issued a permaban given the circumstances.
[2023-01-14 00:47:33] <Iszth> Anyone about wanna check out one of my SCP ideas about a drunken Transgender Aphrodite?
[2023-01-14 00:48:04] <Iszth> Greek mythology shenaniganary
[2023-01-14 00:48:37] <Ivory_Partnaite> If the transgender part was removed I'd read it
[2023-01-14 00:48:51] <Iszth> Whats wrong with that exactly?
[2023-01-14 00:48:51] <Corvid> I'll check it out, but I haven't done a ton of crit on the site
[2023-01-14 00:48:54] <BoogeyMan23> "This is a very risky mission. We sent our best men, and none of them could eat the whole basket of SUICIDE-DIABLO HOT WINGS within the 30 minute challenge time limit…"
[2023-01-14 00:49:03] <Mars> Ivory_Partnaite: what's wrong with that?
[2023-01-14 00:49:17] <Iszth> Thats alright Corvid, I just want some overall opinions and thoughts :)
[2023-01-14 00:49:17] <Ivory_Partnaite> I wouldn't like it
[2023-01-14 00:49:28] <Iszth>
[2023-01-14 00:49:35] <Hydric> does anyone know how I could make a component?
[2023-01-14 00:49:45] <Ivory_Partnaite> Component?
[2023-01-14 00:49:46] <TV_Atlas1> Anyone free to crit my second SCP draft, it’s about 4,400 words and it’s my first draft. Here’s the link to the draft forum:
[2023-01-14 00:49:53] <Hydric> Ivory_Partnaite yeah, the stuff you include onto an article
[2023-01-14 00:49:59] <Mars> Ivory_Partnaite: Elaborate, if you would
[2023-01-14 00:50:03] <Iszth> I dont like a lot of things I review. But, unbiased review is important
[2023-01-14 00:50:10] <Ivory_Partnaite> Mars Personal opinion
[2023-01-14 00:50:27] <Ivory_Partnaite> Hydric Like uh… Collapsible text?
[2023-01-14 00:50:30] <Hydric> no
[2023-01-14 00:50:34] <Mars> Just not a fan of trans articles?
[2023-01-14 00:50:40] <Hydric> like a theme being included and stuff like that
[2023-01-14 00:50:48] <Mars> Or rather, articles with that sort of content
[2023-01-14 00:50:49] <Hydric> via the "[[include]]" thing
[2023-01-14 00:50:57] <Mars> Just trying to paint a clear picture here
[2023-01-14 00:50:57] <Hydric> a better example would be the ACS bar
[2023-01-14 00:51:00] <Ivory_Partnaite> Mars I'm not a fan of trans in general, I tend to stay away from LGTBQ stuff.
[2023-01-14 00:51:01] <Mars> For posterity
[2023-01-14 00:51:06] <Mars> Ah
[2023-01-14 00:51:12] <Iszth> Not a fan
[2023-01-14 00:51:14] <Iszth> lol
[2023-01-14 00:52:00] <Hydric> Mars would you be willing to help me figure out how to create a component for the wiki? I can't find any resources on how to do it
[2023-01-14 00:52:04] <Ivory_Partnaite> Because I'm a "straight entitled white privileged male" they're always talking about.
[2023-01-14 00:52:07] <Ivory_Partnaite> But anyways
[2023-01-14 00:52:09] <Ivory_Partnaite> Uh…
[2023-01-14 00:52:19] <Hydric> yeah lets stop with that before something bad happens please
[2023-01-14 00:52:24] <TV_Atlas1> This seems a little weird
[2023-01-14 00:52:30] <Hydric> I'd like to continue talking with you about your draft
[2023-01-14 00:52:44] <Hydric> lets just drop that conversation entirely and move on
[2023-01-14 00:52:55] <Ivory_Partnaite> I chose Captain Dart for the Team Leader
[2023-01-14 00:53:00] <Hydric> Ivory_Partnaite could you send a link to your idea/draft?
[2023-01-14 00:53:05] <Ivory_Partnaite> Yeah
[2023-01-14 00:53:06] <Hydric> so I could give it a read
[2023-01-14 00:53:08] <Hydric> ty
[2023-01-14 00:53:12] <Ivory_Partnaite> I'm editing it right now
[2023-01-14 00:53:13] <Ivory_Partnaite>
[2023-01-14 00:53:31] <Mars> Well, the SCP community is notoriously LGBT
[2023-01-14 00:53:44] <Mars> There are trans and queer characters everywhere you look around here
[2023-01-14 00:53:49] <Ivory_Partnaite> I thought it was SCPBBQ+
~ M.D.R.