Two bit spammer came into 19 and 17. I arrived late and drunk, so I had to play telephone with the ops online to figure out what happen, but it was mostly spam. I have logs from 19, but not from 17 or procyon's pm's. 17 shenanigans involved spamming and spammed nick changes to get around +m.
[22:13] loracks uwot
[22:13] loracks i mean
[22:13] >| Slate (~Slate@97193965:ACB536DC:B324E300:IP) has joined #site19
[22:13] loracks retro gatms
[22:13] Cimmerian which yes, it has moving parts, and there are many of them
[22:13] loracks 2006 photoalbum
[22:13] Cimmerian it's not a rock
[22:13] loracks retro gatms bikini
[22:13] |< ProcyonPhone has left (Broken pipe)
[22:14] loracks locke
[22:14] Sharptoe Directional expulsion of radiation or are we talking a Fallout fat man?
[22:14] Cimmerian but it's like an order of magnitude less complicated than an implosion design
[22:14] —>| ProcyonPhone (~ten.labolgcbs.lircic.deepsthgil.B9CBB027-CRInys|ycorP#ten.labolgcbs.lircic.deepsthgil.B9CBB027-CRInys|ycorP) has joined #site19
[22:14] =-= Mode #site19 +o ProcyonPhone by ChanServ
[22:14] loracks notatrule
[22:14] Kestin Er, what?
[22:14] loracks zeperaterulas
[22:14] loracks tartaros
[22:14] =-= loracks was booted from #site19 by ProcyonPhone (Come back when you can make sense)
[22:14] —>| loracks (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.03B237C8-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.03B237C8-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[22:14] Sharptoe Just about to call for ya procy
[22:14] loracks humans are inefficiant
[22:14] GreenWolf Kestin: we're discussing the design of nukes
[22:14] Cimmerian that's fair
[22:14] Kestin Not you, GW
[22:14] GreenWolf like good physicists
[22:15] loracks rework the meckanism and physisise the realite of the situetion
[22:15] ProcyonPhone Loracks: I think you're a bot. I'm banning you. Feel free to come to #site17 to prove me wrong.
[22:15] loracks Wair
[22:15] loracks Wait***
[22:15] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by ProcyonPhone
[22:15] =-= loracks was booted from #site19 by ProcyonPhone (gtfo)
[22:15] TheRaven That looked like Greek
[22:15] Sharptoe huh, last message came in after kick
[22:15] ProcyonPhone Said Austrian.
[22:15] TheRaven I just recognized "tartaros"
[22:16] GreenWolf Note that while I advocate cool things that glow and/or explode, I do not advocate building nuclear devices for anything other than personal amusement
[22:16] Sharptoe Splodey is fun
[22:16] GreenWolf also, good luck with the centrifuges
[22:16] Cimmerian I wouldn't advocate their building at all. Waste of time and energy I say.
[22:16] Kestin …pffffffff
[22:16] Cimmerian My nation already has some. I don't need to build one.
[22:17] Kestin Anyway, yeah, nukes are cool, don't use them for realsies
[22:17] Cimmerian In fact we have a bunch.
[22:17] Sharptoe There was a joke article suggesting spinning uranium in a bucket around your head could enrich it.
[22:17] GreenWolf build these instead:
[22:17] GreenWolf Sharptoe: if you did it fast enough
[22:17] GreenWolf with fast enough being "several thousand rpm"
[22:18] Sharptoe Canada has a bunch of bombs that are just missing the nuclear material, and a reactor that switches from civilian grade to weapons grade uranium with the flip of a switch
[22:18] TheRaven Not anymore
[22:18] Sharptoe Guess what the main nuclear target in Canada is?
[22:18] TheRaven Chalk River shut down
[22:18] —>| Bouncl (ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB) has joined #site19
[22:18] =-= Mode #site19 +o Bouncl by ChanServ
[22:18] Sharptoe I was talking CANDU
[22:18] TheRaven Oh >.>
[22:18] GreenWolf CANDU reactors are neat
[22:19] Anaxagoras Sharptoe: Guessing us.
