Chat user snow001 (hostmask: SCP-4mm.tbb.137.143.IP) engaged in pronoun bot fuckery and has been banned for one week. Log below:
An appeal is available to them.
Chat user snow001 (hostmask: SCP-4mm.tbb.137.143.IP) engaged in pronoun bot fuckery and has been banned for one week. Log below:
[19:11:47] <snow001> .setpronouns abner
[19:11:47] <Secretary_Helen> snow001: Inserted the following pronouns: abner as pronouns.
[19:11:50] <snow001> lol
[19:11:53] <snow001> .pronouns
[19:11:53] <Secretary_Helen> snow001: snow001 uses the following pronouns: abner; I have no record of accepted pronouns; I have no record of unaccepted pronouns.
[19:12:02] <snow001> lol
[19:16:55] * snow001 was kicked by Mars (Pronoun fuckery)
[19:19:32] * snow001 (||egnuoleht) has joined #site19
[19:19:32] * snow001 was kicked by Secretary_Helen (pronoun fuckery)
[19:19:32] * Secretary_Helen sets mode: +b *!*@SCP-4mm.tbb.137.143.IP
An appeal is available to them.
Noting that on 02/04/22 snow001 entered #site19 and proceeded to inject random nonsequitors into ongoing conversations, and lament their struggles with writing into the room on and off for five-ish hours. At the time, Mars was the only chat staff around, and could not act. DrBleep was called in and authorized a ban. The ban was not initially logged due to a miscommunication with Bleep as an acting admin being otherwise engaged at the time. They were banned for behavior indistinguishiable from underage.
[17:08:45] * Joins: snow001 (PI.771.551.ocf.73s-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.771.551.ocf.73s-PCS|egnuoleht)
[17:08:50] <snow001> hello
[17:09:02] <NyaaTheKitten> hello
[17:09:26] * Quits: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf) (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[17:09:28] * Joins: DrKitsuni (ten.etomernh.nvmu0f-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.etomernh.nvmu0f-PCS|egnuoleht)
[17:10:38] * DrKitsuni is now known as DrReori
[17:11:25] <DrReori> hello snow001!
[17:11:28] * Joins: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf)
[17:11:29] <Eliza> Mac and Cheese and the Hungergames :)
[17:11:33] <snow001> hello
[17:11:58] <DrReori> i think there is a mac and cheese cult
[17:12:12] <snow001> I cut my finger =(
[17:12:28] <NyaaTheKitten> F
[17:12:31] <DrReori> no wait, i dreamed that. it was a pretty good dream actually
[17:13:02] <snow001> then i cleaned it with alcohol and it hurt
[17:13:06] <snow001> ======(
[17:14:11] <NyaaTheKitten> snow001, that hurting is very normal
[17:14:15] <NyaaTheKitten> nothing to complain about
[17:14:17] <snow001> lol
[17:14:49] <Omega10Galaxy> what hurts worse on a cut, alchohol or lemon juice?
[17:14:58] <Eliza> .l
[17:14:59] <Secretary_Helen> Eliza: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 6 minutes ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[17:15:00] <Secretary_Helen> Eliza: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 29 minutes ago By: IronShears) -
[17:15:01] <Secretary_Helen> Eliza: SCP-6220 (Written 37 minutes ago By: ESB2109) -
[17:15:02] <Eliza> .au tekara
[17:15:02] <Secretary_Helen> Eliza: celestekara - ( has 24 pages. (4 SCP articles, 16 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 4 others.) They have 1370 net upvotes with a rounded average of 57. Their latest page is SCP-6600: Spidercon at 136.
[17:15:10] <Mars> DrMegsMarvelle7: [SCP-6321 is
[17:15:12] <snow001> SPAM? >=(
[17:15:15] <Mars> Spelling error
[17:15:32] * Quits: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf) (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[17:15:52] <Eliza> snow001: There's literally 0 spam going on here
[17:16:35] <snow001> lol
[17:16:54] * Joins: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf)
[17:16:58] <NyaaTheKitten> .l
[17:16:59] <DrReori> snow001 .l is supposed to do that
[17:16:59] <Secretary_Helen> NyaaTheKitten: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 8 minutes ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[17:17:00] <Secretary_Helen> NyaaTheKitten: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 31 minutes ago By: IronShears) -
[17:17:01] <Secretary_Helen> NyaaTheKitten: SCP-6220 (Written 39 minutes ago By: ESB2109) -
[17:17:22] <NyaaTheKitten> snow001, 3 messages isn't spam
[17:17:41] <snow001> ok
[17:20:48] * Joins: Rigen (tu.dneg|nayiR#tu.dneg|nayiR)
[17:21:02] * Quits: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf) (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[17:22:17] <Rigen> someone should write a tale about a maxwellist minting their soul as an NFT
[17:23:10] <Rigen> anyway hello everyone
[17:23:19] <DrMegsMarvelle7> oh my lord yes-
[17:23:38] <Mars> Rigen: Wow
[17:23:44] <Mars> holy shit what a fuckin idea
[17:23:48] <snow001> squidward in a chair
[17:24:12] <Mars> Im ashamed I didn't come up with it first since im redoing that whole group smh
[17:24:15] <Mars> what a disgrace
[17:25:07] <Mew-ltiverse> I know its probably been done before, do y'all know of any scps that make it seem like the reader has been affected by the anomaly?
[17:25:23] <Mars> .s holy mackeral
[17:25:23] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: SCP-5876: Holy Mackeral (Rating: +55. Written 246 days ago By: Marcelles_Raynes) -
[17:25:27] <Mars> unrelated
[17:25:31] <Mars> Uh hmm
[17:25:49] <Mars> There's one where the article is written in second person because the reader /is/ the anomaly
[17:25:49] <Mew-ltiverse> if not then that's even better for me but im sure it has been done
[17:25:57] <Mew-ltiverse> oh yeah ive read that one
[17:26:12] <Rigen> what about the toaster
[17:26:16] * Joins: petra_the_kat (PI.731.22.lmr.6b3-PCS|_eht_artep#PI.731.22.lmr.6b3-PCS|_eht_artep)
[17:26:17] <Mars> I guess technically when day breaks
[17:26:24] <Mars> cause that's also second person
[17:26:27] <Mew-ltiverse> im writing an article where I want to try to make it seem like the reader has been affected as they're reading it
[17:26:28] <Mars> And we die at the end
[17:26:33] <Rigen> .s I am toaster
[17:26:33] <Secretary_Helen> Rigen: SCP-426: I am a Toaster (Rating: +2368. Written 11 years ago By: Flah) -
[17:26:42] <Mew-ltiverse> the toaster kinda counts
[17:28:10] * Joins: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf)
[17:31:11] <DrMegsMarvelle7> I'm literally *terrified* that my SCP article is gonna get taken down. I spent two months working on it-
[17:31:18] <Mars> .s style resources
[17:31:19] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything.
[17:31:27] <Mars> DrMegsMarvelle7: Again, it happens
[17:31:33] <Mars> Its unfortunate, but it happens
[17:31:54] <Mars> Best to just learn from what went wrong and do better next time, if it does get taken down that is
[17:32:19] <Mars> I'm still spending a shit ton of time developing an 001
[17:32:28] <DrReori> "A shower is like a miniature rain storm " "throw in a toaster and you get lightning!" i cant remember where i heard it from, but now i have a small fear of toasters
[17:32:29] <Mars> Like, the better half of a year lol
[17:32:35] <Mars> .s style resources
[17:32:36] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything.
[17:32:43] <Mars> .s style resource
[17:32:44] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: SCP Style Resource (Rating: +470. Written 4 years ago By: 7happy7 and s d locke) -
[17:32:48] <Mars> fucking singular
[17:32:59] <DrReori> oof
[17:34:24] <Mars> Got it though haha
[17:34:29] <Mars> Can't stop me wikidot!
[17:35:11] <DrReori> i still need to write an scp. i said i was gonna do it but havent yet. :I
[17:35:53] <DrFullham> I was part of the site for 2 years before I wrote one
[17:35:57] <DrFullham> No rush
[17:36:17] * Quits: AdrienRion (||RneirdA) (Away I goooo)
[17:36:28] <DrReori> oh i know, but if i dont do it soon, ill never get to it, and probally forget scp even exists :I
[17:39:14] <cleriyou> you can write like in a sandbox page the idea you have in the case you forget
[17:39:30] <cleriyou> .l
[17:39:32] <Secretary_Helen> cleriyou: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 31 minutes ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[17:39:33] <Secretary_Helen> cleriyou: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 53 minutes ago By: IronShears) -
[17:39:34] <Secretary_Helen> cleriyou: SCP-6220 (Written 1 hour ago By: ESB2109) -
[17:40:15] <Mars> So
[17:40:21] <snow001> oh no
[17:40:28] <Mars> I just learned how to reheat biscuits to their original flakeyness
[17:40:49] <DrReori> :OO
[17:41:34] * Parts: Omega10Galaxy (ten.labolgcbs.agrkut.1f1hv2-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.labolgcbs.agrkut.1f1hv2-PCS|egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[17:41:39] <amby> i'm assuming american biscuits
[17:42:13] <DrReori> mars thats dark magic, unless it aint american biscuits
[17:43:55] * Quits: DrReori (ten.etomernh.nvmu0f-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.etomernh.nvmu0f-PCS|egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[17:44:23] <Mars> Yes american biscuits
[17:44:42] <snow001> guys
[17:44:45] <snow001> look this
[17:44:48] <snow001> SCP-6777
[17:44:48] <Secretary_Helen> snow001: SCP-6777: Ichifuji Bakuu the Virtual Streamer (Rating: +48. Written 210 days ago By: Karathh) -
[17:44:55] <snow001> V-Tuber SCP
[17:46:09] * Quits: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf) (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[17:50:18] <DrFullham> Mars: Share this sorcery
[17:50:31] <Mew-ltiverse> my cat is biting my computer
[17:51:05] <Mars> DrFullham: air fryer set at 260 for 8-10 minutes
[17:51:15] <NyaaTheKitten> Mew-ltiverse, soon the cat will learn to chew on network cables
[17:51:20] <Mew-ltiverse> anyone able to look at an incredibly unfinished draft WIP to suggest where I could go with the addendums, 400 words
[17:51:20] <NyaaTheKitten> THEN you have to worry
[17:51:25] <Mew-ltiverse> NyaaTheKitten: she's done that
[17:51:26] <snow001> Mew-ltiverse he is SCP-222-TH-J
[17:51:31] <NyaaTheKitten> Mew-ltiverse, good
[17:51:33] <Mew-ltiverse> pff
[17:51:39] <NyaaTheKitten> she has learned the ways of the cat well
[17:51:46] <Mew-ltiverse> she's the most cat cat I know
[17:51:47] <snow001> let him use your computer to hack people
[17:51:59] <snow001> lol
[17:52:04] <NyaaTheKitten> she*
[17:52:13] <DrFullham> Mars: Niiice
[17:52:20] <DrFullham> Also if you have an air fryer
[17:52:24] <DrFullham> Use it for pizza rolls
[17:52:27] <DrFullham> Fucking DELICIOUS
[17:52:33] <Mars> Oh I have
[17:52:37] <Mars> And fried oreos
[17:52:42] <DrFullham> froreos
[17:52:46] <Mars> Yar
[17:52:46] * Quits: DrMegsMarvelle7 (moc.stmb.56lrij-PCS|vraMsgeMrD#moc.stmb.56lrij-PCS|vraMsgeMrD) (The Lounge - By
[17:52:48] <Mars> So good
[17:53:11] <Mars> Fried oreos wrapped in hawaiian crescent roll dough are the fucking shit man
[17:53:25] <Mars> I easily gained fifty pounds off them alone
[17:53:27] <Mars> So good
[17:53:29] <Mars> Too good
[17:53:31] * Joins: DrKitsuni (PI.1002.0b50.vc54.1h6d.gj47dt-PCS|inustiK#PI.1002.0b50.vc54.1h6d.gj47dt-PCS|inustiK)
[17:54:13] <snow001> "Fried Oreos"
[17:54:35] <snow001> O-O
[17:54:42] <DrKitsuni> wait, you can use pizza rolls in an air fryer?
[17:54:54] <snow001> hey
[17:55:00] <snow001> what's pizza rolls?
[17:55:05] <DrKitsuni> its a damn shame mine stopped working recently >:I
[17:55:33] <DrKitsuni> .help
[17:55:33] <Secretary_Helen> DrKitsuni: You can find a list of my job responsibilities here:
[17:55:51] <snow001> coca cola espuma
[17:56:19] <DrKitsuni> .w pizza rolls
[17:56:19] <Secretary_Helen> DrKitsuni: - Pizza snack rolls are a frozen food product consisting of bite-sized breaded pizza pockets with an interior of tomato sauce, melted cheese and various pizza toppings. They are sold in a variety of flavors including cheese, pepperoni, sausage, supreme, multiple cheeses, and mixed meats. Other […]
[17:57:37] <snow001> hmmmmmmmm
[17:58:56] <Mew-ltiverse> tryin to think of the best way to add like, secret messages in an article
[17:59:27] * Joins: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf)
[18:04:23] <snow001> hey
[18:04:24] <snow001> what is your favorite SCP?
