Bolded to better highlight what this user was doing, since they were around when some other person got banned.
[23:30] <Bob> hmm
[23:31] <Metaphysician> You mean that, like the mysteries that the writing site deals with, there are probably weird things in the universe we'll never fully undertand?
[23:31] <Bob> I am Bob
[23:31] <DrPierce> Hello Bob
[23:31] <gto_173> that you are…. ?
[23:31] <%salvagebar> When you say there is some underlying truth to SCP, DrPierce, do you mean an ARTISTIC truth, an aesthetic essence? Or are you talking about phenomena in the real world?
[23:32] <Bob> Hello
[23:32] <gto_173> wtf is with all the random comments from random people today… ima just lurk now….
[23:32] <Lilycolo> Hi bob
[23:32] <Bob> Hi
[23:32] <DrPierce> I mean there may well be existance
[23:33] <Lilycolo> have fun lurkin gto_173
[23:33] <Metaphysician> Existence is a thing; yes ;p
[23:33] <DrPierce> The government does such a good job at hiding the truth that they could be housing some of the most terrifing creatures
[23:33] <gto_173> I will Lilycolo lol
[23:33] <%salvagebar> OH so you ARE talking about real world phenomena. Welp, we can't help you there.
[23:33] <@ProcyonLotor> ugh, really
[23:33] <@Tuomey> DrPierce: listen
[23:33] <@Tuomey> believe what you like
[23:33] <@Tuomey> but
[23:33] <Metaphysician> I assume they are just talking hypothetically.
[23:33] <@ProcyonLotor> The government can't hide the fact it was storing emails on the wrong fucking server
[23:33] <DrPierce> No, you listen
[23:33] <@Tuomey> we do not do conspiracy shit here
[23:33] <Bob> The government is so wierd
[23:34] <DrPierce> How do any of us know?
[23:34] * Prior (||gnihgual) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[23:34] <gto_173> oh shit, talkback to an orp
[23:34] <DrPierce> How can you say im wrong?
[23:34] <@ProcyonLotor> DrPierce, how do you know there's not a teapot orbiting jupiter?
[23:34] <DrPierce> how can i say im right?
[23:34] <@ProcyonLotor> You can't.
[23:34] <DrPierce> Exactly
[23:34] <%minmin> I, for one, believe weird shit happens all the time - but unfalsifiable conspiracy talk ain't for here
[23:34] <@Decibelle> hey
[23:34] <@Decibelle> listen
[23:34] <@ProcyonLotor> But any reasonable person can say there's a 99.9999999% chance that anyone who claims otherwise
[23:34] <@Decibelle> DrPierce: scp isnt real, its a creative writing website
[23:34] <@ProcyonLotor> is talking out of their ass
[23:34] <@ProcyonLotor> and that is enough for me.
[23:34] <Metaphysician> You use Occam's Laser Gun. Pew pew pew.
[23:34] <Bob> It's all like hi gimme money cuz I have more money than u BLA BLA BLA
[23:34] <DrPierce> thats not how it orininated
[23:35] <%minmin> Bob: economics 101, I guess
[23:35] <gto_173> what? no ones addrressing the talkback to an orp?
[23:35] <@Decibelle> DrPierce: lets cut to the chace then
[23:35] <@Decibelle> gto_173: dont backseat
[23:35] <@Tuomey> gto_173: I'm not, like, inherently higher than anyone else
[23:35] * Metaphysician yawns.
[23:35] <@Tuomey> I'm just a man with a banhammer
[23:35] <gto_173> Decibelle: not my intentions…..
[23:35] <@Decibelle> DrPierce: if you continue to blather on about how you think scp is real, you'll be removed for being disruptive and incoherence
[23:35] <Bob> ILUMMINAUTI
[23:35] <@Decibelle> like anyone else whos come in here trying to say the same
[23:35] <@Decibelle> Bob: be more mature and coherent
[23:36] <DrPierce> Go ahead, I wasnt saying anything among the lines of that they DO infact exist. I say they might.
[23:36] <Bob> No
[23:36] <Metaphysician>
[23:36] <gto_173> Tuomey: but the point of an orp is to maintain peace and order, and hav authoriteh, and I will respect your authoritehh
[23:36] <DrPierce> Its opion over matter
[23:36] <@Decibelle> its disrupting the channel, is what its doing
[23:36] <@Decibelle> Bob: that wasnt a request but an order
[23:37] * %Silber (aaahs.ihs.ihs.dn|stekcop#aaahs.ihs.ihs.dn|stekcop) Quit (No route to host)
[23:37] <DrPierce> It's not my fault that you people cant understand through you're thick, trained minds,
[23:37] <Metaphysician> It's turtles all the way down and none can prove otherwise ;|
[23:37] <LLong> Instead of debating the obvious reality of the SCP, does anybody want to take a look at my draft?
[23:37] <DrPierce> that you're not always right.
[23:37] <%Alexandra> LLong has a draft guys!
