23:49 * big_guns joined #site19 ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.C1F495D4-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.C1F495D4-CRInys|tibbiM
23:49 BusyWolf AJMansfield: depends on the kind of light you want
23:49 Aleph Wait a second…
23:49 DolphinSlugchugger what… who made this
23:49 big_guns guns that eat smacks
23:49 big_guns It depends greatly on the typ of the round
23:49 BusyWolf hello markov bot
23:49 big_guns 1,000
23:49 BusyWolf ops
23:50 Aleph DolphinSlugchugger: What if instead of jewelry they use our mined souls to produce fancy lightbulbs
23:50 big_guns thhat would be possible
23:50 DolphinSlugchugger oh my god
23:50 - Deci|AFK has banned *!*@synIRC-4D594F1C.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au
23:50 DolphinSlugchugger aleph that's terrible i love it
23:50 * big_guns was kicked by Deci|AFK (stop being a bot)
From 17:
23:50 * big_guns joined #site17 ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.C1F495D4-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.C1F495D4-CRInys|tibbiM
23:50 big_guns nto a bot
23:50 big_guns btw im indian
23:50 Deci|AFK why did you send random incoherent messages?
23:50 Deci|AFK being ESL is not an excuse for incoherence
23:51 big_guns ey i not know engish language
23:51 * nulljellyfish quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) llun.hsif.yllej|20048diu#llun.hsif.yllej|20048diu
23:51 big_guns it is hard to speek
23:51 big_guns i not go to english class
23:51 Deci|AFK you are doing a good job for not having gone to an english class, but still no excuse to send random incoherent messages
23:52 Deci|AFK anyways
23:52 Deci|AFK let me get another operator to talk with you
23:52 big_guns leavfes i will?
23:52 big_guns leav*
23:52 big_guns leave*
23:52 big_guns ??
23:52 Deci|AFK nah, i just can't handle an appeal since i banned you
23:52 Deci|AFK hence i will get another operator to speak with you
23:52 big_guns eko
23:52 big_guns Okay
23:53 big_guns CALL ME ON SKYPE MY NUMBER IS [redacted by me, tuomey, because it's probably not really this person's thing] CALL ME
23:53 * big_guns quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.C1F495D4-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.C1F495D4-CRInys|tibbiM
23:53 TombPM Hello I ca-
23:53 TombPM well
23:53 Soulless pft
23:53 Deci|AFK that uh
23:53 TombPM that resolved itself rather nicely
23:53 Deci|AFK takes care of that
23:53 TombPM go team
23:53 Deci|AFK goes back to sleep
I'm going for perma pending coherent appeal because, seriously, what