[18:04:38] <Mew-ltiverse> 3001
[18:04:40] * Joins: HelloWorld (||egnuoleht)
[18:04:43] <snow001> nice
[18:05:30] * Quits: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf) (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[18:05:53] <snow001> I know you might call me weird but I like all SCPs, even if I don't know an SCP I will like it
[18:06:05] <Eliza> .l
[18:06:06] <Secretary_Helen> Eliza: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 57 minutes ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[18:06:07] <Secretary_Helen> Eliza: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 1 hour ago By: IronShears) -
[18:06:08] <Secretary_Helen> Eliza: SCP-6220 (Written 1 hour ago By: ESB2109) -
[18:06:09] * Quits: JunoBat (rf.oodanaw.oba.ujeio7-PCS|taBonuJ#rf.oodanaw.oba.ujeio7-PCS|taBonuJ) (Connection closed)
[18:06:14] <Mars> How can you say you like something if you've never read it?
[18:06:26] <snow001> I even like the decommissioned SCPs
[18:06:28] <snow001> lol
[18:06:52] <Mars> .ch write, read, blender
[18:06:52] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: blender
[18:06:59] <Mars> fair helen
[18:07:27] <snow001> I like SCP-151-D even though it's kind of…weird
[18:07:53] <snow001> an albino boy with a tail, kinda weird
[18:08:08] <snow001> and which mentions several SCPs
[18:08:33] <snow001> lol
[18:09:32] <snow001> and I don't understand why SCP-4955 is a Decommissioned SCP
[18:09:51] <Eliza> Kara and I made me in the sims :)
[18:09:59] <snow001> ok now that i read the article i understand
[18:10:20] <snow001> hm
[18:10:25] <snow001> the sims
[18:10:25] <snow001> wow
[18:10:40] <Eliza> What?
[18:11:41] * Quits: HelloWorld (||egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[18:13:02] <Eliza> I think I look great :)
[18:13:53] <snow001> nice
[18:18:46] * Joins: LittleFieryOne (PI.1062.5420.aq86.qm8d.ns676c-PCS|reiFelttiL#PI.1062.5420.aq86.qm8d.ns676c-PCS|reiFelttiL)
[18:18:49] <LittleFieryOne> Hi
[18:19:13] <Eliza> The Hanging Tree was done so so so well in the Hunger Games
[18:19:14] <Eliza> :)
[18:19:15] <DrKitsuni> hola
[18:19:20] * Joins: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf)
[18:19:37] <Eliza> fairydoctor: Kara and I made me in the sims
[18:20:31] <snow001> Sqyd Game
[18:20:33] <snow001> lol
[18:23:07] <Eliza> What?
[18:24:14] <snow001> SCP-SQYD-J
[18:24:19] * Quits: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf) (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[18:24:22] <snow001> the "Squid Game" SCP
[18:24:58] <snow001> (he's not from Squid Game, he's just a virus or something)
[18:25:12] <Eliza> Okay but where did this come from?
[18:25:17] <Eliza> I'm not following your train of thought
[18:25:45] <snow001> (but I don't care, there's Sqyd and Game in the name)
[18:25:52] <snow001> wait
[18:26:11] * Joins: MagicDeaks (ten.sulet.aishba.l2f62e-PCS|skaeDcigaM#ten.sulet.aishba.l2f62e-PCS|skaeDcigaM)
[18:26:12] <Eliza> .au tekara
[18:26:13] <Secretary_Helen> Eliza: celestekara - ( has 24 pages. (4 SCP articles, 16 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 4 others.) They have 1370 net upvotes with a rounded average of 57. Their latest page is SCP-6600: Spidercon at 136.
[18:26:16] <snow001>
[18:26:51] <snow001> wait…
[18:27:19] <Eliza> You're not making any sense.
[18:28:06] <snow001>
[18:28:50] <snow001> wtf is this
[18:28:50] * Quits: MagicDeaks (ten.sulet.aishba.l2f62e-PCS|skaeDcigaM#ten.sulet.aishba.l2f62e-PCS|skaeDcigaM) (The Lounge - By
[18:29:09] <Eliza> Something on the site
[18:29:25] <snow001> lol
[18:29:49] <snow001> I've seen something with the same name, it was a song or something.
[18:29:51] <snow001> idk
[18:30:38] <snow001> lol
[18:30:50] <snow001>
[18:30:50] <Secretary_Helen> snow001: SCP-1981 (RONALD REAGAN CUT UP WHILE RAPPING) (feat. dado) - length 2m34s - 157↑0↓ - 4851 views - LordStonefish - Topic -
[18:31:00] * Joins: fairydoctor (PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf#PI.0062.84c6.rrgt.rsoh.kfit05-PCS|otcodyriaf)
[18:32:02] * Quits: DrKitsuni (PI.1002.0b50.vc54.1h6d.gj47dt-PCS|inustiK#PI.1002.0b50.vc54.1h6d.gj47dt-PCS|inustiK) (To my mansion of foxes i go)
[18:32:28] <snow001> funny
[18:33:37] <Eliza> Why are you always so lolrandom?
[18:33:59] <snow001> bruh
[18:34:35] * Joins: DrKitsuni (ten.etomernh.nvmu0f-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.etomernh.nvmu0f-PCS|egnuoleht)
[18:35:05] <snow001> I don't even know what "lolrandom" is
[18:37:23] <Eliza> It means your always really random for no reason
[18:37:57] <snow001> bruh
[18:38:03] <NyaaTheKitten> btw excessive lolrandom is very annoying
[18:38:08] <Eliza> Yes
[18:38:11] <NyaaTheKitten> and please don't respond to everything with bruh
[18:38:11] <Eliza> That.
[18:40:04] <snow001> bro, I was just talking about SCP-SQYD-J, what the hell is wrong with talking about an SCP??
[18:40:55] <Mars> snow001: Please stop saying "bro" and "bruh"
[18:41:09] <Mars> Not everyone identifies that way, and it is very annoying.
[18:41:29] <Eliza> ^
[18:41:53] <NyaaTheKitten> oh and that
[18:42:04] <NyaaTheKitten> I despise being referred to by masculine terms normally
[18:42:19] * Joins: HelloWorld (||egnuoleht)
[18:42:43] * Quits: DrSoot (moc.duolccri.egdirbxu.fa1j9b-PCS|212635diu#moc.duolccri.egdirbxu.fa1j9b-PCS|212635diu) (Connection closed for inactivity)
[18:43:23] <Mars> And there's nothing wrong with discussing an SCP but it doesn't really seem like that's what you're doing here
[18:43:26] <fairydoctor> shabbat shalom 19 o/
[18:43:34] <NyaaTheKitten> hey fairydoctor
[18:43:50] <DrKitsuni> hello fairydoctor!
[18:44:59] <Mars> snow001: Just be mindful of the lolrandom behaviour going forward.
[18:45:11] <snow001> Does anyone know Glenn Leroi's songs?
[18:45:23] <NyaaTheKitten> no?
[18:45:49] <NyaaTheKitten> damn do I wish back pain could screw off
[18:45:52] <snow001> is a guy who makes SCP songs
[18:45:57] <NyaaTheKitten> mandatory 150 situps did not bode well for me
[18:46:03] <NyaaTheKitten> I HATE gym class even more now
[18:46:55] <Mars> I wish I was better at VFX
[18:46:59] <Mars> So now I must learn
[18:47:01] <Mew-ltiverse> .lc
[18:47:02] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 1 hour ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[18:47:03] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 2 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[18:47:04] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: SCP-6220 (Written 2 hours ago By: ESB2109) -
[18:47:50] <Mew-ltiverse> My house is 20 minutes away from town so I hope I didn’t drive all the way out here to not get any orders for Uber eats
[18:48:05] <fairydoctor> <3
[18:48:22] <snow001> =)
[18:48:31] <Mew-ltiverse> The app is like “customers are hungry” but it’s not giving me any fucking orders
[18:48:39] <Mew-ltiverse> I’m not a patient person
[18:50:15] <fairydoctor> the doordash stuff is very glitchy in my town
[18:50:25] <fairydoctor> its amazing that the dasher app works at all for some people
[18:50:28] <DianaBerry> I feel so bad for my inactivity because I see that the site is low on forum reviewers so I’m gonna try and pop in and help aaaa
[18:50:37] <snow001> hi DianaBerry
[18:51:05] <fairydoctor> DianaBerry: "low on forum reviewers" yea same panic, ive been really depressed so i havent been active like i had been
[18:51:19] <Kufat> DianaBerry, similar for #thecritters lately, AFAICT
[18:51:51] <DianaBerry> I still have a dream of being a butterfly one day but I know I’m not consistently active enough so I probably would need to up my activity, I suppose I could always ask Zyn her thoughts on it though
[18:52:02] <Mew-ltiverse> Yeah I tend to take long breaks from stuff due to depressive episodes
[18:52:30] <fairydoctor> im glad im not the only one experiencing this
[18:52:38] <DianaBerry> Same I take long breaks due to depression and other health issues, my narcolepsy makes me sleep a lot and my POTS makes me very faint and weak
[18:52:52] <DianaBerry> But when I am active I’m like super active
[18:52:52] <Mew-ltiverse> Yeah I just came back to the wiki after a long depressive break
[18:53:10] <Mars> Im at the point where I don't know what I want to do creatively
[18:53:12] <Mars> like
[18:53:24] <Mars> I tried getting back into photoshop but stopped working on a thing
[18:53:28] * Joins: drblackbox (moc.rr.ser.nofgts-PCS|xobkcalbrd#moc.rr.ser.nofgts-PCS|xobkcalbrd)
[18:53:33] <Mars> Tried getting back into blender but like, I forgot everything
[18:53:37] <DianaBerry> I was inactive in the fall due to college and health issues and getting testing and diagnosis done
[18:53:41] <Eliza> Kara put me in charge of finding campus housing
[18:53:42] <Mars> And i have no idea what to write or read anymore
[18:53:45] <Mars> So im just
[18:53:47] <Mars> bleh
[18:53:49] <Eliza> Do y'all have any tips for finding something good?
[18:53:53] <DianaBerry> I got diagnosed with autism so now I’m in better treatments
[18:54:03] <Mew-ltiverse> Like on campus housing?
[18:54:10] <Eliza> Yes
[18:54:50] <Mew-ltiverse> Well when I was in college we signed up for it and they put us in a dorm based on the sign up
[18:55:03] <DianaBerry> Same I’ve had severe writers block for like 3 years, just occasionally I pop out of it and produce an idea until the block hits me on the head again
[18:56:48] * fairydoctor is now known as fairyAFK
[18:57:01] <Eliza> Oh my
[18:57:01] <snow001> Mew-ltiverse hey, I just want to tell you that I'm editing my article, then I'll send you the link, okay?
[18:57:19] <Mew-ltiverse> I don’t wanna look at your article anymore
[18:57:54] <Eliza> Student Access and Resource Center?
[18:57:58] <Eliza> Should I say yes to that?
[18:58:04] <DianaBerry> I would
[18:58:06] <Mew-ltiverse> Eliza: I would
[18:58:08] <Eliza> Okay
[18:59:53] <Eliza> I almost defiantly will need accommodations for things
[19:00:08] <Mew-ltiverse> Me and Diana had accommodations
[19:00:09] <Eliza> I'm not sure how people live normally.
[19:00:14] <Mew-ltiverse> Felt
[19:00:27] <Eliza> Justin just reminded Kara that xe needed to do it
[19:00:31] <Eliza> and Kara doesn't want to
[19:00:45] <Eliza> and since we're watching something, it then became my responsibility
[19:00:49] <Mew-ltiverse> God felt I didn’t wanna do that either my mom had to make me
[19:01:00] <snow001> Today I watched the movie "Pixels"
[19:01:16] <snow001> =)
[19:01:35] <Mew-ltiverse> Damn I might have to turn on waitr but I don’t wanna do waitr it doesn’t pay as much as uber eats
[19:01:40] <snow001> what's happening?
[19:01:52] <Mew-ltiverse> A few convos
[19:02:24] <NyaaTheKitten> snow001, imo, pixels wasn't a very good movie
[19:02:47] <snow001> Pixels is very good
[19:03:07] <drblackbox> It was surreal watching the short then them making a movie of it.
[19:03:09] <NyaaTheKitten> it's all flashes and cheap trills
[19:03:17] <NyaaTheKitten> nothing good about it
[19:03:31] <NyaaTheKitten> the main reason it has a 30% rating on Rotten Tomatoes
[19:03:34] <drblackbox> I did like the effects and the concept.
[19:03:35] <snow001> all the parts that appear game characters are epic
[19:03:38] <drblackbox> That's about it.
[19:04:01] * Quits: DrJunoHowlett (PI.241.431.jnu.kqe-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.241.431.jnu.kqe-PCS|egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[19:04:19] <NyaaTheKitten> drblackbox, the concept was doomed to fail from the start
[19:05:38] <Eliza> > How comfortable are you living with an individual(s) licensed by the State of Texas to carry a concealed handgun?:
[19:05:40] <Eliza> Depends
[19:05:47] <Eliza> Do they have a gun on campus?
[19:05:52] <Eliza> If so then I'm calling the police
[19:06:02] <Eliza> If not then they're okay
[19:06:25] <NyaaTheKitten> guns are a big nono for me
[19:06:31] <drblackbox> Can they be licensed by a sane state?
[19:06:38] <NyaaTheKitten> ^
[19:06:45] <Eliza> Well, I don't care if they have a license to carry
[19:06:56] <snow001> I thought the movie was epic, there are several characters from classic games in this movie, very good
[19:07:00] <Eliza> I only care if they're carying on campus
[19:07:00] <drblackbox> I like guns, just not Texas' approach to decision making.
[19:07:08] <Eliza> Texas is…
[19:07:11] <Eliza> Sort of wack
[19:07:40] <drblackbox> When not taking electricity from other states is more important than the citizens being alive.
