So far, the various critique teams on the wiki have largely operated separately, within similar staff spaces. While this approach has worked to this point, we believe that formally merging the teams together would benefit not only communication and collaboration between crit teams, but also improve the critique spaces on the site as a whole. The proposal we have goes as follows:
Merge the existing critique teams into one large team, formally called the Critique Team. This team will be responsible for the coordination of the various critique subteams. The captain will be Zyn, with
Naepic and the following section heads serving as VCs:
The subteams will be as follows-
1. Forum Crit, with fabledtiefling does not match any existing user name serving as the section head.
2. Discord Crit, with Meserach serving as the section head.
3. IRC Crit, with Marcelles_Raynes does not match any existing user name serving as the section head.
The potential for the establishment of a formalized Site Crit team exists, but is currently still in development. The duties and responsibilities of each subteam will remain in line with existing team duties and responsibilities in those respective areas. (e.g., Forum Crit addresses rulebreaking posts in the critique forums, Discord crit manages the critique related channels on the official Discord, etc.)
Other changes this proposal will cause are the following-
1. Updating relevant staff pages on O5 to reflect team changes/new team compositions
2. A review of existing Forum Crit/Site Crit reference pages to ensure that they are accurate to new team structures/creation of new pages for newly established teams. I can't promise this is a comprehensive list, but the following pages will need to be updated-
-Staff Structure (Remove Site Criticism, Change Forum Criticism to Criticism Team)
-Chat Guide on the main wiki (Add IRC Crit to the Staff and Bots tab, potentially add IRC specific crit rules to rules tab)
-Existing O5 Staff Rosters (Change staff roles to reflect new team assignments)
-Team Hubs (Remove Site Criticism, change Forum Criticism to Criticism Team)
-Updating the roles for users being added as Captains/VCs in relevant staff channels
With the above outlined, we propose formally merging the existing crit teams together into one team.
As always, this discussion will remain open for 1 week.