Warned once, then decides it'd be fun to spam.
[20:23] * Max (ten.tsacmoc.mn.1dsh.61CF7DD1-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.mn.1dsh.61CF7DD1-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[20:24] <Aleph> Hey, there have been lower
[20:24] <LadyKatie> Yeah, but the order is weird.
[20:24] <Max> O dang
[20:24] <LadyKatie> Hi
[20:24] <Max> hi
[20:24] <%minmin> oh, it's a 50/50
[20:24] <Max> For what?
[20:24] <DolphinSlugchugger> coin flip
[20:24] <%minmin> scp-2235
[20:24] <%Alexandra> minmin: SCP-2235 (Mud Man, Written by Dr Solo, Rating:-1) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-2235
[20:24] <LadyKatie> We're talking about ratings
[20:25] <Max> Oh
[20:25] <LadyKatie> I was right
[20:25] <DolphinSlugchugger> well
[20:25] <DolphinSlugchugger> i'm gonna go scoot off to try and play the lost
[20:25] <DolphinSlugchugger> see you all in hell
[20:26] <Max> It was funny my friend was obsessed with this and thought it was real and wanted to work in the scp place when he was older
[20:26] * DolphinSlugchugger is now known as DolphinGamechugger
[20:26] <%minmin> well, writing is technically a job
[20:26] <%minmin> that you do for free
[20:26] <DolphinGamechugger> Eh, I mean the benefits probably would be good
[20:26] <Max> But he thought scps were real
[20:26] <%minmin> for this site, so, I guess
[20:26] <Max> He thought the scps were real
[20:27] <DolphinGamechugger> yes, it appears to be a common misconception
[20:27] <GreenWolf> Wait, could you say that again? I didn't quite catch you the first three times
[20:27] <DolphinGamechugger> like a more horrible version of bloody mary
[20:27] <GreenWolf> … sorry, that was rude
[20:27] <DolphinGamechugger> fucking
[20:27] <Aleph> SCP Foundation is a work of fiction
[20:28] <%minmin> that's ridiculous, DolphinGamechugger
[20:28] <Max> Yea I had to show him that the cite saying that it was a unique writing cite
[20:28] <Aleph> We know, because we contributed to make it
[20:28] <%minmin> I say "bloody mary" three times in the mirror and she pops up and gives me her lunch money
[20:28] <Max> I went to Jigsaws place
[20:28] <Max> the other da
[20:28] <Max> day*
[20:28] * DolphinGamechugger sighs
[20:28] <Max> and he was like "wanna play a game"
[20:29] <Max> i said yes so we played life
[20:29] <Max> the game "Life"
[20:29] * Lux (ten.labolgcbs.cnhglr.deepsthgil.18BF4945-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.cnhglr.deepsthgil.18BF4945-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[20:29] <Max> :P
[20:29] <DolphinGamechugger> somebody call tahunu because that pun should be added to the lexicon
[20:30] * tahu2 pops out of a manhole
[20:30] <tahu2> Someone called?
[20:30] * tahu2 is now known as tahunu
[20:30] <DolphinGamechugger> jesus christ
[20:30] * Max died
[20:30] <tahunu> DolphinGamechugger: No need to ping me twice :V
[20:30] * Max was chopped up and fed to the SCPs
[20:30] <DolphinGamechugger> was it jesus, or was it christ
[20:30] * Max then was fucked anally
[20:31] <@Decibelle> Max: dont do that
[20:31] <@Decibelle> now that i said that, lemme be more specific
[20:31] <@Decibelle> dont roleplay and then be so crude as to say "/me then was fucked anally"
[20:31] <@Decibelle> it shows immaturity
[20:31] <@Decibelle> thanks
[20:31] <Max> xD
[20:31] <tahunu> DolphinGamechugger: You're missing the obvious possibility there
[20:31] <Max> just wanted a reson to leave
[20:31] <Max> reason
Max is ten.tsacmoc.mn.1dsh.61CF7DD1-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.mn.1dsh.61CF7DD1-CRInys|tibbiM * http://www.mibbit.com
Max on #site19
Max using logik.ca.us.synirc.net Hide the Bytes
Max End of /WHOIS list.
[20:32] <Max> ok bye
[20:32] <%minmin> there are flashier ways to leave a place
[20:32] <%minmin> I wouldn't recommend them tbh
[20:32] <DolphinGamechugger> tahunu: the reason being "pun" was the ping?
[20:32] * Trooper_Mak facepalm
[20:32] <@Decibelle> you could just say "see you guys later"
[20:32] <@Decibelle> but sure
[20:32] <Max> i mean i could spam
[20:32] <@Decibelle> how about no
[20:32] <Trooper_Mak> Please dont.
[20:32] <tahunu> DolphinGamechugger: No, the part where you said "or"
[20:32] <DolphinGamechugger> fuck
[20:32] <%minmin> like I said, wouldn't recommend.