[19:09:38] * Joins: slurppp (moc.duolccri.yelsmleh.3596eb-PCS|214735diu#moc.duolccri.yelsmleh.3596eb-PCS|214735diu)
[19:09:48] <Eliza> Room mates? but we don't know anyone going
[19:09:56] <Eliza> just put us with someone who could probably deal with us
[19:10:29] * Quits: ChaoSera (yddad.em.tsohv|817712diu#yddad.em.tsohv|817712diu) ()
[19:10:30] * Quits: wasabipesto (PI.561.722.hjh.7ci-PCS|tsepibasaw#PI.561.722.hjh.7ci-PCS|tsepibasaw) (Connection closed)
[19:10:39] <Mew-ltiverse> The form we filled out said it would match with a fitting roomate
[19:10:42] * Joins: wasabipesto (PI.561.722.hjh.7ci-PCS|tsepibasaw#PI.561.722.hjh.7ci-PCS|tsepibasaw)
[19:10:58] <Mew-ltiverse> Based on the form
[19:11:57] <Eliza>
[19:12:01] <Eliza> What the fuck does this mean?
[19:12:17] <Eliza> I already gave them my meningitis record
[19:12:20] <Mew-ltiverse> I have no idea
[19:13:04] <drblackbox> Well see, educational software is designed to fuck you over in every possible way.
[19:13:33] <LittleFieryOne> drblackbox, "You're welcome for the online proctoring, fucko"
[19:13:57] <snow001> the game i play has been updated
[19:14:07] <Eliza> Also could they not fucking deadname us?
[19:14:13] <Eliza> Don't fucking use that name
[19:14:16] <Eliza> >:C
[19:14:22] <Pratten> Morning all
[19:14:28] <Pratten> It's been 30 years
[19:14:36] <Pratten> Since I've been here XD
[19:14:53] <NyaaTheKitten> hello Pratten
[19:15:00] <Pratten> Ello ello
[19:15:19] <NyaaTheKitten> Eliza, some people are rude and enjoy deadnaming
[19:15:31] <slurppp> gm Pratten!
[19:15:40] <Pratten> Morning slurppp!
[19:15:42] <Eliza> No, it's an automated message
[19:15:54] <snow001> guys
[19:15:56] <Eliza> but none of them could be bothered to put in a slot for a "preferred name"?
[19:15:59] <drblackbox> The machines have learned transphobia. Run.
[19:16:22] <drblackbox> …Actually, that'll probably slow down the robot doomsday.
[19:16:28] <snow001> can i show SCPs i made in a pony game? =)
[19:16:44] <NyaaTheKitten> those….wouldn't be scps then
[19:17:01] <drblackbox> I think like designing pony versions of SCPs.
[19:17:12] <Eliza> NyaaTheKitten: Fan creators of SCPs but in a pony game?
[19:17:26] <Eliza> drblackbox: Nah, just using the legal name of people
[19:17:47] <Eliza> I'm just so grumpy
[19:17:55] <snow001>
[19:17:58] <snow001> lol
[19:18:03] <Eliza> I think I'm gonna go back to being cocon instead of co fronting. Fuck this
[19:18:09] <Eliza> Or at least try to
[19:18:19] <LittleFieryOne> .ch replay nights into dreams, put it off until tomorrow for no reason at all
[19:18:19] <Secretary_Helen> LittleFieryOne: replay nights into dreams
[19:19:19] <LittleFieryOne> I'll get to Ace Attorney later
[19:20:10] * Eliza is now known as ClarafiedHoney
[19:20:13] <ClarafiedHoney> :(
[19:20:25] <drblackbox> Cocoon thing didn't work?
[19:21:14] <ClarafiedHoney> No, they're still here, just that they gave up
[19:21:38] <drblackbox> Is cocooning like when nobody's at the helm?
[19:21:48] <LittleFieryOne> What is cocooning?
[19:21:49] <ClarafiedHoney> No co-con
[19:22:13] <ClarafiedHoney> It's when someone else in the body is also conscious with someone else
[19:22:30] <LittleFieryOne> I see
[19:22:39] <ClarafiedHoney> because we're
[19:23:03] <ClarafiedHoney> ✨ Multiple/Plural/Whatever term that explains those two things ✨
[19:23:57] <ClarafiedHoney> DID riddled?
[19:24:07] * ClarafiedHoney shrugs
[19:24:41] <drblackbox> Idk I'm like the polar opposite.
[19:25:09] <TheRaven> Oh, Eliza is you, that saves me a dumb question
[19:25:27] <ClarafiedHoney> Same body— not really the same person
[19:27:06] <NyaaTheKitten> y'all ever have constant hallucinations about doors clicking and closing
[19:27:17] <NyaaTheKitten> normally while in cold dark rooms
[19:27:43] <slurppp> no, but every once in a while I hear an extremely loud door slam, and for some reason it happens mostly when im about to fall asleep
[19:28:03] <ClarafiedHoney> I get that too slurppp
[19:28:09] <ClarafiedHoney> I also get a lot of music
[19:28:11] <Pratten> Exploding head syndrome?
[19:28:12] <slurppp> it's so annoying >:(
[19:28:20] <NyaaTheKitten> slurppp, oh and spiders
[19:28:21] <DrKitsuni> i have hallucination about locks in walls but not doors clicking
[19:28:24] <NyaaTheKitten> the spiders ate so
[19:28:28] <NyaaTheKitten> so scary
[19:28:29] <ClarafiedHoney> I find sounds get louder when I'm about to sleep
[19:28:35] <slurppp> spiders are cute once you get to know them!!
[19:28:45] <NyaaTheKitten> I want to cry rn
[19:28:47] <ClarafiedHoney> SCP-6600
[19:28:48] <Secretary_Helen> ClarafiedHoney: SCP-6600: Spidercon (Rating: +136. Written 249 days ago By: celestekara, chiifu, limeyy, margssentif, quadraginta) -
[19:28:50] <slurppp> please don't cry :(
[19:28:51] <ClarafiedHoney> NyaaTheKitten: :(
[19:28:51] <NyaaTheKitten> I feel like there are spiders on my back
[19:28:57] <ClarafiedHoney> D:
[19:29:06] <NyaaTheKitten> and I feel really boxed in and claustrophobic almost
[19:29:09] <ClarafiedHoney> And knowing it's not real doesn't make it any less real
[19:29:11] <snow001> DrKitsuni I see things in my peripheral vision
[19:29:14] <TheRaven> No, I was gonna ask if you were someone I knew back in the Origins RP/technically still on Discord I guess…wait though, I think she spelled it with an S instead of a Z
[19:29:14] <NyaaTheKitten> even though the room I'm in in really open
[19:29:15] <snow001> lol
[19:29:18] <NyaaTheKitten> slurppp, me too
[19:29:30] <NyaaTheKitten> the peripheral vision bugs
[19:29:34] <NyaaTheKitten> snow001, what's so funny?
[19:29:42] <slurppp> I wasn't the one who typed that
[19:30:11] * Joins: weizhong (gnohziew.repmes.cis|iew#gnohziew.repmes.cis|iew)
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[19:30:35] <DianaBerry> My kitten kept trying to get into my room trash can earlier
[19:30:40] <NyaaTheKitten> slurppp, oh wellthen
[19:30:42] <NyaaTheKitten> sorry
[19:30:50] <snow001> I think you'll call me crazy if I say I see SCP-372 in peripheral vision, I see so much about this SCP that I even see it, but I don't really care about it. o-o
[19:31:00] <DianaBerry> It was very cute
[19:31:14] <snow001> maybe i'm going crazy, but i don't care.
[19:31:40] <DrKitsuni> snow001 going crazy is just step 1, just so you know :D
[19:32:14] <NyaaTheKitten> ClarafiedHoney, yea, I know it isn't real but it's driving me to the point of severe nausea
[19:32:24] <NyaaTheKitten> and hyperventilating
[19:32:25] * Joins: LongArmLarry (moc.tsewnepoediw.yrt.osif3o-PCS|egnuoleht#moc.tsewnepoediw.yrt.osif3o-PCS|egnuoleht)
[19:32:25] <ClarafiedHoney> NyaaTheKitten: Yup. That's accurate
[19:32:40] <ClarafiedHoney> idk how to explain that to people, if that makes sense
[19:32:56] <snow001> I see SCP-1471-A and SCP-372 in peripheral vision, I'm really going crazy, I don't really care…
[19:32:57] <snow001> lol
[19:33:02] <NyaaTheKitten> ClarafiedHoney, mind if I dm you?
[19:33:06] <slurppp> NyaaTheKitten that sucks to hear :( Maybe splash cold water on your face and back? That sometimes help when I'm feeling stressed
[19:33:20] <NyaaTheKitten> slurppp, cold water doesn't help
[19:33:22] <ClarafiedHoney> How even though you know the trumpets, horns, and saxophones aren't conspiring against me, it doesn't make it any less real to my brain
[19:33:24] <ClarafiedHoney> NyaaTheKitten: Go a head :)
[19:33:26] <NyaaTheKitten> also texture of liquids on my face
[19:33:29] <NyaaTheKitten> is big no no
[19:33:41] <slurppp> ah, never mind then
[19:33:43] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: You may want to get that checked out if you can :)
[19:34:14] <amby> NyaaTheKitten: do you need a hug
[19:34:17] <snow001> SCP =)
[19:34:27] <NyaaTheKitten> definitely but i am scared it'll make it worse
[19:34:48] <snow001> I need to sleep
[19:35:08] <snow001> and i need a hug
[19:35:12] <snow001> and
[19:35:32] <snow001> I need SCP dolls =)
[19:35:37] <amby> i dont think theres many people in this channel who dont need a hug
[19:35:52] * amby needs a hug
[19:35:57] * slurppp gives hugs to anyone who wants them <3
[19:36:03] <snow001> i need a hug
[19:36:31] <DrKitsuni> i need a pillow, and a hug too
[19:36:51] * NyaaTheKitten hugs amby and slurppp
[19:36:59] <NyaaTheKitten> and ClarafiedHoney
[19:37:43] <snow001> I need to talk to someone
[19:37:52] <snow001> about SCPs
[19:37:54] * ClarafiedHoney hugs NyaaTheKitten
[19:37:57] <snow001> and bananas
[19:39:12] <DrKitsuni> just pm me snow001, ill listen :)
[19:40:43] * Joins: damienknight (PI.781.64.cdm.nfq-PCS|ginkneimad#PI.781.64.cdm.nfq-PCS|ginkneimad)
[19:41:16] <Rigen> .au
[19:41:16] <Secretary_Helen> Rigen: rigen - ( has 11 pages. (4 SCP articles, 5 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 2 others.) They have 334 net upvotes with a rounded average of 30. Their latest page is Antagony at 14.
[19:41:34] <DrKitsuni> in fact ill listen to anyone, although i probably wont be able to help or relate to it :I
[19:41:43] <damienknight> Just sent the butterflies my updated SCP concept, waiting for a review is torture lel
[19:42:16] <LongArmLarry> what was your concept again?
[19:42:20] <LongArmLarry> i remember seeing it in #thecritters
[19:42:32] * Joins: Subject19 (ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS#ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS)
[19:42:32] <snow001> ah man dat sum gud sjit
[19:42:33] <snow001> lo
[19:42:34] <damienknight> well not very memorable I see lel
[19:42:36] <snow001> lol*
[19:42:37] <damienknight> This shid
[19:42:53] <damienknight> Just added a narrative section with a rough sketch of the story
[19:42:58] <LongArmLarry> oh no, i distinctly remembered there being a flagpole one
[19:43:00] <DianaBerry> There are lots of users with lots of ideas
[19:43:02] <damienknight> with like 2300 words or something
[19:43:06] <LongArmLarry> i just remember that two users posted their concept that day
[19:43:07] <damienknight> I can't condense it
[19:43:15] <LongArmLarry> and i wasn't certain if that was yours or someone else's
[19:43:25] <DianaBerry> It doesn’t mean that your idea isn’t memorable it’s just hard to remember who has what idea
[19:43:27] <damienknight> what was that saying, "If I had more time I'd have written a shorter story"
[19:43:41] <Rigen> yeah there are so many people…
[19:43:41] <damienknight> Yea I know, I'm joking
[19:43:44] <LongArmLarry> my advice honestly is
[19:43:53] * Quits: HelloWorld (||egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[19:44:13] <LongArmLarry> if you're just trying to detail your story for a greenlighter
[19:44:37] <damienknight> By the way, now I have concepts for like 3-4 SCPs and 2 tales or something like that
[19:44:41] <LongArmLarry> cut out literally everything but the extreme barebones of the plot
[19:44:42] <damienknight> I have no idea how that happened
[19:44:53] <DianaBerry> I wish I could have that many active ideas at once
[19:44:55] <damienknight> I did that, I used a bullet point list
[19:45:31] <LongArmLarry> i have a congealed mass of concepts that could certainly result in one or two solid ideas
[19:45:55] <LongArmLarry> i often find myself splitting off chunks of concepts into their own thing once i realize that the huge overarching idea i had was a bit too big for what i was operating with
[19:49:23] <damienknight> I can see how that would work. Though right now I have multiple SCPs intertwined in the same story, working together
[19:49:32] <damienknight> I created one because it had to complement the other
[19:49:34] * Joins: TawnyOwlPhones (||925594dis)
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[19:49:47] <damienknight> I created the first because I needed an explanation for the 2 others
[19:49:48] <DianaBerry> I got another scp idea from a dream that I’m gonna work on after my current scp is finished
[19:50:03] <damienknight> The flagbearer is the evolution of those 2 others
[19:50:14] <snow001> I'm thinking about doing another SCP
[19:50:29] <Subject19> Which one have you done, snow?