[22:19] Sharptoe Define "us"
[22:19] GreenWolf .w candu
[22:19] Alexandra GreenWolf: CANDU reactorThe CANDU (short for CANada Deuterium Uranium) reactor is a Canadian-developed, pressurized heavy water reactor used for generating electric power. —
[22:19] Anaxagoras US
[22:20] GreenWolf shouting doesn't make it easier to understand you
[22:20] Sharptoe United States U.S.? Us as in Canadians? Something more specific?
[22:23] —>| Nevrin57 (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[22:23] =-= Nevrin57 is now known as Nevrin54
[22:23] Nevrin54 Insectid Neutralizat
[22:24] Nevrin54 The virus wiped us out
[22:24] Nevrin54 You need to retrieve the substance
[22:24] Sharptoe ops
[22:24] Nevrin54 Intensify Heat
[22:24] Anaxagoras Ooh boy, you're back.
[22:24] Nevrin54 Restore power to the library.
[22:24] Nevrin54 Shatter the crystal
[22:24] Nevrin54 Travel to the Tartaros main seal.
[22:25] =-= Nevrin54 was booted from #site19 by kaktus (kaktus)
[22:25] Sharptoe thanks kaktus
[22:25] TroyL Damnit, Kaktus.
[22:25] —>| jobwolf (~PI.430B968E.E694548B.5D7155D|floW#PI.430B968E.E694548B.5D7155D|floW) has joined #site19
[22:25] —>| Nevrin54 (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[22:25] kaktus Ops, please log
[22:25] Nevrin54 Please contact me with more information.
[22:25] kaktus Thnx bbs
[22:25] Nevrin54 - Dr. Stanislaus Braun
[22:25] =-= Nevrin54 was booted from #site19 by TroyL (Nah. We good.)
[22:25] GreenWolf I want to see where's he's going with this
[22:25] Lux here is a CAH game password is butts
[22:25] Kestin Well, this is the happiest I've been all day
[22:25] Kestin Ooh, is it SCP-themed CAH?
[22:25] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by kaktus
[22:25] GreenWolf yeah, this is major skip fuel
[22:25] —>| Nevrin54 (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[22:25] Lux nah…
[22:25] GreenWolf think it's some sort of ARG?
[22:25] Lux aren't any good decks D:
[22:25] kaktus Huh
[22:25] Nevrin54 «Begin Encrypted Data Transmission»
[22:26] Nevrin54 From: Dr. Stanislaus Braun
[22:26] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM by kaktus
[22:26] =-= Nevrin54 was booted from #site19 by kaktus (kaktus)
Site 17:
[22:15] >| loracks (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.03B237C8-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.03B237C8-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[22:15] loracks Wrong
[22:15] loracks connect the wires to the library
[22:15] —>| Anaxagoras (ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.BE29E2DB-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.BE29E2DB-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[22:15] loracks turn on circuit breaker
[22:15] loracks replace the fuses
[22:15] loracks the reward will be great
[22:15] —>| Kestin (gnitanitsarcorp.ylb|| has joined #site17
[22:15] ProcyonPhone Alright. You're still not making any sense.
[22:16] loracks Do not worry
[22:16] ProcyonPhone Start doing such, or leave.
[22:16] loracks In the end you will be rewarded
[22:16] loracks You are blessed
[22:16] loracks all you need to do is activate the crystal
[22:16] loracks place the record on the spindle
[22:16] loracks and travel down into the thaumaos
[22:16] loracks Sure
[22:16] loracks Can you 0x049182?
[22:16] loracks I can
[22:16] TheDuckman So, are you a bot, or just being weird?
[22:17] TheDuckman Yes, it's 0.
[22:17] loracks That question will remain unanswered until the heat death of the universe
[22:17] loracks But you can activate the power
[22:17] TheDuckman It's 0.
[22:17] =-= Mode #site17 +b *!* by ProcyonPhone
[22:17] =-= loracks was booted from #site17 by ProcyonPhone (Goodbye.)
[22:17] TheDuckman … Anything times 0 is fucking zero!
