As per ongoing efforts by the Internet Outreach Team to change how International works are normally posted to the site, they have requested that the Tech Team create tags for each language/branch. The Team discussed this with Licensing and agreed on creating hidden tags for each branch code. Tags that wouldn't be put on any page won't be created until they are necessary. As such the following tags are to be created:
_int, _ru, _ko, _cn, _fr, _pl, _es, _th, _jp, _de, _it, _ua, _pt-br.
Any INT branches that model their tag system after -EN's are recommended to only create tags for branches they have works from. Notably, they should swap out their branch tag above for a _en tag.
We will be adding these tags to the manifest shortly.
can I get some nice "no signatures on my forum"
sigma-9 css machine broke
understandable have a nice day