[19:50:38] <snow001> I'm thinking my reality bending gray parrot won't be good, maybe later I'll try to make it again
[19:50:46] <DianaBerry> Maybe you should focus on one of the ideas you already have in development
[19:51:03] <snow001> I'm going to do something weird
[19:51:17] <Subject19> I had an idea, but it was just too vast and I didn't have the patience so I just gave it up.
[19:51:48] <snow001> hmmm
[19:51:55] <Subject19> I got a greenlight on the concept and everything, but there were way too many flaws and like I said, I had no time nor patience to finish it, lol
[19:52:06] <damienknight> What was the basic premise?
[19:52:12] <Subject19> Me?
[19:52:13] <DianaBerry> Yeah I understand I do that too
[19:52:24] <Subject19> I give a link to the concept page.
[19:52:30] <snow001> I think I'll continue to write my reality-bending gray parrot, I'll just rewrite it.
[19:52:44] <snow001> idk
[19:52:45] <Subject19>
[19:53:04] <Rigen> speaking of working (well, "working") on multiple ideas at once….
[19:53:11] * Joins: HelloWorld (||egnuoleht)
[19:53:16] <damienknight> What does the parrot do?
[19:53:25] <snow001> I think it's very boring a gray parrot that bends reality just to make some strong electrical discharges
[19:53:30] <damienknight> Jesus Rigen
[19:53:39] <Rigen> wwww
[19:53:48] <Rigen> tbf five or six or those are not SCP
[19:54:04] <slurppp> that's… a lot of open projects
[19:54:06] * Joins: Mooagain (||egnuoleht)
[19:54:23] <Subject19> Understatement, slurp.
[19:54:25] <snow001> i will rewrite it and do like SCP-3812 or jim north's proposal, i will read some reality benders and i will try to write something good
[19:54:26] <snow001> idk
[19:54:39] * Quits: cleriyou (||egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[19:54:52] <damienknight> I mean, I don't want to be mean or anything, but that parrot has "object that does thing" energy
[19:55:04] <damienknight> Are you intentionally underselling your own concept?
[19:55:07] <Mooagain> .l
[19:55:08] <Secretary_Helen> Mooagain: Scp 6127 (Written A few seconds ago By: AbyssalRose1) -
[19:55:09] <Secretary_Helen> Mooagain: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 2 hours ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[19:55:10] <Secretary_Helen> Mooagain: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 3 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[19:55:23] <Rigen> slurppp this is why it takes me like a decade to do anything
[19:55:34] <stormfallen> Please note that if you receive a Wikidot DM from user ASkipAbove saying that staff is running a survey on what to do with 173 and to DM your opinion to various staff members - uh, don't do that. It's a banned user trolling in an attempt to flood people's inboxes.
[19:55:35] <snow001> I don't know if I want to make it very dangerous…
[19:55:35] <slurppp> at least you're ambitious!
[19:55:36] <stormfallen> Additionally, here's a guide on how to block Wikidot DMs from strangers, something you might want to do:
[19:56:04] <snow001> I think I'll make him be Thaumiel
[19:56:05] <slurppp> noted
[19:56:13] <LongArmLarry> oh wow
[19:56:15] <LongArmLarry> that latest article
[19:56:23] <damienknight> I mean, you don't need to make it dangerous, just interesting, and part of an overall narrative
[19:56:39] <damienknight> What is going to make someone interested in the article? Why is parrot?
[19:57:02] <damienknight> I also struggle with this a lot
[19:57:13] <Mooagain> "be Thaumiel" doesn't really mean anything, the object class is the least important part of a story
[19:57:25] <snow001> I decided that my SCP was going to be a parrot because I think parrots are cute
[19:57:28] <snow001> lol
[19:58:20] <snow001> Mooagain I'm going to make him Thaumiel because I'm going to make him help the Foundation contain anomalies, or something, I don't know.
[19:58:28] <snow001> or kill anomalies…
[19:58:33] <snow001> idk
[19:58:33] <DianaBerry> No
[19:58:40] <DianaBerry> They would not have it kill anomalies
[19:58:51] <Hex> Okay, let's pump the brakes.
[19:58:56] <DianaBerry> They goal is to contain not destroy that’s the GOC
[19:58:58] <DianaBerry> Sorry
[19:59:12] <Hex> snow001: Modern SCPs require well thought out anomalies that make sense.
[19:59:15] <snow001> ok, but if he's not going to kill anomalies, at least I'll make him thaumiel to… idk
[19:59:25] <snow001> or safe
[19:59:28] <snow001> idk aaaaaa
[19:59:35] <Hex> Not only that, but a well developed narrative that engages the readers to be paired with it.
[19:59:55] <Mars> Narrative you say
[20:00:02] <snow001> i live in spain without the s =)
[20:00:09] <TawnyOwlPhones> Object class is usually irrelevant. Highly recommend reading more articles and guides and essays before you start writing things
[20:00:10] <snow001> Hex ok
[20:00:18] <damienknight> It's extremely hard to make a good Thaumiel or Archon mate
[20:00:22] <Hex> snow001: You're thinking too much on the stuff in articles that doesn't matter. No one especially cares what object class it is.
[20:00:29] <damienknight> It's probably a better idea to assign the class after the fact
[20:00:41] <Mars> 👀
[20:00:41] <Hex> snow001: Have you read the How To Write An SCP guide?
[20:00:48] <snow001> hmm
[20:00:49] <snow001> yes
[20:00:56] <LongArmLarry> trying to shoot for an esoteric-class as your very first SCP doesn't really tend to be a good idea
[20:01:03] <LongArmLarry> it's strongly recommended that you stick to the standard three
[20:01:08] <snow001> hmm
[20:01:10] <DianaBerry> Thamuiel in particular are difficult to do right
[20:01:22] <snow001> but the Thaumiel class is not esoteric .-.
[20:01:23] <Hex> snow001: I'd recommend reading it again, in addition to reading some modern SCPs to get a feel for how stuff is done.
[20:01:26] <Hex> SCP-5858
[20:01:27] <Secretary_Helen> Hex: SCP-5858: The Kindness of Strangers (Rating: +379. Written 1 year ago By: T Rutherford) -
[20:01:36] <Hex> A personal favorite of mine. ^
[20:01:41] <LongArmLarry> any SCP class beyond safe, euclid, or keter is considered esoteric
[20:01:43] <snow001> SCP-5513
[20:01:43] <Secretary_Helen> snow001: SCP-5513: The SCP Foundation Is My Boyfriend (Rating: +51. Written 355 days ago By: Azmoeth Jikandia) -
[20:01:46] <snow001> NO
[20:01:47] <snow001> SHIT
[20:01:48] * Quits: weizhong (gnohziew.repmes.cis|iew#gnohziew.repmes.cis|iew) (Connection closed)
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[20:02:03] <Subject19> wha?
[20:02:14] <TawnyOwlPhones> You definitely can break the rules of writing in your first article but it’s not a good idea unless you actually know what the rules are
[20:02:17] * Quits: petra_the_kat (PI.731.22.lmr.6b3-PCS|_eht_artep#PI.731.22.lmr.6b3-PCS|_eht_artep) (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[20:02:25] <TawnyOwlPhones> snow001: chill out please
[20:02:34] <snow001> LongArmLarry but if the Thaumiel Class were esoteric the tags would be "esoteric class", not Thaumiel
[20:02:35] <Subject19> Don't be an ass, they're just trying to help.
[20:02:42] <damienknight> snow001 here's what helped me. I tried to take inspiration on creative commons images I found, and build off of them. Just take them and make up the story behind them, which was how the first SCP was made.
[20:02:48] <snow001> ..
[20:03:04] <snow001> wait
[20:03:05] <snow001> what?
[20:03:12] <damienknight> Focus on worldbuilding, and what you want your reader to feel while reading your article
[20:03:14] <LongArmLarry> well, just because thaumiel has a separate tag doesn't mean it's not an esoteric class
[20:03:16] <TawnyOwlPhones> LongArmLarry: that’s not true anymore really. NSEKT, archon, and Apollyon are all standard classes these days
[20:03:34] <NyaaTheKitten> hey TawnyOwlPhones you mind if I dm you for a bit?
[20:03:44] <DianaBerry> Try to focus on what you want the story to be. Making the interest of the article revolve around containment and foundation related stuff is a bit boring if not tackled right
[20:03:47] <Mars> Arguably thaumiel is a standard class by now
[20:03:52] <LongArmLarry> i suppose that's fair
[20:03:53] <damienknight> I mean, they are, but that's also pretty irrelevant, it's just semantics. The point is writing your first SCP as a Thaumiel is likely not going to go well
[20:04:04] * Mars resists the urge to plug 6800 for a good example of a thaumiel anomaly
[20:04:11] <Subject19> I can't remember the last time I actually stumbled upon a Thaumiel article.
[20:04:17] <damienknight> Nobody is saying there aren't good Thaumiels
[20:04:22] <Mooagain> SCp-6800
[20:04:23] <Secretary_Helen> Mooagain: SCP-6800: The White Ashes (Rating: +218. Written 255 days ago By: Marcelles_Raynes) -
[20:04:26] <TawnyOwlPhones> NyaaTheKitten: my phone is close to dying but you may PM me indeed
[20:04:27] <DianaBerry> Scps are vessels to tell a story, they’re not necessarily about the anomaly themselves
[20:04:29] <snow001> I'm going to start writing the Special Containment Procedures
[20:04:44] <damienknight> what
[20:04:45] <snow001> I'll be back soon =)
[20:04:55] <LongArmLarry> what's NSEKT, anyways?
[20:05:04] <slurppp> Neutralised Safe Euclid Keter Thaumiel
[20:05:04] <damienknight> I'll use a birdcage mate
[20:05:09] <slurppp> it's an acronym
[20:05:11] <damienknight> regular storebought birdcage
[20:05:20] <snow001> damienknight did i write something wrong? sorry i use the translator, i'm brazilian, lol
[20:05:35] <LongArmLarry> i see
[20:05:42] <snow001> =)
[20:05:46] <Subject19> Why…
[20:05:53] <Subject19> Why would you start with the SCPs?
[20:05:54] <LongArmLarry> i mean, i'm just defining it in the context of classes-you-should-not-try-as-a-first-time-author, i suppose
[20:05:59] <Subject19> (Special Containment Pros)
[20:06:28] <Subject19> I would do those last, after you have a fully fleshed-out idea of what exactly the anomaly is.
[20:06:29] <damienknight> Não, só achei engraçado que tu vai escrever os procedimentos sem ter um conceito completo do SCP
[20:06:40] <Rigen> you can start from any part of the article
[20:06:41] <damienknight> Yikes, I don't know what came over me
[20:06:58] <snow001> damienknight brasil?
[20:07:01] <Mooagain> Writing in a linear fashion is good
[20:07:02] <Subject19> I know, Rigen, I'm just saying what seems easiest.
[20:07:04] <Rigen> it doesn't matter where you start, just that you finish….eventually
[20:07:06] <snow001> Are you Brazilian?
[20:07:12] <damienknight> please ignore the demonspeak
[20:07:19] <Subject19> It's fine.
[20:07:23] <Subject19> It happens to me too.
[20:07:25] <slurppp> and as long as you have fun along the way :D
[20:07:32] <Rigen> 😅
[20:07:33] <Mars> Fun is overrated
[20:07:36] <damienknight> Nah, my grandfather was Portuguese, so I know a little bit
[20:07:37] <Mars> I'm here to suffer
[20:07:38] <damienknight> also google translate
[20:07:56] <snow001> damienknight the concept would be to know what the SCP does and what it is, right?
[20:07:56] <Subject19> Ya.
[20:08:08] <Mooagain> The fun is in watching other people suffer
[20:08:13] <Subject19> …
[20:08:16] <Subject19> That got dark.
[20:08:18] <Mars> Mooagain: >:[
[20:08:20] <snow001> hmmmm
[20:08:35] <damienknight> I mean, sort of. Like other people said, it's less about what the SCP does and more about the story it tells
[20:08:37] <Subject19> Suffering is…not fun?
[20:08:39] <Mooagain> Subject19 yeah but light mode hurts my eyes
[20:08:47] <Subject19> Oh, shut up.
[20:08:48] <damienknight> I could write a generator to create concepts that are just "thing does thing"
[20:08:53] <ClarafiedHoney> Mars: Thout shalt suffer
[20:08:54] <slurppp> schadenfreude is not very polite :(
[20:08:59] <Mars> Light mode is whack
[20:09:02] <damienknight> Volleyball that actually weights 2 tons
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[20:09:04] <Subject19> No shit.
[20:09:06] <Mars> ClarafiedHoney: oh hell no
[20:09:08] * Quits: HelloWorld (||egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[20:09:20] <damienknight> Clock that kills you once the arms align
[20:09:21] <ClarafiedHoney> Mars: lmfao
[20:09:22] <Mars> Not biblical suffering!
[20:09:26] <damienknight> Sand that sucks you in
[20:09:27] <LongArmLarry> the saying always is
[20:09:33] <LongArmLarry> SCPs are stories disguised as clinical documentation
[20:09:33] <ClarafiedHoney> NON BIBLICAL SUFFERING!!!
[20:09:34] * Parts: TawnyOwlPhones (||925594dis) (maybe brb)
[20:09:36] <Subject19> That's called quicksand.
[20:09:42] <damienknight> Nobody really cares if it can just be explained in a sentence
[20:09:50] <damienknight> Into another dimension
[20:09:54] <Subject19> Oh.
