Mainsite Mirror
I'm posting this with the approval of the Captains and Vice Captains of MAST, it's a reshuffle that's been planned for a while but not yet implemented.
As previously Discussed, the Wikiwalk Team within MAST is being disbanded. In addition to ending the Grand Crosslinking and informing all authors who submitted articles for crosslinking, Wikiwalk also had vaguely defined responsibilities for various hubs, including approving new entries to pages like Groups of Interest and the Canon Hub, which need to be sorted out. While working on this proposal we discovered that the responsibilities of the Collab Log pruning and Navigation subteams were also poorly defined. Going forward, we will clearly define the responsibilities of these two teams, ensuring that both staff and users can easily understand what each team is responsible for. Any pages not clearly within the purview of these two teams (or other groups within staff like the Tech team) will be a general staff responsibility as described on the Staff Purview page, with any suggestions for substantial changes being handled by the Rewrite Team.
All pages within staff purview remain the responsibility of the Rewrite Team, but for specific types of page, responsibility for maintenance and updates is shared with MAST. Any site member or staff member is welcome to make suggestions for these teams to consider, or to request permission to make specific changes to pages these teams are responsible for.
Collab Log Pruning will be renamed Collaboration Pages and will be responsible for maintaining collaboration pages within staff purview. This includes answering questions regarding collaboration pages and the permitted additions and alterations, and removing entries that are deemed to be offensive or low quality. In the case of very long collaboration pages, new volumes may be created to contain additional entries, with the original being locked. This does not permit the team to make changes to the original content of these collaboration pages, only to remove later additions.
While by default collaboration pages should be left open to new contributions, they can be locked (temporarily or permanently) at the discretion of staff to prevent vandalism, or upon request from the original creator or an appointed curator.
The team will also exercise editorial control over a small number of pages on behalf of staff, enforcing standards for inclusion that should be clearly defined on the page. The pages below are listed because they were created by Staff or have been fully transferred to Staff Purview, but contain user created contributions that should be preserved, while ensuring that new additions meet the specified standards. Collaboration Pages is permitted to make changes to the format of these pages and the order of entries within them, for example by creating new tabs in the Personnel and Character Dossier or new subsections in the Essay Hub. The team can also approve edits to existing entries, such as approving a request to update the description of a Group of Interest or a Foundation facility, although this should be used to expand on previous work rather than to redefining it entirely. Major changes to any of these pages (such as the recent revamp of the Facilities page) would go to O5 for public discussion and feedback prior to implementation, although any member of the site would be free to propose this kind of change to the Collaboration Pages team. The guiding principle is that these pages should belong to the wiki as a whole, not to staff or to any specific contributor.
These pages will be listed on O5 Command and linked from the MAST Hub, in addition to a list of collab logs that are being actively monitored and pruned by a member of MAST - at this moment, this only includes SCP-914 Experiment Logs (Leveritas), the SCP-682 Termination Log (Jerden) and the Log of Anomalous Items (Jerden). The page on Staff Purview should also be updated to reflect this delegation from Rewrite to MAST.
Navigation is responsible for maintenance and updates to pages within staff purview that do not contain user generated content beyond titles. This includes the front page, top bar and side bar, SCP Series lists, and the various hubs for other types of article. The purview of the Navigation team, and the process to be followed when making major and minor changes to these pages, is fully specified on the Nav Manifesto, which will also be copied onto O5 Command and linked from the MAST Hub. The page on Staff Purview should also be updated to reflect this delegation from Rewrite to MAST. Navigation will also be responsible for the implementation of wikiwalk footers to SCP articles lacking them, although the addition of a wikiwalk footer to an article lacking one will be considered an acceptable edit for any member of the site to make, since it is now part of the standard SCP template.
The Guide Hub and Required Reading Hub will remain the responsibility of the Guide Updating Team.
This is primarily a reshuffle of responsibility within MAST, and does not grant members of MAST the authority to do anything that has not already been done. I regard this primarily as the codification of existing responsibilities, with minimal effect on how MAST actually functions. If anyone would like to ask questions, suggest changes or request a vote on this proposal, this Discussion Thread will be open for a week. If there are no objections, after a week we will consider this passed by consensus and begin making the necessary edits to pages.