Noting that PenOrSaber1 (account age 16 days, site membership 15 days. Also, their user profile reads, "I will not be using my SCP account until of July 8, 2023, due to restrictions."?) has recently been spamming critique threads with links to the forum resources, and nothing else:
If you want someone to greenlight your concept, look at this link:
If you want to get someone to greenlight this, look at this link:
Go to the butterfly squad, link here:
Find one you think would best edit your idea, and click on their profile. There is a option that says send private message in red font. Click it and send them the link to this page. This is my understanding of it, but it may be incorrect.
This link also shows it in detail:
I've sent them a PM asking them to refrain from this behavior.
ETA: also noting feedback that was addressed by staff
Unless I'm wrong, an SCP article explains how to contain an anomaly, not explain its existence, or its backstory. I believe this would be better written as a tale. The gun can still be an SCP, but I think you should make a main page for it, such as an SCP article telling how to contain, listing incidents that were cuased by the gun, and make a separate tale on its backstory. Therefore you aren't mixing the two separate types of pages, and it will make more sense to the reader. […]