[20:09:57] <Subject19> Duh.
[20:09:57] <damienknight> decent concept actually
[20:10:03] <LongArmLarry> ehh
[20:10:06] <Subject19> I should've known that, I'm stupid.
[20:10:08] <damienknight> not really
[20:10:13] <LongArmLarry> it'd just be the standard "dimensional portal" thing
[20:10:20] <damienknight> Pretty much yea
[20:10:23] <Mars> Imagine quicksand that wants to run in a race
[20:10:26] <LongArmLarry> unless you made them mineral dimensions or something
[20:10:26] <Mooagain> Exploring alternate worlds can be fun
[20:10:27] <DrKitsuni> sounds like a- oh wait, im the only one who would get that :I
[20:10:33] <Subject19> The one about the cave leading to the death realm was cool.
[20:10:34] <damienknight> Still, I'm just rambling. Point is, thing that does thing doesn't usually work anymore
[20:10:36] <LongArmLarry> you have fallen into the portal to the granite dimension
[20:10:43] <Subject19> I forget what it was, tho
[20:10:48] <LongArmLarry> endless countertops await you
[20:10:55] <LongArmLarry> i mean, the thing is, technically any concept works if you do it well
[20:11:03] <damienknight> I agree
[20:11:10] <LongArmLarry> it's just that the bar for execution gets progressively higher the more something's done
[20:11:13] <Subject19> SCP-2935
[20:11:13] <Secretary_Helen> Subject19: SCP-2935: O, Death (Rating: +1776. Written 5 years ago By: djkaktus) -
[20:11:14] <damienknight> which is why the concept is not the point, doing it well is
[20:11:16] <Subject19> This one.
[20:11:17] <LongArmLarry> yeah
[20:11:20] <Subject19> I liked this.
[20:11:36] <Mars> I'll write "a thing that does a thing" write now
[20:11:43] <Mars> Ooh what
[20:11:45] <DrKitsuni> so an infinite cooler with a small risk of being pulled into it could work?
[20:11:48] <Mars> That could be a writing challenge
[20:11:57] <LongArmLarry> i mean
[20:12:00] <LongArmLarry> basically
[20:12:09] <Mars> Explore really bland concepts and make them interesting
[20:12:18] <Mars> Like thing that does a thing or a thing that kills you
[20:12:19] <LongArmLarry> anything can work, it's just that the more interesting you make the concept the easier it is to make that work
[20:12:22] <damienknight> Yes, that's brilliant actually
[20:12:52] * Quits: amby (PI.00a2.5c32.tcmn.la3p.6b5a5q-PCS|antsalybma#PI.00a2.5c32.tcmn.la3p.6b5a5q-PCS|antsalybma) (so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement)
[20:13:08] <LongArmLarry> if i made a bomb that exploded every hour, on the face of it it'd be super boring
[20:13:33] <LongArmLarry> but, like, if i included a detailed 20 page history about some left-wing underground student-group-turned-terrorist-collective that got their hands on some anomalous IEDs
[20:13:46] <LongArmLarry> the concept could maybe work
[20:13:46] <Subject19> imagine.
[20:14:15] <Subject19> I would read that.
[20:14:18] <ClarafiedHoney> .l
[20:14:19] <Secretary_Helen> ClarafiedHoney: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 3 hours ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[20:14:20] <ClarafiedHoney> .au tekara
[20:14:20] <Secretary_Helen> ClarafiedHoney: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 3 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[20:14:21] <Secretary_Helen> ClarafiedHoney: SCP-6220 (Written 3 hours ago By: ESB2109) -
[20:14:22] <Secretary_Helen> ClarafiedHoney: celestekara - ( has 24 pages. (4 SCP articles, 16 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 4 others.) They have 1370 net upvotes with a rounded average of 57. Their latest page is SCP-6600: Spidercon at 136.
[20:14:22] <LongArmLarry> it's just that it'd be a pain in the ass to fit that history into the article
[20:14:37] <LongArmLarry> i mean, i have considered a variation along that theme before
[20:15:03] <damienknight> Yes, that's exactly it
[20:15:24] <damienknight> It's absolute pain to write a nice story, with no idea idea how to fit it into an article
[20:15:26] <Mars> .au celles
[20:15:26] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: marcelles_raynes - ( has 47 pages. (27 SCP articles, 13 Tales, 4 GoI Formats, 3 others.) They have 2441 net upvotes with a rounded average of 52. Their latest page is GoAC > Chapter_7.js at 21.
[20:15:35] <Mars> SCP-6526
[20:15:35] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: SCP-6526: Rock Bottom (Rating: +53. Written 17 days ago By: Marcelles_Raynes) -
[20:15:38] <Mars> Oh nic3
[20:15:38] <damienknight> You have to hide the bloody thing in logs
[20:15:42] <Mars> Momentum
[20:15:45] <LongArmLarry> it just makes your job so much easier if you can have a good reason for the story to take place
[20:15:49] <damienknight> or break the article "fourth wall"
[20:16:09] <damienknight> Logs that no one will read if they don't get through the description and containment procedures by the way
[20:16:17] * Quits: Subject19 (ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS#ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS) (The Lounge - By
[20:16:34] <LongArmLarry> i feel like with articles like those brevity is key in those sections
[20:16:41] <LongArmLarry> you need to get into the action as soon as possible
[20:16:47] <Mooagain> SCP-6960
[20:16:47] <Secretary_Helen> Mooagain: SCP-6960: Mobile Task Fanfic (Rating: +74. Written 140 days ago By: Mooagain ) -
[20:17:01] <snow001> guys
[20:17:16] <DrFullham> You can write it however you want as long as you keep the reader engaged.
[20:17:29] <snow001> whats happening
[20:17:34] <DrFullham> There's no such thing as a story that's too long or too short, only one that's longer or shorter than it needs to be.
[20:18:31] <Mooagain> ^
[20:18:33] * Quits: NyaaTheKitten (ten.nozirev.soif.d4st6d-PCS|aCsuluclaC#ten.nozirev.soif.d4st6d-PCS|aCsuluclaC) (Jumping into hyperspace, homeward bound)
[20:18:38] <Mars> ^
[20:18:52] <Mars> Fullham out here with the wisdom
[20:19:04] <LongArmLarry> i mean, absolutely
[20:19:07] <snow001> can I contain my SCP at Site-18 or Site-19?
[20:19:14] <snow001> =(
[20:19:21] <LongArmLarry> you can contain it at site 18 1/2 if you'd like
[20:19:31] <LongArmLarry> there's no restrictions on where you can put things
[20:19:31] <DrFullham> Site Platform 9 3/4
[20:19:34] <damienknight> Fair enough, that doesn't work if you have a complex concept though.
[20:19:47] <LongArmLarry> although generally it's become a bit cliche at this point to just dump stuff in site 17
[20:19:50] <damienknight> Again, if I had more time I would have written a shorter lette
[20:19:53] <damienknight> r
[20:19:59] <DrFullham> Wrong, a complex concept can absolutely be told succinctly
[20:20:04] <DrFullham> It's just a lot harder to do.
[20:20:09] <damienknight> Yes, but I can't do it
[20:20:20] <Hex> .au
[20:20:20] <DrFullham> LongArmLarry: Most people don't really care what site you put it in, honestly.
[20:20:21] <Secretary_Helen> Hex: hexick - has 7 pages. (5 SCP articles, 2 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 0 others.) They have 363 net upvotes with a rounded average of 52. Their latest page is I, Hub (April Fools) at 72.
[20:20:22] <snow001> LongArmLarry ok =)
[20:20:47] <damienknight> I have this condition where even if I'm talking I just ramble on and on using verbose terms I don't even like
[20:20:58] <DrFullham> What site it's housed in should be one of the things you spend the least time on unless you actually plan on having it interact with other anomalies at the site
[20:21:17] <damienknight> Hey
[20:21:19] <damienknight> I could do that
[20:21:21] <damienknight> I could create a site
[20:21:37] <damienknight> That would solve some of my "too many SCPs" issues, can you do that?
[20:21:44] <snow001> Site-9193 lol
[20:22:03] <DrFullham> damienknight: I mean, there is no canon.
[20:22:20] <DrFullham> Most people accept that there's no way that over 6000 SCPs exist simultaneously in one reality and still remain unnoticed.
[20:22:25] <snow001> Contained Objects : my stupid SCPs
[20:22:41] <snow001> lol
[20:23:09] <LongArmLarry> i mean, the confines of an article are basically your own personal worldbuilding playground if you see so fit
[20:23:26] <damienknight> I mean, there are nearly 8 billion people on the planet. 6000 is not a lot.
[20:23:30] <LongArmLarry> there's nothing stopping you from putting your SCP in a hitherto-unheard of site if you'd like to put it there
[20:23:33] <LongArmLarry> well
[20:23:54] <snow001> damienknight 8 billion?
[20:23:54] <damienknight> There could even be anomalous explanations for why canon is contradictory and why the world doesn't just end
[20:23:57] <DrFullham> damienknight: Well except for the fact that some of them are like, enormous
[20:24:04] <LongArmLarry> i mean
[20:24:10] <DrFullham> The fact that that many facilities could exist around the world and nobody finds out?
[20:24:15] <damienknight> There was a neat concept on the forums a while back
[20:24:18] <LongArmLarry> the issue with that is some SCPs are just downright impossible to square with one another
[20:24:20] <damienknight> It was just like a guy, that couldn't die
[20:24:27] <DrFullham> LongArmLarry: That too
[20:24:28] <Mars> Hex: look at that we have the same average
[20:24:28] <damienknight> as in, he was so lucky he never would
[20:24:35] <DrKitsuni> that means i could have site js-03-27 then?
[20:24:39] <damienknight> so reality bend around it to allow no world ending events to happen
[20:24:44] <damienknight> bent*
[20:24:45] <LongArmLarry> i would like to meet the man who tries to merge the end of death and apotheosis SCPs
[20:24:49] <snow001> I ran out of ideas for an SCP
[20:24:50] <snow001> o no
[20:25:04] <Mars> snow001: you'll get more if you read more
[20:25:13] <snow001> sure i typed something wrong, oooo nooooo
[20:25:21] <snow001> Mars hmm
[20:25:25] <damienknight> No, it was an idea draft. It was anomalously impossible for him to get seriously harmed, and because of it world ending events are impossible
[20:25:46] <DrFullham> I mean, I could work around that.
[20:25:52] <snow001> What if I look at everything around me and think of a cool anomaly?
[20:26:02] <Mars> That would work as well
[20:26:03] <damienknight> Nah, I typed something wrong, I was correcting myself
[20:26:04] <DrFullham> There could be ways the world could end and he remains unharmed
[20:26:15] <damienknight> snow001 Do what I told you. Hold on
[20:26:23] <DrFullham> That's just reality bending, really.
[20:26:25] <damienknight> This site is fantastic
[20:26:27] <Hex> Mars: Not for long. >:)
[20:26:43] <damienknight> just type in a word and look through the images, once you find something creepy, or intriguing
[20:26:48] <damienknight> use it for an scp
[20:26:58] <snow001> like… my cat, a pen or a notebook
[20:27:01] <snow001> idk
[20:27:01] <snow001> lol
[20:27:02] <damienknight> everything is creative commons, or it should be
[20:27:11] <LongArmLarry> oh yeah, also, somewhat generic question
[20:27:20] <damienknight> This site is why I'm a hack
[20:27:23] <Hex> damienknight: Everything should not be CC. lol
[20:27:30] <Mars> Hex: you're right, mines going to increase soon
[20:27:43] * Quits: LongArmLarry (moc.tsewnepoediw.yrt.osif3o-PCS|egnuoleht#moc.tsewnepoediw.yrt.osif3o-PCS|egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[20:27:47] <Hex> Mars: That's… not what I meant. >:(
[20:27:52] <damienknight> In that site mate, the point of the site is to index CC images
[20:28:14] <Hex> damienknight: Sorry, I misread what you meant.
[20:28:37] <snow001> I think a cat would be a very cliche idea… like, there's SCP-529, SCP-531 and a few more that I forgot the number, if I make a cat it'll be boring
[20:28:39] <Hex> (But just because it's CC, doesn't mean it could be used on the Wiki.)
[20:28:46] <damienknight> Like, search for "creepy statue" and you'll find a bunch of 173s
[20:28:54] <Hex> damienknight: I thought you were making a joke about everything on Earth being CC.
[20:29:12] <snow001> search "trypophobia images"
[20:29:32] <snow001> (It's a joke, don't research it, it's disgusting)
[20:29:32] <damienknight> meh, only one result. Way too obscure
[20:29:35] <snow001> search*
[20:29:37] <snow001> oooooooooooo
[20:30:12] <ClarafiedHoney> I forgot how good popcorn and chips are when watching a movie
[20:30:45] <Mars> ClarafiedHoney: eating anything while watching good content makes that thing taste so much better imo
[20:30:56] <ClarafiedHoney> IT DOES
[20:31:06] <damienknight> it really does
[20:31:28] <slurppp> i always end up finishing the whole bag while doing that tho .-.
[20:31:38] <snow001> Is downloading an image from Wikimedia safe?
[20:31:46] <Mars> I'm watching all of us are dead on Netflix and eating discount thin mints and boy oh boy they're so fucking good
[20:31:49] <snow001> sorry if i typed something wrong
[20:31:49] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Depends
[20:31:49] <Hex> snow001: Yes. Why wouldn't it be?