[22:18] —>| Bouncl (ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB) has joined #site17
[22:18] =-= Mode #site17 +h Bouncl by ChanServ
[22:18] Kestin I must posthumously thank you, weird bot-person, for the only laugh I've had all day
[22:21] —>| Sharptoe (moc.mocatrebla.ten.E76691A2-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.mocatrebla.ten.E76691A2-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[22:22] GreenWolf that was strange
[22:22] GreenWolf almost cult-like
[22:22] GreenWolf saves logs as potential skip fuel
[22:22] Sharptoe Guess I missed something good
[22:23] Cimmerian not really, no
[22:23] GreenWolf some weird possible bot, possible cultist
[22:23] GreenWolf maybe even a robot cultist
[22:23] Sharptoe Maybe a bot created by a cult
[22:23] GreenWolf ah, there's the skip
[22:24] Kestin Same dude in 19
[22:24] Anaxagoras He's back!
[22:25] —>| jobwolf (~PI.430B968E.E694548B.5D7155D|floW#PI.430B968E.E694548B.5D7155D|floW) has joined #site17
[22:26] —>| Nevrin54 (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[22:26] |< Prior has left (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[22:26] Nevrin54 The Tartar0s remains strong.
[22:26] Nevrin54 The seal has not been broken
[22:26] Nevrin54 Vitrify the substance
[22:27] Nevrin54 Bury the barrels.
[22:27] =-= Mode #site17 +m by ProcyonPhone
[22:27] ProcyonPhone Now sit there
[22:27] |<— wolfjob has left (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
[22:27] ProcyonPhone And think about how much you suck
[22:27] =-= Nevrin54 is now known as Sure
[22:27] ProcyonPhone I'll give you a starting point
[22:27] =-= Sure is now known as ButFirstRestorePower
[22:27] ProcyonPhone A whoooole lot
[22:27] =-= ButFirstRestorePower is now known as ToTheLibrary
[22:27] =-= Mode #site17 +b *!* by ProcyonPhone
[22:27] =-= ToTheLibrary was booted from #site17 by ProcyonPhone (My chan, my rules!)
[23:23:28] Nevrin57 (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM) joined the channel.
[23:23:37] Nevrin57 is now known as Nevrin54
[23:23:57] <Nevrin54> Insectid Neutralizat
[23:24:02] <Nevrin54> The virus wiped us out
[23:24:10] <Nevrin54> You need to retrieve the substance
[23:24:14] <Sharptoe> ops
[23:24:21] <Nevrin54> Intensify Heat
[23:24:23] <Anaxagoras> Ooh boy, you're back.
[23:24:34] <Nevrin54> Restore power to the library.
[23:24:43] <Nevrin54> Shatter the crystal
[23:24:49] <Nevrin54> Travel to the Tartaros main seal.
[23:25:01] kaktus kicked Nevrin54 from the channel. (kaktus)
[23:25:06] <Sharptoe> thanks kaktus
[23:25:08] <&TroyL> Damnit, Kaktus.
[23:25:09] jobwolf (~PI.430B968E.E694548B.5D7155D|floW#PI.430B968E.E694548B.5D7155D|floW) joined the channel.
[23:25:10] Nevrin54 (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM) joined the channel.
[23:25:15] <&kaktus> Ops, please log
[23:25:16] <Nevrin54> Please contact me with more information.
[23:25:20] <&kaktus> Thnx bbs
[23:25:21] <Nevrin54> - Dr. Stanislaus Braun
[23:25:25] TroyL kicked Nevrin54 from the channel. (Nah. We good.)
[23:25:28] <GreenWolf> I want to see where's he's going with this
[23:25:32] <Lux> here is a CAH game password is butts
[23:25:35] <Kestin> Well, this is the happiest I've been all day
[23:25:41] <Kestin> Ooh, is it SCP-themed CAH?
[23:25:44] kaktus sets mode +b *!*
[23:25:44] <GreenWolf> yeah, this is major skip fuel
[23:25:45] Nevrin54 (ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM) joined the channel.
[23:25:47] <Lux> nah…
[23:25:53] <GreenWolf> think it's some sort of ARG?
[23:25:54] <Lux> aren't any good decks D:
[23:25:56] <&kaktus> Huh
[23:25:59] <Nevrin54> «Begin Encrypted Data Transmission»
[23:26:05] <Nevrin54> From: Dr. Stanislaus Braun
[23:26:05] kaktus sets mode +b *!ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.moc.tensutpo.civ.ap.1C9F32B9-CRInys|tibbiM
[23:26:10] kaktus kicked Nevrin54 from the channel. (kaktus)