Same old routine.
[23:50] * globoy (ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[23:50] <@Decibelle> what was your username
[23:50] <globoy> yo
[23:51] <hihahaba> hi globoy
[23:51] <@ProcyonPhone> People come. People go. Some people are removed.
[23:51] <@ProcyonPhone> Way it was, is, shall continue to be
[23:51] <globoy> ay i have a question
[23:51] <%minmin> ayy, ask away
[23:51] <globoy> is all the SCP real
[23:51] <globoy> just curious
[23:51] <@Decibelle> no
[23:51] <@Decibelle> none of it is
[23:52] <@Decibelle> this is a creative writing website!
[23:52] <globoy> for real ?
[23:52] <caseymilo> yeah dude
[23:52] <caseymilo> it's all fictional
[23:52] <globoy> LMAO
[23:52] <globoy> but i love the game tho
[23:52] <@Decibelle> i like the game too
[23:52] <@Decibelle> its all fiction though
[23:53] <globoy> i heard SCP Foundation was real
[23:53] * WildRaubtier (~ua.ten.tenii.nyd.7CD888F4-CRInys|taembark#ua.ten.tenii.nyd.7CD888F4-CRInys|taembark) Quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
[23:53] <globoy> but i guess they fiction
[23:53] <@Decibelle> yup, its fiction
[23:53] <JProlling> i was twelve when i first saw this site. when i learned it was fiction you might as well have just told me santa wasnt real
[23:53] <@ProcyonPhone> Well, whoever told you that was lying and/or an idiot
[23:53] <%minmin> lol
[23:54] * WildRaubtier (~ua.ten.tenii.nyd.7CD888F4-CRInys|taembark#ua.ten.tenii.nyd.7CD888F4-CRInys|taembark) has joined #site19
[23:54] <%minmin> well, a secret government site wouldn't upload all their files to an easily editable public wiki
[23:54] <globoy> yeah true true
[23:56] <Voct> JProlling- how old are you now>
[23:56] <caseymilo> Not to imply the Foundation is real, but for a organization that the UN, NATO and Russia are aware of they sound somehow underfunded, especially when they also know without the Foundation they're boned
[23:56] <@TheDuckman> !sea Stimson
[23:56] <%Alexandra> TheDuckman: Doctor Ronald Stimson's Personnel File(Rating:60) -
[23:56] <hihahaba> they wouldn't have a public chat discuss it as well
[23:56] <@TheDuckman> Fuck, why is that still around?
[23:57] <Voct> TheDuckman - oh, just because people have upvoted it
[23:57] <Voct> for some ridiculous reason
[23:57] <@TheDuckman> .tell troyl we ever conna get rid of Stimsons file? t's been fourthed forever.
[23:57] <%Alexandra> TheDuckman: I'll pass that along.
[23:57] <@TheDuckman> Yeh, but that guys been banned for ages
[23:58] <globoy> where yall from tho
[23:58] <@Decibelle> from planet earth
[23:58] <Voct> i live under your bed
[23:58] <Voct> which is awfully cramped, really
[23:58] <JProlling> turn around
[23:58] <hihahaba> that's what she wants to believe globoy
[23:58] <@TheDuckman> Yo mommas house last night, OHHHHHHHHHHHH!
[23:58] <hihahaba> *she wants you
[23:59] <caseymilo> It says troyl made Ronald Stimson's page
[23:59] <JProlling> pfffffffssssshhh
[23:59] <@TheDuckman> Nah, Stimson made it, back in the day
[23:59] <caseymilo> Oh, okay.
[23:59] <Voct> TheDuckman - yeah, but Troy imported it over from
[23:59] <globoy> Duckman tell yo momma i said hey
[23:59] <@TheDuckman> Right?
[23:59] <globoy> she loved that dick soo much
Session Time: Sat Nov 28 00:00:00 2015
[00:00] <globoy> :)
[00:00] <@TheDuckman> Turned out he'd plagerised most of it.
[00:00] <Voct> so troy's credited for it
[00:00] <@TheDuckman> Hate it when someone cool turns out to be an ass.
[00:00] * Randomini (||eewwow) has joined #site19
[00:00] <@TheDuckman> Ugh, was that it? Probably.
[00:00] <caseymilo> I too hate it when my ice cubes turn into asses
[00:00] <Voct> the butt ghost
[00:01] <Voct> hey, Randomini
[00:01] <Randomini> sup voct
[00:01] <Randomini> you should post a thing in my thing
[00:01] <JProlling> lol I remember making a joke about my math teacher to the entire class… he was like "money can get you allot of things. It got you into the IB program, right?" And my dumb ass replied with "It got me your mom last night"
[00:02] <caseymilo> so uh
[00:02] <globoy> yall know Chief Keef ??
[00:02] <caseymilo> Did that cost you anything/
[00:02] <caseymilo> Yeah, globoy
[00:02] <Voct> caseymilo - it's why he failed.
[00:02] <JProlling> actually not
[00:02] <Voct> 'cause his math teacher's mom's dead.
