04 link: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-15187086/disscussion-staff-induction-page
It has been made apparent that staff does not have a good way to induct new staff members with confusion in JS about policy and not knowing at all that they can join other teams just by asking. We such in cooperation with Lucio we have put together this staff induction page: http://05command.wikidot.com/sandbox:staff-induction
Currently it is just for general staff information and needs team captains to have an induction for their specific teams and their responsibilities. This should also help with intra staff team recruitment allowing members outside of the team a good look into the basics of what a team does.
This induction is meant to be a living document that can be freely changed to reflect how we actually do things and not how we should do things.
We are proposing adding this to o5command under /staff-induction as a sidebar item and requiring all new js to read it. This page will be available to update by captains, vice captains, admins and the MAST 05 updating team, in order to add improvements and to update as times change.