Article 2
The purposes of Staff are to, through reasonable effort and in no particular order of priority:
2.1 …maintain and improve the Site on behalf of the Community, as described in Article 3;
2.2 …ensure the safety of all members of the Community, as described in Article 4;
2.3 …model, promulgate and enforce standards of conduct amongst Staff and Members, as described in Article 5;
2.4 …keep the quality of work on the Site at a standard that satisfies the Community, as described in Article 6;
2.5 …encourage a culture of collaboration, as described in Article 7;
2.6 …assert and protect the rights of creators, as described in Article 8;
2.7 …assist the off-site Community in their activities when such assistance is welcome and proper, as described in Article 9.
Article 3 (Maintenance)
Maintenance will be conducted regularly by Staff to ensure:
3.1 The site remains functional for users to the best of staff’s capabilities.
3.2 All extant features remain usable to the best of staff’s capabilities.
3.3 Additional features are added as needed to improve site functionality.
3.4 Defunct/unused features are removed as needed to improve site functionality.
3.5 Staff will strive to improve site function, navigation, and discoverability in response to user feedback.
Article 4 (Safety)
Staff shall strive to:
4.1 …keep the site and community free of harassment of any kind.
4.2 …keep the site and community free from bigotry and discrimination in all its forms, including but not limited to discrimination on basis of disability, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, religion, or sexuality.
4.3 …protect the personal information of site members, including but not limited to: age, name, and location, in accordance with legal and moral obligations.
4.4 …protect the community from abuse.
4.5 …internally monitor its procedures and members to ensure that its systems may not be used to harass users.
4.6 …prevent and remedy abuses of power by staff through disciplinary systems.
Article 5 (Conduct)
Staff will facilitate a code of conduct to:
5.1 Ensure all site members, both general and staff, are treated in a respectful manner.
5.2 Ensure proper and responsible use of staff power, in keeping with both site policy and the principles of this charter.
5.3 Take measures to improve standards of conduct, via moderation and disciplinary action, when existent conduct falls short of these standards.
Article 6 (Content Quality Standards)
Staff will work to ensure content quality standards by:
6.1 Implementing and maintaining assessment and feedback systems.
6.2 Removing low quality content using accepted staff procedures and systems.
6.3 Encouraging community feedback to allow content creators to improve content to meet community standards.
6.4 Encouraging and highlighting high quality content.
Article 7 (Collaboration)
Staff will enable collaboration and a creative environment through:
7.1 …use and enforcement of an appropriate licence.
7.2 …limited overrule of creator self-determination in interest of protection of the commons.
Article 8 (Creator Rights)
Staff will uphold the rights of creators by:
8.1 …giving site creators wide power to decide what happens to their works, with limited exceptions.
8.2 …enforcement of an appropriate license and defense against misuse of site works - e.g. non-attribution.
8.3 …ensuring that all content posted to the site, including the original source of derivative works, is compliant with the terms of the appropriate site licence.
Article 9 (Community Outreach)
Staff will:
9.1 …participate in, assist in, and facilitate cooperation with international branches.
9.2 …cooperate with staff from international branches on situations and policies relevant to both staffs, or requiring the assistance of the other
9.3 …participate in, assist in, and facilitate cooperation with key off-site communities.