[00:02] <globoy> BANG BANG
[00:03] * TwistedGears (opxE.ehT|tranA#opxE.ehT|tranA) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 42.0/20151029151421])
[00:03] <caseymilo> I don't know I like rap music but Chief Keef is a goober
[00:03] <hihahaba> what even
[00:03] <globoy> Chief Keef my nigga
[00:03] <hihahaba> is he goober goober though?
[00:03] <caseymilo> boy
[00:03] <JProlling> nah voct shes a seventyfour-year-old, dust shitting miser
[00:03] <@Decibelle> globoy: lets not use slurs
[00:03] <@Decibelle> Slur-Free Zone(tm)
[00:03] <@Decibelle> thank you
[00:03] <globoy> why
[00:04] <globoy> Rick Ross and Meek Mill
[00:04] <@Decibelle> because im an operator, and slurs arent allowed in here as per chat guide rules
[00:04] <@Decibelle> rick ross is cool
[00:04] <caseymilo> man Meek Mill is over
[00:04] <@Decibelle> one of my favorite rappers from the decade
[00:04] <globoy> Drake??
[00:04] <caseymilo> Don't even sweat it globoy
[00:04] <JProlling> rick roll is cooler
[00:04] <caseymilo> Oh, yeah
[00:05] <JProlling> never gonna- *dies
[00:05] <globoy> im a Meek Mill fan sorry
[00:05] <Voct> .s tupac
[00:05] <%Alexandra> Voct: The Forensic Ghost Of Tupac Shakur(SCP-2137, Rating:254) -
[00:05] <caseymilo> Darn globoy
[00:05] <caseymilo> you know what this is gonna mean
[00:05] <@TheDuckman> I routinely make couples rick roll each other at renassaince faires
[00:05] <Voct> how
[00:06] <Voct> at gunpoint?
[00:06] <@TheDuckman> People pay me to arrest thier friends or loved ones.
[00:06] <caseymilo> Boy.
[00:06] <Voct> so it *is* at gunpoint
[00:06] <Voct> and if they don't rickroll, you kill them.
[00:07] <Voct> Wow.
[00:07] <@TheDuckman> I hand them the rope, make them say all sorts of sill apologetic stuff, then get them down on one knee before the other half, and teach them a short love poem.
[00:07] <caseymilo> h-hey
[00:07] <globoy> you trying to roast me?
[00:07] <@TheDuckman> It starts "We're no strangers to love."
[00:07] <globoy> BRING THAT ASS HERE BOY !!!
[00:07] <@TheDuckman> Most people don't get it until the song lyrics.
[00:07] <@TheDuckman> Globoy, you wanna chill?
[00:07] <globoy> oh okay i thought so
[00:07] <@ProcyonPhone> globoy: please stop with the random bs, thanks.
[00:08] <@TheDuckman> No guns, just public humiliation
[00:08] <globoy> what did i do?
[00:08] <globoy> but anyways who has a PS4
[00:09] <@Decibelle> globoy: being incoherent and shouting non-sequiters
[00:09] <JProlling> ahhh im giving myself one for christmas
[00:09] <@Decibelle> at least act like youre 15
[00:09] * LLong (ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.31CBD027-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.31CBD027-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[00:09] <globoy> STFU that didnt make sense
[00:09] <hihahaba> totally getting a wiiU before PS$
[00:09] <globoy> da fuq
[00:09] * globoy was kicked by Decibelle (final warning)
[00:09] <hihahaba> *PS4
[00:09] <caseymilo> worldstar
[00:09] * globoy (ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[00:09] <JProlling> ugh i cant stand his type
[00:09] <%minmin> > act like you're 15
[00:10] <globoy> shut yo ass up
[00:10] <%minmin> > "stfu that doesn't make sense"
[00:10] <caseymilo> heh
[00:10] <globoy> PUSSIES
[00:10] <globoy> LMAO
[00:10] <JProlling> hes gone isnt he?
[00:10] <caseymilo> I don't know but this is really the /typical/ 15-year-old
[00:10] * globoy was kicked by minmin (minmin)
[00:10] <JProlling> bye
[00:10] <caseymilo> 15 years old here is pretty relative
[00:10] * globoy (ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[00:10] <%minmin> oi, ops
[00:10] * Decibelle sets mode: +b globoy!*ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM
[00:10] <@Decibelle> for being immature
[00:11] <%minmin> globoy: seriously, if you're not gonna act like a coherent mature individual
[00:11] * globoy was kicked by TheDuckman (out.)
[00:11] * @Decibelle high-fives TheDuckman
[00:11] * @TheDuckman high fives decibelle
Then back at it again:
[00:12] * SWAGMASTER (ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.55C4CF61-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[00:12] <Voct> SWAGMASTER, we know you're globoy
[00:12] <SWAGMASTER> who is that ?
[00:12] <hihahaba> it's not really hard to tell
[00:12] <Randomini> pfffff
[00:12] <thomas> what an original name. How brilliant and thought through.
[00:12] * Decibelle sets mode: +b *!*
[00:12] <JProlling> i would expect us to be respectfull…
[00:12] * SWAGMASTER was kicked by Decibelle (if you wish to appeal, head to site17)
He never went to site17, so this is where the line ends. Putting this as perma, barring any wonderful and coherent appeals.