Item #: SCP-2317-K
Object Class: Exodus
Special Containment Procedures: Although the Foundation had no true method to contain SCP-2317-K, a false procedure created by the O5 Council is believed to be a successful method of keeping the entity contained by all other members of the Foundation aware of its existence. Increasing levels of details as to the nature of what lies beyond SCP-2317 and the steps to completing Procedure 220-Calabasas are given depending on the security clearance of staff accessing SCP-2317's file in SCiPNET, with only the O5 Council being able to access the file given accurate details on SCP-2317-K.
The procedure itself is set to be carried out each day at noon, and requires four members of Foundation staff, an obsidian edge-knife, a preferably caged chicken of the species Gallus domesticus and silver aspergillum and aspersorium, filled with at least 500 ccs of holy water blessed by a priest of Abrahamic faith. A one kiloton nuclear warhead is also required to be present, supposedly in case of catastrophic containment failure.
The four members of staff required are two security personnel of Level 3 clearance or higher, a Level 4 clearance member of staff to act as the "celebrant" and a second Level 4 clearance member of staff to act as the "assistant". The member of staff performing the role of the assistant must be disguised as a D Class personnel member and presented as such to all other individuals of Level 3 clearance or lower other than the two guards, who must be aware so they do not terminate the assistant in any event arises which would normally require the termination of D Class personnel.
The ritual itself consists of the four staff members opening SCP-2317 and then proceeding inside with the assistant first and the celebrant last. Once inside, the celebrant must walk at a steady and measured pace in a counter-clockwise route circumambulating all seven of the pillars to which SCP-2317 is bound, starting with the pillar designated SCP-2317-A. With every other step the celebrant takes, they must scatter the holy water toward the centre of the circle of pillars using the aspergillum and aspersorium.
Once the circle is complete the celebrant must state the phrase "Seven Seals, Seven Rings, Seven Thrones for the Scarlet King" and then move a safe distance away from the assistant, who must then use the obsidian knife to sacrifice the chicken. Blood from the chicken must be drained into the aspersorium and mixed with the holy water within. The assistant must then complete a clockwise circle of the seven pillars, scattering the mixture of blood and water at every other step.
Upon completion of the circle, the assistant must pour the remaining mixture into the discoloured patch of ground at the centre of the circle and state "Blood for the Old Gods, Water for the New King." With the ritual complete, the four staff members then must collect all material they brought in with them and return through the door, closing it behind them. Staff are led to believe that should anything go wrong during the procedure then a XK-Class End of the World Scenario may occur. In the event of something going wrong, all staff evacuate through the door and close it behind them, with . The O5 Council is informed of the incident and a Level Two Emergency is declared, with staff awaiting further orders as according to Emergency Order Zachariah.
Aside from the ritual, containment procedures included all staff assigned to Site 119 having to pass heavy psychological testing with a score of 72 points on the Milgram Obedience Examination, be unmarried, have no offspring, and express nothing less than total loyalty to the Foundation. All staff on site have to wear identity-concealing helmets and use voice-changers at all times while in the presence of other staff and are required to rotate out for a month of psychological testing after every two months stationed there. All off-duty hours staff have on site are to be spent alone in personal quarters.
Description: According to the at least partly falsified Level 4 clearance file maintained by the SCP Foundation on the Devourer entity designated SCP-2317-K, the Great Devourer is reported to have an obese humanlike shape with branch like horns sprouting from its head and no lower jaw. It is estimate to measure over 200 kilometres tall when stood fully erect and is entirely covered in overlapping plate-like scales.
Seven hooks are currently embedded in its back to which are attached the seven chains that bind it to the seven pillars. When free of its current containment SCP-2317-K is estimated to be able to cause a XK-Class End of the World Scenario.