today, PlaguePJP posted Plauge's Proposal for April Fool's. it's a joke article riffing off the unresolved events from november 2020 and specifically makes a pun about the associated 'great seal' and features a cameo by the alchemy department. there was a lively discussion in staffchat about whether this article broke any rules or should be considered for summary deletion or any other punishment, and if not, whether we should create rules to address articles like these (of which people offered several examples from the past). the broad consensus seemed no to all of the above because it would be at best superflous and we'd have the discussions anyway, and at worst would give staff undue purview over article content. this conversation is mainly so we can have a place to point to as permanent record that we did discuss it somewhere.
[Imagine that there's a timer saying this discussion is open for 7 days until 4/7 here]