[20:31:59] <ClarafiedHoney> Well, it's safe to download
[20:32:04] <Mars> snow001: make sure it's cc compliant if you're going to use it on the wiki
[20:32:04] <ClarafiedHoney> Sorry read that wrong
[20:32:34] <ClarafiedHoney> ^ that's what I meant
[20:33:02] <snow001> Mars you didn't understand
[20:33:23] <snow001> I want to know if I'm not going to download a virus along with the image I downloaded.
[20:33:33] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: And that was already answered for you
[20:33:34] <snow001> o-o
[20:33:39] <snow001> O
[20:33:40] <ClarafiedHoney> Twice
[20:33:48] <Hex> snow001: It's a jpg. It's not, like, an executable.
[20:34:14] <slurppp> wikimedia is a safe site to download images, don't worry :)
[20:34:39] <snow001> ClarafiedHoney are there images with computer viruses on wikimedia?
[20:34:48] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Once again.
[20:34:54] <ClarafiedHoney> That was already answered for you.
[20:34:57] <snow001> you said "depends"
[20:34:59] <ClarafiedHoney> No. That website is safe/
[20:35:06] <slurppp> there are no viruses there snow001
[20:35:11] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: I was talking about something else. Dude. You gotta read
[20:35:25] <snow001> slurppp hmm
[20:35:26] <ClarafiedHoney> The depends was because I misread your statement, as I had told you
[20:35:30] <snow001> oh
[20:35:31] <Hex> snow001: That's not possible. You can't get a virus from an image file. Just look at the file extension before downloading.
[20:35:42] <snow001> ..-..
[20:36:13] * Quits: weizhong (gnohziew.repmes.cis|iew#gnohziew.repmes.cis|iew) (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
[20:36:14] <snow001> E
[20:37:48] <snow001> I can do an SCP that came from an interest group, like MCD, right?
[20:38:12] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Yes, nothing is off limits. Though
[20:38:16] <ClarafiedHoney> I suggest reading more
[20:38:25] <ClarafiedHoney> Like series 5 and 6
[20:38:36] <ClarafiedHoney> and 7
[20:38:46] <ClarafiedHoney> Before writing
[20:39:09] <snow001> so I can also use Mobile Task Forces in my SCPs, right? =)
[20:39:19] <ClarafiedHoney> Anything you'd like, but once again
[20:39:26] <snow001> ======))))))
[20:39:28] <ClarafiedHoney> You should read new SCPs first
[20:39:30] <snow001> yeaa
[20:39:33] <snow001> ok
[20:39:39] <ClarafiedHoney> Understand the site and how it currently writes
[20:39:47] <ClarafiedHoney> Before you start writing
[20:39:57] <ClarafiedHoney> If you don't, your article WILL fail
[20:41:16] <snow001> all of my articles already fail, don't even get posted, it won't make a difference, lol
[20:41:24] <snow001> =)
[20:42:46] <Hex> Well, you should try and change that.
[20:42:58] <ClarafiedHoney> So you don't try to fix that?
[20:43:02] <damienknight> What's the syntax for removing the border of the image block?
[20:43:13] <damienknight> I thought it was border-style or something
[20:43:21] <damienknight> or like border:0px
[20:43:22] <Mew-ltiverse> .lc
[20:43:23] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 3 hours ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[20:43:24] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 3 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[20:43:25] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: SCP-6220 (Written 4 hours ago By: ESB2109) -
[20:43:32] <damienknight> =
[20:44:40] <DrKitsuni> you know what i love doing? just saying fuck life and drop everything and just love on my dog for a couple minutes :D
[20:44:56] <ClarafiedHoney> DrKitsuni: Yessss
[20:44:57] <ClarafiedHoney> :D
[20:45:08] <snow001> Hex I don't think it will change much, but oh well.
[20:45:14] <snow001> but ok*
[20:45:17] <damienknight> Have you posted any to idea critique?
[20:45:35] <snow001> confirmed = the google translator is terrible =(
[20:45:37] <damienknight> I like you, if you have a concept you think has potential I could try and help
[20:45:53] <DrKitsuni> she has learned at this point to also not grab toys when i do that, so she sits still and bes good girl :)
[20:45:54] <Hex> snow001: If you want things to change, you need to try. I was almost in your position when I first joined.
[20:46:04] <Cassiterite> good morning 19
[20:46:11] <Cassiterite> which is funny because my cat is also named 19
[20:46:16] <Cassiterite> she is a lovely baby
[20:46:25] <damienknight> Yep, Hex is right
[20:46:40] <damienknight> I'm really guilty of this but you can't keep trying the same shit thinking you'll get different results
[20:46:42] <DrKitsuni> i was half tempted to name my dog 7 tbh
[20:46:45] <damienknight> you need to get out of your comfort zone
[20:46:57] <DrKitsuni>
[20:47:04] <snow001> =(
[20:47:11] <ClarafiedHoney> Definition of insanity? :P
[20:47:20] <DrKitsuni> i think i got rejected by helen D:
[20:47:25] <Cassiterite> i mean,
[20:47:37] <Hex> Damn, I should really take my own advice.
[20:47:37] <Cassiterite> "i wonder if that happens every time" is also a valid thought
[20:47:53] <Cassiterite>
[20:47:53] * Joins: NebulousStar (||egnuoleht)
[20:47:56] <Cassiterite> :P
[20:47:58] <snow001> i live in spain without the s =DDDDDDD
[20:48:01] <Hex> NebulousStar: o/
[20:48:04] * Joins: winkwonkboi (PI.202.251.e63.4pc-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.202.251.e63.4pc-PCS|egnuoleht)
[20:48:12] <NebulousStar> hello!
[20:48:14] <snow001> I will try to do some SCP
[20:48:15] <DrKitsuni> i just saw an ad for a free bucket :o
[20:48:24] <torcsandantlers> snow001: Anyone who is answering your questions wants to help you. Saying that it won't matter isn't giving yourself enough credit or respecting their efforts. We all suck at things until we don't
[20:48:26] <NebulousStar> I'm drawing a pretty lass!
[20:48:27] <winkwonkboi> I live in spain without the a
[20:48:28] <Mars> .lc
[20:48:29] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 3 hours ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[20:48:30] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 4 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[20:48:31] <Secretary_Helen> Mars: SCP-6220 (Written 4 hours ago By: ESB2109) -
[20:48:35] <snow001> I'm going to do some shit (my SCPs)
[20:48:36] <Mars> slow day for posting it seems
[20:48:49] <Mars> snow001: Enough with the self deprecation.
[20:48:59] <NebulousStar> what did I just walk into?
[20:49:03] <winkwonkboi> I wrote a short scip abt the 173 matter
[20:49:09] <Hex> NebulousStar: #site19
[20:49:11] <Mars> NebulousStar: Fire
[20:49:18] <Mars> I mean the art
[20:49:18] <NebulousStar> Mars: I'm guessing it'll be slow until deptcon posting opens.
[20:49:23] <Mars> not what you walked into
[20:49:23] <DrKitsuni> winkwonkboi ah yes, i also live in spin :D
[20:49:24] <damienknight> snow, pitch us a concept, like you were at a job interview or something
[20:49:25] <winkwonkboi> I would coldpost it but i do not have the guts to do it again
[20:49:28] <NebulousStar> thank
[20:49:33] <Hex> NebulousStar: Did you ever download that client? :)
[20:49:33] <winkwonkboi> drkitsuni we all do
[20:49:52] <damienknight> This is not to insult, or depreciate you, or anything. I'm just trying to help you because I think some stuff you said has potential
[20:49:54] <NebulousStar> Hex: I am procrastinating because I have to clear up my storage.
[20:50:06] <Hex> NebulousStar: Oof, I feel ya.
[20:50:07] <damienknight> Can you take a concept and tell us why it's worth our time reading it
[20:50:15] <winkwonkboi> I wish i can digitally art
[20:50:19] * DrKitsuni is now known as BigFloofGorl
[20:50:26] <Mars> same
[20:50:33] <NebulousStar> It's all practice.
[20:50:39] <Mars> Aye
[20:50:46] <NebulousStar> I can show ya my old art if you don't believe me.
[20:50:59] <snow001> if I can post an SCP (which I won't be able to) I'll put it in series 6, there are 2 SCP slots that are empty
[20:51:17] <winkwonkboi> .unu -s 6 -c
[20:51:17] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: There are 18 unused slots between 5000 and 5999.
[20:51:18] <BigFloofGorl> i am now floof and i love it
[20:51:26] <winkwonkboi> floofy indeed
[20:51:30] <NebulousStar> Floof!
[20:51:32] <winkwonkboi> -unu -f
[20:51:33] <Mars> For some reason getting good at art hurts me worse than trying to get good at writing
[20:51:51] <NebulousStar> I'd send a picture of me double petting cats, but it contains my face.
[20:52:03] <Mars> .unu -f
[20:52:07] <NebulousStar> Gimme a second; I'll remove my face from the photo.
[20:52:07] <Mars> oh helen
[20:53:07] <NebulousStar> there we go. double cat! :)
[20:53:17] <slurppp> cats :o
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[20:53:34] <Mars> Good fuckin lord
[20:53:35] <slurppp> um
[20:53:40] <Hex> Netsplit!
[20:53:42] <slurppp> what
[20:53:43] <damienknight> @snow001 don't coldpost on your first scp mate
[20:53:43] <NebulousStar> why did 40-
[20:53:46] <Mars> love it when that happens
[20:53:46] <torcsandantlers> Goodbye to all of them, I guess
[20:53:55] <Mars> We are survivors
[20:53:57] <slurppp> your cats were too cute, they couldn't handle it
[20:54:02] <NebulousStar> haha, yes.
[20:54:04] <torcsandantlers> RIP to y'all but I'm different
[20:54:12] <NebulousStar> I am a menace to society!
[20:54:17] <Hex> I messaged Kufat to re-resolve the servers.
[20:54:20] <Mars> Unrelated, anyone know any themes that would look nice for a post apocalypse setting
[20:54:27] <NebulousStar> I'm still using a web client. 👀
[20:54:39] <Hex> .s Rat's Nest Theme
[20:54:45] <torcsandantlers> IRCcloud all the way
[20:54:47] <slurppp> helen was banished
[20:54:48] <Hex> No Helen. :(
[20:54:52] <slurppp> ;-;
[20:55:01] <Mars> a tragedy
[20:55:07] <Mars> Whats rats nest?
[20:55:11] <Mars> I haven't read it
[20:55:19] <NebulousStar> helen died, huh?
[20:55:22] <Hex> Mars: A post-apocalypse canon.
[20:55:23] <slurppp> voila
[20:55:38] <Hex> NebulousStar: Nah, she just got caught on the other side of the netsplit.
[20:55:50] <NebulousStar> Ah-
[20:56:09] <Mars> Aye, I gathered that much
[20:56:12] <Hex>
[20:56:14] <Mars> I mean like what happened lol
[20:56:33] <NebulousStar> ooooh, okay-
[20:56:40] <Hex> Mars: Idk; haven't read it.
[20:57:17] <NebulousStar> we talked about this in compsci.
[20:57:34] <Hex> NebulousStar: Y'all talk about IRC in CompSci??? OwO
[20:57:36] <Mars> A tragedy
[20:57:46] <Mars> Time to work on an 008 apocalypse story
[20:57:52] <NebulousStar> Hex: I brought it up once because we were talking about a thing.
[20:57:55] <slurppp> wait if the server is split in two pieces, does that mean that the other half are in a server of their own
[20:57:58] <Mars> Cause I be binging zombie material again
[20:57:58] <NebulousStar> And my teacher went on a tangent.
[20:58:44] <Hex> NebulousStar: Noice!!! I brought it up in church once, and the decan was like "no way! You do that too???"
[20:59:12] <NebulousStar> I have no idea if you're telling the truth right now.
[20:59:29] <Hex> NebulousStar: I'm serious.
[21:00:04] <NebulousStar> ah.
[21:00:22] <Hex> It was quite the incident.
[21:01:03] <NebulousStar> I can imagine.
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[21:02:07] * sets mode: +oaoh hatbot Lily Lily Secretary_Helen
[21:02:11] <snow001> wtf
[21:02:21] <winkwonkboi> Oh hey everyone came back
[21:02:26] <snow001> whats happening
[21:02:26] <snow001> lol
[21:02:40] <damienknight> got me some birthday cake bois
[21:02:45] <damienknight> shit's cash
[21:02:46] <slurppp> ah, welcome back!
[21:02:54] <winkwonkboi> Welcome back everyone
[21:02:58] <BigFloofGorl> i mean, hexchat is nice, but i like irccloud
[21:03:17] <winkwonkboi> .l
[21:03:18] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 3 hours ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[21:03:19] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 4 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[21:03:19] <ClarafiedHoney> Agh
[21:03:20] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: SCP-6220 (Written 4 hours ago By: ESB2109) -
[21:03:22] <ClarafiedHoney> Let me speak
[21:03:23] <ClarafiedHoney> Damn it
[21:03:26] <NebulousStar> Welcome back, children.
[21:03:28] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Network went fucky
[21:03:32] <winkwonkboi> Yo
[21:03:38] <slurppp> yes, the server was split in half
[21:03:41] <slurppp> or something
[21:03:48] <winkwonkboi> Im gonna commit a crime and coldpost
[21:03:55] <slurppp> ooh, risky :o
[21:03:55] <Kufat> the servers' clocks became desynched
[21:04:05] <Hex> slurppp: That's the light way of putting it, yeah.
