This vote is whether to remove the following text from the Staff Levels tab of Staff Structure:
Site Ambassadors: These users are members of other SCP Foundation sites, usually translation sites, with which we desire to maintain a close working relationship. These users are not necessarily staff (though some may be, and any may become staff through the normal process), and their 'duties', as far as staff is concerned, are advisory and informational. Their input is always appreciated, but they shouldn't be bothered with the minutiae of the site unless they choose to involve themselves. Ambassadors are chosen by the administration of their own site, who directly inform our administrators of the choice, at which point, they're admitted to the site and added to the team automatically.
and whether to thereafter remove any 05 members who were given site membership as ambassadors from other SCP sites and are not otherwise part of -EN staff. As best I can tell, this list consists of:
Dr Grym
Flawed (was also -EN JS at one point, but not at present)
slashannemoo (was also -EN JS at one point, but not at present)
This vote makes no changes to -EN's Ambassador team.
||~ ||~ YES ||~ NO ||
|| Remove Site Ambassador role? || X || X ||
|| If yes, remove 05 access for former ambassadors? || X || X ||
Voting will go on for one week and is open to Operational Staff and above.