Decibelles 18 Nov 2015 22:51
Cycles through inappropriate nicks or nicks that are not allowed. Their one sole line of speaking was thus:
[17:37] * xx_William_Le_xx (PI.7C62D05D.BD2334C1.5C75BC62|tibbiM#PI.7C62D05D.BD2334C1.5C75BC62|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[17:38] <xx_William_Le_xx> herro
After several warnings from Quik and myself, kickbanned when they joined as SCP_chat_makes_me_sad and changed to this_chat_makes_me_sad. Clear trolling, perma unless good coherent appeal, etc.
hit13r/xx_William_Le_xx/ultimate_weeaboo/iamnothitler/SCP_chat_makes_me_sad by Decibelles, 18 Nov 2015 22:51