[20:32] <Max> Fight me -_-
[20:32] <DolphinGamechugger> yeah, I should have put xor
[20:32] <Max> ok bye
[20:32] <Trooper_Mak> Theres enough trolls posting skips tonight as is
[20:33] <Max> sg
[20:33] <DolphinGamechugger> Trooper_Mak: not all people who post downvoted SCPs are trolls :P
[20:33] <Max> ad
[20:33] <@Decibelle> Trooper_Mak: nah, i dont think any trolls are posting skips
[20:33] <Max> g
[20:33] <Max> zdfxg
[20:33] <Max> fd
[20:33] <Max> sgh
[20:33] <Max> zd
[20:33] <Max> g
[20:33] <Max> zdxh
[20:33] <Max> gx
[20:33] <Max> dfgh
[20:33] <Max> xfg
[20:33] <Max> hdgzx
[20:33] * Decibelle sets mode: +b *!*@synIRC-1DD7FC16.hsd1.nm.comcast.net
[20:33] * Max (ten.tsacmoc.mn.1dsh.61CF7DD1-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.mn.1dsh.61CF7DD1-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Client exited)
Then joins #site17 to appeal, and rapidly digs their own grave.
[20:34] * Scp (ten.tsacmoc.mn.1dsh.61CF7DD1-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.mn.1dsh.61CF7DD1-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[20:34] <%Decibelle> hi max
[20:34] <%Decibelle> are you here to appeal your ban?
[20:34] <Scp> yes
[20:34] <Scp> i soz
[20:35] <%Decibelle> well, if you wish to appeal your ban, i will need to get another operator to handle it
[20:35] <%Decibelle> please wait a moment
[20:35] <Scp> It was very immature of me to act that way
[20:35] <%ProcyonLotor> I'll get it
[20:35] <%EldritchCyanide|Ping> Hello!
[20:35] <%EldritchCyanide|Ping> Dammit.
[20:35] <%ProcyonLotor> >:|
[20:35] <%ProcyonLotor> So, Scp, explain why you feel you should be unbanned?
[20:36] <Scp> Wait i need to change my nick
[20:36] <%ProcyonLotor> Please do so, then
[20:37] * Scp is now known as Nym
[20:37] <Nym> ok
[20:37] <%ProcyonLotor> Are you ready now?
[20:37] <Nym> I had to change it because it it told me i cant have scp in my name
[20:37] <Nym> yea
[20:37] <Nym> What was I supposed to do?
[20:37] <%ProcyonLotor> Please do so, then.
[20:38] <%ProcyonLotor> Explain why we should remove your ban.
[20:39] <Nym> You should because everyone should deserve a second chance but mostly because I was very immature and rude I will not do it again. I regretted it right as I started so i will refrain from doing it again
[20:39] <%ProcyonLotor> If you regretted it right when you started doing it…
[20:39] <%ProcyonLotor> …why did you continue to do it?
[20:39] <%ProcyonLotor> It was not just one line
[20:39] <Nym> I stopped
[20:40] <%ProcyonLotor> It was over ten, by my quick count
[20:40] <Nym> I know
[20:40] <Nym> Yea
[20:40] <%ProcyonLotor> You stopped because you were banned
[20:40] <Nym> No
[20:40] <%ProcyonLotor> And were unable to continue
[20:40] <%ProcyonLotor> I'm looking at it right now
[20:40] <Nym> I clicked out of the website
[20:40] <Nym> Like closed it
[20:40] <%ProcyonLotor> Your "stopping" happened one second before Decibelle put the ban up.
[20:41] <Nym> Really?
[20:41] <%ProcyonLotor> And then you quit.
[20:41] <Nym> I swear I stopped
[20:41] <%ProcyonLotor> And, again "spam and leave" is far more of a troll's behavior than someone truly remorseful.
[20:41] <Nym> and shouldn't everyone deserve abother chance?
[20:41] <Nym> another*
[20:41] <Nym> I wont do it again
[20:41] <%ProcyonLotor> Because if we gave every person who came in and started
[20:41] <%ProcyonLotor> bsthdf
[20:41] <%ProcyonLotor> h
[20:41] <%ProcyonLotor> rts
[20:41] <%ProcyonLotor> hfsd
[20:42] <%ProcyonLotor> hbsd
[20:42] <%ProcyonLotor> g
[20:42] <%ProcyonLotor> 19 would be a fucking cesspool
[20:42] <%ProcyonLotor> And you'd been previously warned for immaturity.
[20:42] <Nym> Umm please explain what cesspool means
[20:42] <%ProcyonLotor> That spam you pulled? That was not your first chance, that was you ripping your second chance apart with your teeth
[20:42] * %Bouncl (ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB) Quit (Quit: have a nice day :)
[20:42] <Nym> When!