[21:04:11] <snow001> when I get good ratings from my SCP I'll put it in Slot 6797 =)
[21:04:13] <winkwonkboi> Unless somebody can criticize my draft >:)
[21:04:30] * winkwonkboi steals 6797 >:)))
[21:04:44] <slurppp> such delinquency
[21:04:47] <snow001> Slot 6796
[21:04:54] <winkwonkboi> U fool
[21:04:59] <ClarafiedHoney> Kufat: Well who's fault is that :P
[21:05:02] <winkwonkboi> i have every slot taken
[21:05:11] * BigFloofGorl is really liking irccloud and is happy that dog is here
[21:05:15] <Kufat> ClarafiedHoney: yours obvs
[21:05:17] <snow001> you slot is SCP-3-J
[21:05:19] <snow001> lol
[21:05:24] <ClarafiedHoney> Kufat: Oh shit really?
[21:05:25] <snow001> haha funny
[21:05:26] <ClarafiedHoney> Damn
[21:05:27] * NebulousStar is drawing pretty women.
[21:05:28] <snow001> =(
[21:05:31] <Kufat> ;p
[21:05:34] <ClarafiedHoney> :pesive:
[21:05:34] <ClarafiedHoney> 😔
[21:05:47] <Hex> Kufat: Use my go-to excuse of 'it was like that when I found it.' :p
[21:05:47] <Kufat> but no, it looks like the job to periodically set the time wasn't working
[21:05:53] <winkwonkboi> Oh wait is it plug time
[21:05:55] <snow001> fat spiderman from the spiderverse
[21:05:58] <ClarafiedHoney> Kufat: Too bad I don't get a shit :P
[21:06:04] <snow001> lol
[21:06:13] <winkwonkboi> ok its plug time now
[21:06:16] <winkwonkboi> scp-6306
[21:06:16] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: SCP-6306: Happy New Years! Nothing Changed! (Rating: +27. Written 34 days ago By: winkwonkboi) -
[21:06:18] * Joins: Subject19 (ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS#ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS)
[21:06:30] <snow001> hey
[21:06:32] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Once again, what are you even on about?
[21:06:43] <BigFloofGorl> oh cool irccloud has avatars :o
[21:06:45] <snow001> what if I write an joke SCP?
[21:06:47] <Subject19> Who in the Foundation is responsible for controlling media outbreaks on anomalies, or is that not a thing?
[21:06:55] <ClarafiedHoney> That's pretty hard to do
[21:07:10] <snow001> I'm going to write those weird jokes…
[21:07:13] <winkwonkboi> Joke scps are arguably harder to do since comedy is subjective :/
[21:07:28] <winkwonkboi> But i do wish u gud luck regardless
[21:07:54] <winkwonkboi> Subject19 webcrawlers maybe? Idk, it depends on ur headcanon i guess
[21:07:55] <snow001> like the SCP-1994-J
[21:08:01] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Not to be rude, but being random isn't really a joke
[21:08:13] <Subject19> Thanks, winkwonk
[21:08:17] <ClarafiedHoney> Like, just saying something without context doesn't make people laugh
[21:08:18] <winkwonkboi> Np
[21:08:18] <Subject19> I'll check it out
[21:09:16] * BigFloofGorl wonders if she can get a hug
[21:09:17] <winkwonkboi> .s go swe dre
[21:09:18] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: Goodnight, Sweet Dreams (Rating: +21. Written 100 days ago By: winkwonkboi) -
[21:09:25] * winkwonkboi hugs the floofy gorl
[21:09:39] <winkwonkboi> Oh wow, happy 100 days to my horror tale
[21:09:48] <Subject19> hey, hey!
[21:09:49] <snow001> =(
[21:09:50] <BigFloofGorl> .seen -f kitsuni
[21:09:51] <Secretary_Helen> I first met kitsuni 101 days ago in #site19 saying: As a traveler I can say yes, Cthulu is cute
[21:09:52] <NebulousStar> Plugging time?
[21:09:54] <Subject19> here's to another 100.
[21:10:08] <winkwonkboi> If only it was a 100 upvotes :/
[21:10:09] <NebulousStar> SCP-6441
[21:10:09] <Secretary_Helen> NebulousStar: SCP-6441: Didn’t Think Anything of It (Rating: +23. Written 10 days ago By: NebulousStar) -
[21:10:17] <NebulousStar> not the best skip, but I liked it.
[21:10:22] <snow001> I will try to make a joke SCP
[21:10:27] <NebulousStar> it's about a frog. :>
[21:10:33] <LittleFieryOne> my body has the worst timing
[21:10:35] <winkwonkboi> I like frogs
[21:10:40] <winkwonkboi> Scp-5133
[21:10:40] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: SCP-5133: Fruit Frogs (Rating: +154. Written 1 year ago By: wickedmiracle and zyn) -
[21:10:45] <ClarafiedHoney> :)
[21:10:47] <ClarafiedHoney> FRUIT FROGS
[21:10:49] <winkwonkboi> They taste gud too
[21:10:53] <LittleFieryOne> I'm chilling listening to the credits, like feeling really good
[21:10:54] <snow001> I'm 0.1% funny, maybe I can make a joke SCP, =)
[21:11:03] <LittleFieryOne> and then my body's like "I hope that spicy burrito was worth it."
[21:11:12] <winkwonkboi> Was it worth it?
[21:11:24] <LittleFieryOne> …yes
[21:11:28] <LittleFieryOne> but that's beside the point
[21:11:36] <snow001> I'm just going to save the code that changes the theme of the page
[21:12:02] <winkwonkboi> I am obsessed with switching the format of my articles for no reason
[21:12:06] <snow001> ClarafiedHoney fruit frogs? =)
[21:12:33] <BigFloofGorl> littlefieryone "was eating a whole block of cheese worth it?" "absolutely fucking yes"
[21:12:45] <winkwonkboi> RAT
[21:12:53] <BigFloofGorl> what
[21:13:04] <winkwonkboi> I hear cheese, i say rat
[21:13:13] <LittleFieryOne> anyway here's the song that was interrupted
[21:13:42] <snow001> can i leave my SCP without an object class?
[21:13:47] <Subject19> No.
[21:13:52] <Subject19> Wait, can you?
[21:13:55] <ClarafiedHoney> You can
[21:13:56] <winkwonkboi> Yeah
[21:14:02] <LittleFieryOne> snow001, if there's a context for it, I don't see why not
[21:14:02] <Subject19> I didn't know that, lol
[21:14:03] <winkwonkboi> but why tho
[21:14:03] <ClarafiedHoney> Nobody cares about object class
[21:14:04] <snow001> hmmm
[21:14:10] <snow001> =)
[21:14:10] <ClarafiedHoney> It's not pressing, as long as there's a reason
[21:14:24] <LittleFieryOne> ClarafiedHoney, good point, some people might not even notice it's gone
[21:14:25] <snow001> hey
[21:14:34] <winkwonkboi> Hi
[21:14:51] <LittleFieryOne> hay is for horses
[21:15:12] <snow001> if I want to make a joke SCP with a strange number, like… SCP-woaorw-J, do I have to keep the XXX in his number or can I leave the strange number already?
[21:15:15] <LittleFieryOne> straw is cheaper
[21:15:17] <LittleFieryOne> grass is free
[21:15:24] * BigFloofGorl is now known as DrKitsuni
[21:15:25] <snow001> it looked confusing
[21:15:26] <snow001> lol
[21:15:41] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: You can do what you want within reason. Though
[21:15:47] <snow001> O
[21:15:49] <ClarafiedHoney> Some people will probably think it's dumb
[21:15:50] <snow001> =)
[21:15:52] <ClarafiedHoney> and won't like it
[21:15:54] <snow001> =(
[21:16:01] <winkwonkboi> Draft plug
[21:16:13] <Subject19> Anybody write anything about a set of speakers that turn people into mindless zombies?
[21:16:30] <winkwonkboi> Who knows
[21:16:34] <Subject19> Terrible idea, I know.
[21:16:38] <Subject19> I'm working on it.
[21:16:49] <winkwonkboi> Boogie zombies that groove to the music
[21:16:52] <Subject19> lol
[21:17:32] <winkwonkboi> I just imagine the foundation containing them by keeping them dance to music in their cells
[21:17:44] <winkwonkboi> and every week they have a dance off
[21:17:57] <Subject19> Hah
[21:18:11] * Quits: Locke (moc.duolccri.yelsmleh.t1kto9-PCS|805303diu#moc.duolccri.yelsmleh.t1kto9-PCS|805303diu) (Connection closed for inactivity)
[21:18:17] <Subject19> Well, the music is what causes them to become zombies, so that'd not really be the greatest idea.
[21:18:46] <snow001> can i make a joke SCP that is really weird? in my SCP addendum I put the meme of that guy saying "you like to screenshot people's nft huh?"
[21:18:50] <snow001> lol
[21:18:50] <winkwonkboi> But what if any song in general keeps them in a trance state and dance continuously
[21:18:58] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Depends
[21:19:07] <snow001> hmm
[21:19:07] <Subject19> No matter what song you play, wink, it doesn't matter.
[21:19:09] <ClarafiedHoney> People generally dislike popculture refferences in SCPs
[21:19:13] <Subject19> It always plays the same song.
[21:19:17] <snow001> oh shit
[21:19:19] <snow001> here we go again
[21:19:20] <ClarafiedHoney> Such as memes
[21:19:23] <winkwonkboi> Oh frick
[21:19:29] <Subject19> wha?
[21:20:02] <winkwonkboi> Wait whats the song?
[21:20:22] <snow001> ClarafiedHoney hey
[21:20:27] <Subject19> A fictional one.
[21:20:38] <Subject19> "Where the Blueberry Bush Grows", as they call it.
[21:20:52] <snow001> I'll send the link to the sandbox on thecritters
[21:20:53] <snow001> lol
[21:21:17] <Subject19> Something about a sad girl who murders a guy and buries his body beneath a blueberry bush.
[21:21:29] <Subject19> (I do not encourage this.)
[21:21:31] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: And once again, randomness does not = joke. Other people have to understand what's funny about it. Normally people are uninterested in memes/pop culture in SCPs, even joke SCPs. Joke SCPs are significantly harder than SCPs themselves
[21:21:32] <snow001> I dare you to get into this piece of garbage [person with very cool sunglasses]
[21:21:35] <Subject19> (Do not do this.)
[21:21:36] <winkwonkboi> How bout thriller by michael jackson
[21:21:41] <Subject19> No.
[21:21:44] <Subject19> Great jam, tho.
[21:21:48] <Subject19> I love that song.
[21:21:55] <winkwonkboi> Missed opportunity
[21:22:04] <Subject19> I don't wanna get copyrighted.
[21:22:12] <winkwonkboi> Alright good point
[21:23:00] <Subject19> Although I doubt that's an issue, but the murder beneath the blueberry bush fits the story.
[21:23:08] <snow001> a joke SCP that has almost nothing needs a specific tag?
[21:23:26] <snow001> -.O
[21:23:27] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Don't worry about tags.
[21:23:34] <ClarafiedHoney> Staff will take care of them
[21:23:41] <snow001> o
[21:23:48] <Mooagain> Do not anger the tag people
[21:23:52] <snow001> I have already tagged my article.
[21:24:00] <Mooagain> Don't do that
[21:24:01] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: If it's posted on the site, I mean
[21:24:06] * Quits: winkwonkboi (PI.202.251.e63.4pc-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.202.251.e63.4pc-PCS|egnuoleht) (The Lounge - By
[21:24:08] <snow001> oo
[21:24:20] <ClarafiedHoney> nobody really cares afaik (correct me if wrong) on the sandbox site
[21:24:21] <ClarafiedHoney> but
[21:24:35] * Joins: winkwonkboi (PI.202.251.e63.4pc-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.202.251.e63.4pc-PCS|egnuoleht)
[21:24:49] * fairyAFK is now known as fairydoctor
[21:25:10] <ClarafiedHoney> Ugh, I just need more fan art of my articles
[21:25:11] <ClarafiedHoney> lmao
[21:25:19] <winkwonkboi> Who doesnt
[21:25:39] <winkwonkboi> Getting fan art of my articles would be great
[21:25:53] <ClarafiedHoney> I just need more spiders
[21:25:54] <ClarafiedHoney> Or
[21:25:58] <ClarafiedHoney> Kat and Cal
[21:25:59] <ClarafiedHoney> :(
[21:25:59] <LittleFieryOne> it would be great, yes
[21:26:02] <LittleFieryOne> :(
[21:26:10] <ClarafiedHoney> Or even any of my depressing tales
[21:26:17] <winkwonkboi> emphasis on the word would
[21:26:24] <winkwonkboi> :(
[21:26:27] <ClarafiedHoney> .s false confidence
[21:26:27] <Secretary_Helen> ClarafiedHoney: False Confidence (Rating: +21. Written 315 days ago By: CelesteKara) -
[21:26:33] <LittleFieryOne> but at the same time I'm not sure my articles would really spark fan art
[21:26:57] <ClarafiedHoney> Wrote that before UIL Solo contest last year
[21:27:03] <ClarafiedHoney> Speaking of
[21:27:06] <snow001> I forgot to translate my article from portuguese to english
[21:27:07] <snow001> lol
[21:27:10] <ClarafiedHoney> I need more productivity
[21:27:12] <LittleFieryOne> The stuff I write about doesn't really have a unique design to it
[21:27:16] <Subject19> Fuck.
[21:27:25] <ClarafiedHoney> Gotta email some accompanists
[21:27:30] <winkwonkboi> I always come up with multiple ideas but never finish them :/
[21:27:54] <ClarafiedHoney> How do I email someone I've not emailed in two years?
