Non-Disc Record - DrCrowell
User drcrowell does not match any existing user name (W: 2021-04-29 / S: 2021-05-05) has posted 4 pages (one of them blank) in a span of 5 hours. Here are some excerpts:
While this alone would warrant a record, they have also linked what I assume to be their own Google Sites copy of the wiki. The link directs to a 404 page as of time of writing, but the necessity of being logged into one's google account to even access it is concerning. Due to this, I recommend keeping a close eye on the user.
I will send them a PM asking them to slow down with posting, to seek feedback, and to not link anything Google due to possibly causing oblivious readers to expose their accounts, as well as generally not being ok to link off the wiki.
EDIT: PM sent