[20:43] <%ProcyonLotor> <Decibelle> Max: dont do that
[20:43] <%ProcyonLotor> <Decibelle> now that i said that, lemme be more specific
[20:43] <%ProcyonLotor> <Decibelle> dont roleplay and then be so crude as to say "/me then was fucked anally"
[20:43] <Nym> oh
[20:43] <%ProcyonLotor> How old are you, Nym?
[20:43] <Nym> 15
[20:43] <Nym> Im banned arnt i
[20:43] <Nym> Well goodbye D:
[20:43] <Nym> I know
[20:44] <Nym> Just gimmie the word
[20:44] <Nym> Say it :(
[20:44] <%ProcyonLotor> I'm moving your ban to a year because you are indistinguishable from an underaged user.
[20:44] <%ProcyonLotor> Which also means your appeal is denied.
[20:45] <Nym> Please just check out my Ifunny MinimumSwagBattles
[20:45] <%ProcyonLotor> I'll pass.
[20:45] * Bouncl (ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB) has joined #site17
[20:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +h Bouncl
[20:45] <Nym> bye
[20:45] <%ProcyonLotor> Goodbye.
[20:45] <Nym> GG
[20:46] <%ProcyonLotor> If you have any further questions about your ban, you may ask them now. Otherwise, you need to leave.
[20:46] <Nym> Oh
[20:46] <Nym> is it an Ip ban
[20:47] <Nym> cause i have an older brother who comes on here
[20:47] <Nym> and he comes on chat
[20:47] <%ProcyonLotor> Do you have any idea how often we hear that excuse?
[20:47] <%ProcyonLotor> Literally multiple times a week.
[20:47] <Nym> No
[20:47] <Nym> That much people
[20:47] <Nym> ?
[20:47] <Nym> Dang that much people get banned
[20:47] <%ProcyonLotor> Because it's a cheesy excuse. The "dog ate my homework" of chatbans.
[20:48] <Nym> No but like really
[20:48] <Nym> Never mind you wont belive me
[20:48] <%ProcyonLotor> But, I'll bite
[20:48] <%ProcyonLotor> What would this older brother's nick be, pray tell?
[20:48] <Nym> I dont know lemme go check
[20:48] * TwistedGears (opxE.ehT|tranA#opxE.ehT|tranA) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 42.0/20151029151421])
[20:49] <%ProcyonLotor> I'll give you three minutes to do so.
[20:49] <Nym> I'm getting banned?
[20:49] <Nym> Please Explain why
[20:50] <Nym> Wait im reading previous chat
[20:50] <&TheDuckman> We just did.
[20:50] <%ProcyonLotor> We'd already settled this. The spam, the immaturity, the fact that, no matter what your age actually is, you seem very 12 to me.
[20:50] <%ProcyonLotor> That discussion's over. If you want to relive it, read the upscroll.
[20:50] <Nym> Oh my god
[20:50] <Nym> My brother is 11
[20:51] <%ProcyonLotor> Oh, am I talking to the """"older brother"""" right now?
[20:51] <%Decibelle> if your brother has been chatting in site19 with this ip and he's 11
[20:51] <Nym> I'm so sorry for his actions
[20:51] <%Decibelle> we need to move the ban from 1 year to 4 years
[20:51] <%ProcyonLotor> What nick do you normally use in chat?
[20:51] * Wogglebug (ainavlyselggoW.ellivselggoW.grebelggoW|gubelggoW#ainavlyselggoW.ellivselggoW.grebelggoW|gubelggoW) has joined #site17
[20:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +h Wogglebug
[20:51] <Nym> I use Max
[20:52] <Nym> Ive been on from other IPs too if you need to know?
[20:52] <%ProcyonLotor> Funny, because the only time I've seen Max in chat was when that bullshit spamming was happening, never before.
[20:52] <%Decibelle> thatd help
[20:52] <%ProcyonLotor> But yes, if you know those other IPs we'd love to see them
[20:53] <Nym> It was at my friend's house but if you need to I will take the blame for my younger brothers actions and I will take the punishment I'm sorry for the waste of your time I will be leaving now
[20:53] <%Decibelle> sure
[20:53] <%Decibelle> see you in 2019
[20:53] <%ProcyonLotor> Your ban is now four years. You will be able to appeal then.
[20:53] <Nym> Sorry again
[20:54] <Nym> No I just wont go on chat again its my fault for letting my brother play with my computer
[20:54] * Nym was kicked by ProcyonLotor (Also, just to clarify, I totally don't believe this is actually your older brother. See you in 2019.)
synIRC-1DD7FC16.hsd1.nm.comcast.net, will be unbanned in four years, as kept sacred and fulfilled by our Great Goddess, Alexandra. Also, be on the lookout for anyone with similar behavior who joins, considering the whole "multiple IPs" thing.