[21:28:07] <DrKitsuni> well i must go and do life stuff (i mean sleep at night for once)
[21:28:11] <winkwonkboi> Pretend those two years were two days
[21:28:16] <DrKitsuni> byeeeeee :D
[21:28:21] <winkwonkboi> Byes
[21:28:40] <Subject19> For containment of an audio-based anomaly located in a town would that be MTF Epsilon-6 or Eta-11?
[21:29:09] <winkwonkboi> im not familiar with mtf teams so im not sure
[21:29:10] <Subject19> Or both?
[21:29:14] <Subject19> So confused.
[21:29:27] <winkwonkboi> .s mtf teams
[21:29:27] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything.
[21:29:30] <snow001> lol
[21:29:32] <winkwonkboi> .s mtf
[21:29:32] <Secretary_Helen> winkwonkboi: Did you mean : 1) MTF Sigma-66 Post-Mission Psychological Evaluation, 2) SCP-1444 Rescue Log (MTF Zeta-Nine), 3) Application to form MTF Rho-87, 4) MTF Theta-90 Hub Page, 5) Art Contest Hub - MTF, 6) SCP-5932-D: MTFinity, 7) MTF Whiskey-Tango, 8) Application to Form MTF Mu-3, 9) MTF Sigma-5 "Pumpkin Punchers", 10) MTF After Action Report: 1264-D-2, 11) Overview of MTF Psi-7 "Home Improvement", 12) Former M
[21:29:45] <winkwonkboi> yeah
[21:30:14] * Joins: themanoneof (PI.431.88.h92.fg8-PCS|oenonameht#PI.431.88.h92.fg8-PCS|oenonameht)
[21:30:50] <NebulousStar> women
[21:31:14] <winkwonkboi> Subject19 i would say agents from both teams so they can assist each other
[21:31:21] <Subject19> yeah
[21:31:27] <Subject19> thx
[21:31:39] <winkwonkboi> ofc
[21:31:44] * Quits: Subject19 (ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS#ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS) (The Lounge - By
[21:31:57] * Joins: riboczki (uh.tasirap.pd4oms-PCS|ikzcobir#uh.tasirap.pd4oms-PCS|ikzcobir)
[21:32:05] <riboczki> .l
[21:32:05] <Secretary_Helen> riboczki: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 4 hours ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[21:32:06] <Secretary_Helen> riboczki: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 4 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[21:32:07] <Secretary_Helen> riboczki: SCP-6220 (Written 4 hours ago By: ESB2109) -
[21:32:27] <winkwonkboi> Damn somebody post
[21:33:06] <Mooagain>
[21:33:37] <winkwonkboi> Dude warn me next time. Thats so terrifying
[21:34:18] <snow001> I just made a joke SCP that is a guy who says hi
[21:34:50] <snow001> I don't know why the hell I wanted to do this
[21:36:29] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: That's… Not a joke on it's own.
[21:36:50] <snow001> =/
[21:37:48] * Joins: thewalkindude (moc.duolccri.yelkli.8qk79o-PCS|689343diu#moc.duolccri.yelkli.8qk79o-PCS|689343diu)
[21:37:48] <snow001> aaaa
[21:38:20] <snow001> I think I'll do a normal SCP
[21:38:43] <Mew-ltiverse> .lc
[21:38:44] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 4 hours ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[21:38:45] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 4 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[21:38:46] <Secretary_Helen> Mew-ltiverse: SCP-6220 (Written 5 hours ago By: ESB2109) -
[21:39:06] <ClarafiedHoney> Mew-ltiverse: Are you good at emails?
[21:41:05] <snow001> I have an idea
[21:41:11] <Mew-ltiverse> depends on the type, and the mood im in ClarafiedHoney
[21:41:20] <Mew-ltiverse> but generally yeah
[21:41:22] <ClarafiedHoney> Mew-ltiverse: I mean critting an email
[21:41:33] <Mew-ltiverse> ah yeah I can do that
[21:41:42] <ClarafiedHoney> Mew-ltiverse: :)
[21:41:45] <ClarafiedHoney> Imma PM it to you
[21:41:49] <Mew-ltiverse> aight
[21:43:06] <snow001> O
[21:43:32] <snow001> I found an SCP that I didn't continue
[21:43:55] <snow001> is a sentient, sapient planet, which is radioactive and idk
[21:44:04] <snow001> meh
[21:47:40] <Mars> snow001: this is the last time I'm gonna tell you
[21:47:46] <Mars> Make an idea critique forum post
[21:48:01] <Mars> And follow the appropriate formatting for said post
[21:48:13] <Mars> Rather than pitching idea after idea in the chat
[21:48:16] <snow001> man I already got a warning from Zyn, because I exceeded the limit of posts I could make on the forum
[21:48:47] <Mars> You're allowed to make 2 posts per seven day period
[21:49:10] <Mooagain> Stop abandoning ideas then
[21:49:20] <Mars> This is also true.
[21:49:44] <snow001> Why am I going to keep trying to improve horrible ideas?
[21:49:48] <Mars> Take the time to work on your ideas and refine them, rather than giving up and pitching ideas in chat
[21:50:01] <snow001> who would like a radioactive sapient planet??????
[21:50:08] <Mars> If you want to post a successful article on the wiki you are going to have to work for it.
[21:50:09] <Mooagain> If you don't try to improve then it'll always be horrible
[21:50:13] <Mars> No one said this would be easy.
[21:50:19] <Mooagain> That's the whole point of improving
[21:50:40] <snow001> if I try to improve that SCP it will be even worse
[21:51:16] <Mooagain> If you don't believe you can improve then you never will
[21:51:38] <snow001> what would be the fun of having an SCP that is a sapient sentient radioactive planet and whatever?
[21:52:15] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Nobody knows. You have to make the fun.
[21:52:22] <snow001> and is 2x bigger than jupiter
[21:52:26] <ClarafiedHoney> YOU have to make it interesting
[21:52:33] <ClarafiedHoney> YOU have to put in the work
[21:52:45] <snow001> and is also located 500 light years from Earth
[21:53:01] <snow001> Jesus
[21:53:17] <Mars> snow001: write the idea pitch forum post
[21:53:18] <snow001> and I didn't even make it for this wiki, I made it when I was on the Brazilian wiki
[21:53:37] <snow001> wiki-pt
[21:53:38] <snow001> idk
[21:54:20] <damienknight> Ok, so
[21:54:25] <damienknight> Let me try this
[21:54:35] <damienknight> Snow, o que você quer conseguir escrevendo um scp?
[21:54:40] <damienknight> Qual o seu objetivo?
[21:55:28] <snow001> I want to post an SCP
[21:55:31] <damienknight> Não querendo ser ruim, mas você quer apenas ganhar likes, ou quer criar algo que você goste e que as pessoas leiam?
[21:55:43] <snow001> but not SCPs that weren't even made for this wiki
[21:56:13] <snow001> something people read
[21:56:14] <snow001> idk
[21:56:21] <damienknight> Se você tiver um conceito com potencial eu traduzo pra você
[21:56:28] <damienknight> Só que parece que você não tá nem tentando
[21:56:40] <damienknight> sem ofensa
[21:56:47] <drblackbox> This is an English server.
[21:56:50] <damienknight> I'm sorry
[21:56:53] <damienknight> You're right
[21:57:06] <damienknight> I'm trying to get through to him, but there's a bit of a language barrier I think
[21:57:20] <drblackbox> Oh trying to talk to Snow?
[21:57:26] <damienknight> Yea
[22:02:17] <snow001> what if i make an SCP which is an infohazard?
[22:02:39] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: Literally ANY idea can be used if you put in the effort to make it work
[22:02:48] <drblackbox> We're gonna need more information than just "an infohazard".
[22:02:57] <fairydoctor> drblackbox: i dont think talking to someone in their native language is against any rules?
[22:03:19] * Joins: ROUNDERHOUSE (moc.duolccri.daetspmah.dt3d4o-PCS|394913diu#moc.duolccri.daetspmah.dt3d4o-PCS|394913diu)
[22:03:25] <drblackbox> fairydoctor I was confused and thought Knight was just coming in without being able to speak English.
[22:03:43] <drblackbox> And was letting them know nobody could tell what they were saying.
[22:04:02] <snow001> forget the infohazard, I'll do something else…
[22:04:04] <snow001> hmmmmmm
[22:04:05] <fairydoctor> from my shit spanish (and im aware this is Portuguese) theyre basically asking them what they want out of the SCP, basically the same info
[22:04:59] * Joins: AdrienRion (||RneirdA)
[22:06:17] <AdrienRion> Good evening, all
[22:06:46] <snow001> I'm almost deciding to stop writing SCPs
[22:06:54] <snow001> """""""""""""writing"""""""""""""
[22:07:14] <ClarafiedHoney> snow001: The problem is that you've gone through at least 3 different ideas in the last 10ish minutes.
[22:07:29] <ClarafiedHoney> You're not sticking with ANY of them for long enough to figure out what in the world you're doing
[22:07:33] <drblackbox> Yeah ideas need to be refined, you can't shotgun them off.
[22:07:51] <ClarafiedHoney> Furthermore, if you keep doing that, people are probably going to stop helping you
[22:08:11] <ClarafiedHoney> So take a break for a bit
[22:08:31] <Mars> Alright
[22:08:34] <snow001> I think I'll have 0 ideas because I'm almost giving up writing SCPs
[22:08:43] * snow001 was kicked by Mars ()
[22:08:48] <Mars> Enough of that
[22:08:50] <fairydoctor> ty
[22:09:06] <ClarafiedHoney> So how is everyone's night going?
[22:09:19] <ClarafiedHoney> I say night because it's night for me
[22:09:26] <torcsandantlers> Pretty good. Getting tired
[22:09:30] <ClarafiedHoney> :)
[22:09:32] <ClarafiedHoney> That's good!
[22:09:40] <ClarafiedHoney> Not so much the tired part, but the good part is good
[22:09:42] <torcsandantlers> How's yours?
[22:09:59] <ClarafiedHoney> Livable, so
[22:10:07] <ClarafiedHoney> its going
[22:10:14] <drblackbox> Snowed in, basically.
[22:10:18] <drblackbox> So nothing happened.
[22:10:32] * Joins: snow001 (PI.771.551.ocf.73s-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.771.551.ocf.73s-PCS|egnuoleht)
[22:10:34] <slurppp> my night's going fine :)
[22:10:38] <drblackbox> But I have the powers of television.
[22:10:55] <ClarafiedHoney> Ahh yes
[22:10:57] <ClarafiedHoney> The TV
[22:11:08] <ClarafiedHoney> a wonderful invention
[22:11:17] <drblackbox> With a single design flaw: Sometimes the characters get out.
[22:11:21] <Mooagain> I'm stuck doing homework lol
[22:11:24] <slurppp> I have my laptop! and youtube, with like three trillion nonillion hours f content
[22:11:28] <drblackbox> Anne Boonchuy is in my house.
[22:11:42] <Mooagain> drblackbox where's your house and can I go there
[22:12:01] <winkwonkboi> Im abt to post an article
[22:12:08] * drblackbox doxxes himself epic style
[22:12:09] <slurppp> :o hope it does well!
[22:12:12] <ClarafiedHoney> winkwonkboi: :)
[22:12:16] <winkwonkboi> Ty
[22:12:16] <ClarafiedHoney> Good luck
[22:12:29] <winkwonkboi> Ok just posted it
[22:12:33] <winkwonkboi> wish me luck
[22:12:38] <drblackbox> .l
[22:12:39] <snow001> Glenn Leroi SCP-008 song =))
[22:12:39] <Secretary_Helen> drblackbox: SCP-6895 (Written A few seconds ago By: winkwonkboi) -
[22:12:40] <Secretary_Helen> drblackbox: SCP-6321: The Talking Piano (Written 5 hours ago By: DrMegsMarvelle) -
[22:12:41] <Secretary_Helen> drblackbox: Ignota's SCP-6161 Pixel Fanart (Written 5 hours ago By: IronShears) -
[22:12:56] <snow001> The Talking Piano?
[22:12:57] * snow001 was kicked by Secretary_Helen (maturity)
[22:12:57] *** Secretary_Helen sets mode: +b *!*@SCP-s37.fco.155.177.IP
They entered into #site17 on 02/7/2022 and submitted a ban appeal. The appeal was denied on the grounds that it wasn't a cogent appeal that demonstrated understanding of wrongdoing.
(6:15:34 PM) snow001: hello
(6:17:33 PM) DrBleep: Hello, you can begin your appeal whenever. Just as a heads up, appeals are logged on O5 command.
(6:18:15 PM) snow001: ok
(6:25:24 PM) snow001: I don't even know what I do to appeal :/
(6:27:36 PM) DrBleep: Well first I should tell you why you were banned. You were issued a maturity ban for behavior indistinguishable from being underage, due to a lot of random injection of topics, lolrandom behavior, and ignoring multiple people, including a half operator, who gave you direct instruction on how to improve both behaviorally and in your interaction with the site to best improve your writing.
(6:29:05 PM) snow001: I was kind of stressed that day
(6:29:47 PM) snow001: and I say random things when I'm… stressed or something
(6:31:18 PM) snow001: and when i was ignoring people i was kinda frustrated with some things
(6:34:27 PM) DrBleep: This isn't really an excuse for blasting that frustration and randomness into a chat room in a disruptive manner.
(6:34:55 PM) snow001: I understand
(6:39:40 PM) DrBleep: I'm not really sure you do, because this isn't really a cogent appeal that shows me you see how your actions and behavior impacted the experience of other people within the chat room, and the operators, nor the maturity to be in the community at this time. I'm going to have to deny your appeal at this time, and you may return in one years time to appeal again.