04 link: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-15121983/discussion-age-unraising
We are all familiar with our age raising policy requiring all users to be over 18 by May 8th, 2023. This has proven to be a controversial policy both within staff and outside staff.
This discussion is about if we should modify this policy to allow some level of minors to join the site. This is not a discussion about the legal issues as that will happen only if we decide to reduce the age requirements.
Reminder that Mann has specifically asked us not to argue about the legal side of things as none of us are lawyers or willing to give legal consultation. If we decide to go though with this, only then we can consult a lawyer to make sure that there are no legal landmines.
Due to this being a very historically controversial subject discussion time has been extended to two weeks.
In any case this is not going to be a quick process
Key questions to be discussed in this thread:
- Should we lower our on-site minimum age?
- If so, what should the minimum age be?
- What changes need to be made to various teams to ensure that this site is both safe for minors and for staff?
Previous discussion: