Joined under a skip nick, got sassy, got stupid, got banned.
- scp-2999 (PI.4FA74B54.EE1CAE5A.34E348B7|tibbiM#PI.4FA74B54.EE1CAE5A.34E348B7|tibbiM) has joined
<ProcyonLotor> Eastasia
<Dr_Leonard> It was intended as an amalgamation of "Asia" and "Australia"
<tahunu> *oceana
<tahunu> Whatever
<kestinclass> Wait, then who are we at war with?
- tahunu doesn'T NEED to be right! >:U
<Dr_Leonard> like the Frank Rebellution was in Asialia
<ProcyonLotor> Oceania, Eastasia, Eurasia
<theboatcaptain> 2 plus 2 equals 5?
<qntm> "How do you get two whales in a Mini?" "Down the M4"
<Quikngruvn> scp-2999, we do not allow SCP-related nicknames. Please change yours.
<Dr_Leonard> when they overthrew King Lewis the Great
<Quikngruvn> You can use "/nick newnick" without the quote marks.
<tahunu> Dr_Leonard: So when you say that
<scp-2999> why????
<tahunu> Do you mean that the rebels were all dry-mouthed?
<Quikngruvn> Because this is not a role-playing channel.
<Dr_Leonard> it was one of many events that led up to the war in Veitnam
<tahunu> Also;
<ProcyonLotor> Hey
<Dr_Leonard> during the early 1700s
<ProcyonLotor> My girlfriend wrote 2999
<ProcyonLotor> good choice, although yeah
<ProcyonLotor> you have to change it
<Dr_Leonard> ProcyonLotor suuuure she did
<Dr_Leonard> scp-2999
<Alexandra> Dr_Leonard: SCP-2999 (The Black Cat and the White Rabbit, Written by Fantem, Rating:+215) -
- PJB (~eb.tenelet.ssecca.744A8A81-CRInys|5003BJP#eb.tenelet.ssecca.744A8A81-CRInys|5003BJP) has joined
<scp-2999> i dont care
- Decibelle has kicked scp-2999 from #site19 (change your nick please.)
<Quikngruvn> Famous last words.
<Dr_Leonard> oh hay
- scp-2999 :There was no such nickname
- scp-2999 :End of WHOWAS
<tahunu> ProcyonLotor: Your girlfriend wrote a person who was capable of using irc? That's pretty impressive.
<abettik> hey all
<Dr_Leonard> I didn't know PL and Fantem were bf/gf
- Aphex_ is now known as Awayphex_
<ProcyonLotor> Dr_Leonard, is true
<Decibelle> heya abettik
<abettik> anyone available to look at a draft?? its got some spice to it
- theboatcaptain has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Decibelle> i can try!
<TwistedGears> but im allergic 2 spice
<Dr_Leonard> here's hoping Fantem makes you an honest 'coon ;)
- dontfuckingkickmeout (PI.4FA74B54.EE1CAE5A.34E348B7|tibbiM#PI.4FA74B54.EE1CAE5A.34E348B7|tibbiM) has joined
- Alexandra has kicked dontfuckingkickmeout from #site19 (Your nick contains inappropriate language, please use '/nick newnick' to change your name to something more appropriate. You may rejoin with a different nick after 10 seconds.)
- Alexandra sets ban on *!PI.4FA74B54.EE1CAE5A.34E348B7|tibbiM#PI.4FA74B54.EE1CAE5A.34E348B7|tibbiM
- Alexandra sets ban on dontfuckingkickmeout!*@*
<Quikngruvn> What kind of spice, turmeric?
<TwistedGears> Decibelle: JELLOBRAIN
<tahunu> …
<ProcyonLotor> you know what
- Alexandra removes ban on *!PI.4FA74B54.EE1CAE5A.34E348B7|tibbiM#PI.4FA74B54.EE1CAE5A.34E348B7|tibbiM
<LadyKatie> …
<ProcyonLotor> I'm just gonna perma that
<Servbot> What the hell
<Dr_Leonard> may as well
<GreenWolf> Ahaha
<tahunu> I… wha
<abettik> yes. tumeric. cumen. rosemary.
<Finch> Probably that Georgia person.
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*@7B843E43.A5EAC1EE.45B47AF4.IP
Absolutely nothing of value coming from this one. Perma.