Leeway would be to judge whatever they decide is post-worthy, this is not letting them experiment with an idea.
I strongly disagree that's what is happening. Nobody is stopping the draft or deleting work done. Nobody is stopping experimentation. We're asking a question we have a right to ask about content on a space we control which is subject to our site's rules. You might assert that being approached in this manner and about this topic is akin to putting a gag order on author but that invites a whole host of diverging branches of this topic better explored elsewhere.
If our metric is how bad an article seems on the surface,
It's not. Like many things this is a reason to look further. If you ask how old someone is and they supply you with two different birthdays, such as when joining the site, this should raise suspicion. This does not mean they are underage, it means something doesn't look right and you can ask more. Surely this is agreeable? Right now the articles lacks anything further for us to judge, so we're asking.
So yes, having a work that doesn't instantly go "nazis are bad we hate nazis those faceless villains who are different from us" is a good thing.
Sure, it'd be great if the author could make that case instead of anyone (including Disc) assuming intention. We agree on that, we just disagree on where we can and should be asking.
One of the two is in a space that touts itself on being only for final works, the other is a space for unfinished, unpolished drafts. This is an unequal comparison.
It's only an unequal comparison in the sense that they are separate containers for the same set of rules. Yes, you do different things in the gym than you do in the grocery store but state law applies in both locations. Our site rules apply to both locations. Plagiarism, article vandalism, non-CC compliant images, all of these rules apply to both locations just one is infinitely more difficult to keep up on than the other. There are different rules within each such as voting thresholds and article deletions and out-of-band stuff but there is no different content policy.
I'm going to stop you right there - yes it is.
While you're entitled to your strongly held personal convictions I can't really discuss this with you if this is how you're going to approach this topic and me.