I'm startin' with the man innnnn the mirror
This proposal seeks to remove the Moderator rank as a staff rank, both in a social and functional capacity, while keeping a vote for people who get the Mod abilities on the wiki proper. (Going forward i'll use the terms Staff Mod and Wiki Mod for the sake of clarity.)
The changes this proposal would cause are:
- Removal of Staff Mod from any and all places that replicate the site staff structure, from 05command to the various discord servers.
- All current Staff Mods will be made into Operational Staff.
- Staffers who currently have Wiki Mod will keep it.
- Wiki Mod rank will be given on a need-to-use basis using a vote, outlined below.
- If someone is believed to need Wiki Mod for the completion of their job, their captains/vice-captains/an admin could start a vote to give them the relevant permissions.
- The vote would include a short explanation of why the relevant staffer requires the role.
- The vote would go on for 5 days (or more if wanted), require a 30% staff participation quorum, and a 60% approval in the vote proper.
- NOTE: In staffchat it was suggested to have a small static quorum rather than a percentage-based one, so we'd like to hear what people would think of a 10 person quorum rather than 30% participation quorum.
- The vote would not be required to adhere to any schedule, and would occur whenever necessary.
- Items which currently require Staff Mod+ to view in any staff channels, such as Adcap, will be viewable to OS.
Additionally, staffers who pass the vote will be asked to read a quick primer on the powers gained with Wiki Mod.
This change is being proposed due to a large number of staffers, especially on MAST, who have needed the Wiki Mod permissions to properly do their job, but were unable to get said role for a significant amount of time. For example, Deletions having extremely active OS members who could not actually carry out deletions, despite being obviously qualified. As promotion votes happen very infrequently, this is a significant amount of time to stifle workflow, and should be avoided if possible.