[23:37] <Bob> Order Denied
[23:37] * ProcyonLotor sets mode: +b *!*
[23:37] * DrPierce was kicked by ProcyonLotor (And you're out.)
[23:37] * Bob was kicked by Decibelle (last try)
[23:37] <gto_173> damn the double kick tho
[23:37] * Bob (||tibbiM) has joined #site19
[23:37] <Lilycolo> Sure LLong!
[23:37] <gto_173> teamwork
[23:37] * @ProcyonLotor high-five Deci
[23:37] <@Tuomey> gto_173: > the point of an orp is to maintain peace and order,
[23:37] <Bob> Hi
[23:37] <@Tuomey> this is exactly it
[23:37] <@Tuomey> it's not for people to bow and scrape to me
[23:38] <LLong> Lilycolo: Thanks!
[23:38] <@Decibelle> Bob: hello. if you continue to be incoherent and immature and disobey an operator order, youll be removed from the channel for good. understand?
[23:38] <Metaphysician> Oh, I missed the first part. I just saw "that you're not always right." and they Proc was like "Fuck you."
[23:38] <Metaphysician> then Proc.
[23:38] * A_Random_Day (ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.AC56E78A-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.AC56E78A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[23:38] <Metaphysician> Fuck.
[23:38] <Metaphysician> Tired.
[23:38] <A_Random_Day> Aren't we all
[23:38] <gto_173> true, but that was blatant disrespect, I would've said something, if I was an orp or not
[23:38] <A_Random_Day> ?
[23:38] <Metaphysician> Yo.
[23:38] <LLong> Oh yeah, the title of the skip is "Twice a Day" btw, Lilycolo
[23:39] <Bob> Ok how can I be immature Im just talking
[23:39] <@ProcyonLotor> Metaphysician, implying that I could ever be anything but absolutely one hundred percent correct is, in fact, a bannable offense.
[23:39] <@Decibelle> by shouting non-sequiters appropriate of nothing
[23:39] <%minmin> nah, orps are folks too, you can disagree all you want
[23:39] <Bob> Um
[23:39] <@Decibelle> like "ILUMMINAUTI" and "It's all like hi gimme money cuz I have more money than u BLA BLA BLA", and saying "Order Denied" when i specifically gave an order
[23:39] <@ProcyonLotor> You can sass us all the fuck you like until we're acting in official capacity (or you get to be disruptive)
[23:39] <A_Random_Day> Why is everyone saying "orps"
[23:39] * vezaz (ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.2FDC5B05-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.2FDC5B05-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[23:40] <gto_173> orps are indeed folks, ith authoriteh
[23:40] <@Tuomey> Of course you had better be prepared for some sick burns in return
[23:40] <@Decibelle> A_Random_Day: to avoid mass-pinging the operators
[23:40] <%salvagebar> Man being +o is the most thankless job imaginable
[23:40] <@ProcyonLotor> There really aren't many upsides, no
[23:40] <A_Random_Day> Ah
[23:40] <@Tuomey> yes hello Decibelle do you need an operator
[23:40] <gto_173> cause its a pronounceable way to not ping the shit out of evryone
[23:40] <Bob> Well…. I'm human too and we were all made equally so yeah deal with it I'll just keep coming back…
[23:40] <@ProcyonLotor> it's a very self-driven thing, which would be neat if it was actually important.
[23:40] * Decibelle sets mode: +b *!*
[23:40] * EmberTech (moc.wzvym.67-691-07-bus.184103FA-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.wzvym.67-691-07-bus.184103FA-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[23:40] * Bob was kicked by Decibelle (bye)
Came into #site17. I was on edge and didn't handle the situation well, as I believed he was there to waste time and not appeal.
[23:45] * Bob (||tibbiM) has joined #site17
[23:45] <Helpplz> can u halp me
[23:45] <%ProcyonLotor> Helpplz, that's beccause I banned you.
[23:45] <%ProcyonLotor> You were warned, repeatedly, as DrPierce.
[23:45] <Helpplz> y
[23:45] <Helpplz>
[23:45] <Bob> Hi
[23:45] <Helpplz> i want help because my thing wont post
[23:45] <%ProcyonLotor> Incoherent, implying "all this shit is real" and then insulting people.
[23:46] <Helpplz> and i clicked the link
[23:46] <%ProcyonLotor> How's that "keep coming back" working for you, Bob?
[23:46] <Helpplz> im not bob
[23:46] <%Decibelle> Helpplz: your hostmask matches DrPierce, do you wish to appeal?
[23:46] <Bob> Great almost done
[23:46] <%ProcyonLotor> Yes, that's why I'm talking to Bob.
[23:46] * Decibelle sets mode: +b *!*
[23:46] * Bob was kicked by Decibelle (thats not a good appeal)
[23:46] <Helpplz> whats a monemask
[23:46] <Helpplz> host
[23:47] <%ProcyonLotor> probably a bit quick here, Deci.
[23:47] * ProcyonLotor sets mode: -b *!*
[23:47] <%Decibelle> sorry, im on edge tonight
Perma until coherent appeal and the threats of ban evasion are dropped.