Making this post with Zyn's permission, and on behalf of the forum crit team.
PenOrSaber1 (Wikidot user since 79 days) has made several posts and replies deemed as spam by the forum crit team. These primarily include:
- Several replies to other authors’ crit threads from September with unnecessary links to forum resources.
- Solicitations for co-authorship and crit, also on other users’ threads.
- Numerous Idea posts, none of which they pursued into a draft or article.
- Requesting thread locks for idea posts soon after creation.
Regarding the last two points, this user has demonstrated a lack of follow-through with critiques they’ve received, abandoning their idea after receiving negative feedback instead of attempting to fix the concept. As a result, OriTiefling and other reviewers have refused to give this user further crit.
Despite several staffposts and communication with the Forum team, user continued with this behavior. As such, PenorSaber1 has been given an official warning via a PM from myself, indicating they would receive a short ban if they didn’t stop.
Content of PM conversation can be found below:
Hello PenOrSaber1,
This is a message from the SCP wiki's Critique Team staff, regarding your recent behavior on the forums. Specifically:
- Posting multiple idea threads in succession, without pursuing any such threads into drafts or on-site articles. This is in addition to requesting thread locks soon after the initial post’s creation. While some ideas don't work out, putting so many concepts without pursuing any causes spam. It also noticeably inconveniences your reviewers and forum staff.
- Not responding to or applying critique given to you by reviewers. Most concepts require revisions. Your reviewers are there to point out weaknesses so that issues can be fixed, not to cause the author to abandon the idea entirely. Dropping these threads quickly after receiving critique gives the impression that you don't value the time and effort spent by people reviewing your ideas.
- Soliciting crit and/or collaborations on other authors’ posts. This causes spam on said threads, in addition to not being helpful to the author. The ideas forum simply isn't a place to solicit collaboration, particularly without prior conversation. Additionally, you have failed to cite co-authors in at least one of your posts. This again shows a disregard for fellow users’ time and contributions.
As such, staff is issuing an Official Warning. You must review the required readings guidelines. Additionally, you are expected to commit to one of the numerous ideas you’ve already presented, and respond to feedback you’ve received, as opposed to creating more threads. Continuation of the behaviors noted above will result in a ban from the site.
Your current record is noted here:
If needed, you may PM me with any more questions or concerns you may have.
Response received in two PMs
First PM
I have made 4 forum posts in the idea forum by me, two of those being co-author idea. My first Idea I had locked since it didn't work out, so I moved to my second Idea, which I am still on. I have reached out to multiple reviewers and still haven't gotten a responce, and feel as if I'm being ignored by reviewers. I don't know what to do anymore.
Also, as far as I know I have only requested two threads to be locked, my very idea, which was months ago, and then a co-author thread, since we decided to change it before we sought a reviewer, and I didn't know I could/needed to change the title.
I can't say anything regarding the not mentioning a co-author, since I truly forgot to mention they came up with the original idea, or the spam posts, as I forget to edit my posts, and post questions regarding the authros post that may not be helpful to them.
I will try to do better, but I honestly don't know who to contact for reviews anymore regarding my own idea.
Thanks for letting me know, and have a happy early Thanksgiving,
Second Pm:
I've decided that once I get my own original idea done, I'm going to take a long break from the scp foundation.
Thank you for your response.
Please review the non-disciplinary thread for more information. The biggest issue is how you have interacted with reviewers thus far. The messages sent by myself and OriTiefling have these details outlined.
If you continue to struggle, this thread has some more advice on getting reviews:
If you are going to be taking a break from the wiki, do you still plan on participating in art exchange?
I wish to, but I don't see how I can as I'm not a member anymore…
Anyway, thank you for your time and letting me know of the situation.
User has since left the SCP wiki of their own accord, indicating they are taking a break.
The non-disc record for this user for prior interactions can be found here: