User (Wikidot account Spike Protein; ID: 7771880) turned up on 17 ostensibly to seek help with registering a chat nick; proceeded to be rude to staff members and then went straight for trolling when told off.
2021-11-25 22:49:55 Spike: How can I get "identified to a registered account"
2021-11-25 22:50:47 ClaudiaKara: You mean how do you log in?
2021-11-25 22:50:50 ClaudiaKara: .s chat guide
2021-11-25 22:51:09 Spike: I mean I can't join some channels
2021-11-25 22:51:50 ClaudiaKara: Yes
2021-11-25 22:51:58 ClaudiaKara: You need to follow tbat guide
2021-11-25 22:52:21 Spike: Best help ever, thanks
2021-11-25 22:52:40 Spike: I've already done that
2021-11-25 22:52:48 Spike: So I have to wait?
2021-11-25 22:52:57 ClaudiaKara: What's your username?
2021-11-25 22:53:07 Spike: Let me check
2021-11-25 22:53:18 Spike: Spike Protein
2021-11-25 22:53:58 ClaudiaKara: Okay, wikidot and IRC are two different things, you need to register an account here as well
2021-11-25 22:57:28 Spike: Yeah I'm not seeing anywhere where it explains how to register a skipirc account
2021-11-25 22:57:56 Spike: But I see this: "If you have more questions, please feel free to ask chat operators for assistance."
2021-11-25 22:58:07 ClaudiaKara: It's literally there in the guide if you read it
2021-11-25 22:58:10 Spike: So I'm doing that now
2021-11-25 22:58:28 Spike: I'm asking for assistance are you doing that now
2021-11-25 22:58:35 ClaudiaKara: There is a tab at the top of the page
2021-11-25 22:58:37 Spike: Pardon
2021-11-25 22:58:46 Spike: I meant are you a chat operator
2021-11-25 22:59:10 ClaudiaKara: That says "registration and logging in"
2021-11-25 22:59:38 Spike: Thanks for all your amazing help
2021-11-25 22:59:52 Edna_Granbo: Spike: Okay listen
2021-11-25 23:00:37 Edna_Granbo: There is a guide with images that tell you exactly what to do that you were linked.
2021-11-25 23:00:39 Spike: Sorry I haven't used IRC since 1990
2021-11-25 23:01:03 Spike: Yeah Edna thanks for your input
2021-11-25 23:01:28 Spike: That guide with the tabs is very idiosyncratic
2021-11-25 23:01:45 Spike: Never seen that format on any web site ever
2021-11-25 23:02:23 Spike: I still can't join channels
2021-11-25 23:02:41 Spike: »> [22:00] (477) #site81 :You need to be identified to a registered account to join this channel
2021-11-25 23:02:48 Edna_Granbo: Spike: If clicking a single tab that says "Registration and Logging in" is too much work for you, then I don't know what you expect to happen by being an ass to people trying to help you.
2021-11-25 23:03:00 Spike: Thanks for your input Edna
2021-11-25 23:03:03 ClaudiaKara: Hi Spike
2021-11-25 23:03:06 Spike: I never said it was too hard
2021-11-25 23:03:27 Spike: Spike was kicked by Edna_Granbo for: Come back when you're ready to act like an adult.
2021-11-25 23:04:09 Spike: Really classy
2021-11-25 23:05:31 Edna_Granbo: Spike: You ready to actually listen to the instructions people are giving you?
2021-11-25 23:06:42 Spike: I wasn't given instructions or help I was pointed to instructions that are unnecessarily verbose and that bury the lead
2021-11-25 23:06:50 Spike: But thanks for all your help
2021-11-25 23:06:57 Spike: I got it sorted now
2021-11-25 23:07:11 Spike: As I said I haven't used IRC since 1990
2021-11-25 23:07:23 Spike: I've forgotten how nickserv operates
2021-11-25 23:08:13 Spike: You literally could have said "register your nickname and check your email"
2021-11-25 23:08:33 Spike: Make me a chat operator I'll help n00bs
2021-11-25 23:09:30 Spike: Imagine how confusing all those instructions are to somebody who has actually never heard of IRC let alone used it before
2021-11-25 23:11:03 Spike: I read the whole guide for registering on the web site and found the p-a-s-s-c-o-d-e on the first reading, being cagey beyond that seems superfluous to me
2021-11-25 23:11:37 Spike: But what do I know, I haven't created any e-nomenon like SCP
2021-11-25 23:13:11 Spike: I guess this is some hackneyed version of an IQ test but it screens out everyone but pedants
2021-11-25 23:13:45 Spike: So anyway where can I pitch an idea
2021-11-25 23:14:20 Athenodora: Spike how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
2021-11-25 23:14:29 Spike: Or do I have to sift through the humongous list of 0-2 user channels to find out
2021-11-25 23:15:17 Athenodora: Spike how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
2021-11-25 23:16:42 Spike: Approximately 1.584 million kiloseconds
2021-11-25 23:16:52 Hex: Spike: Alright, I'm gonna slide in here and tell you to quit while you're ahead. This has gone beyond giving feedback regarding our guides, and has gone into straight condescension. Knock it off.
2021-11-25 23:17:17 Spike: Sure thing hex thanks for the implied threat
2021-11-25 23:17:19 Athenodora: Spike And why you think being sarcastic to me would help?
2021-11-25 23:17:33 Spike: Who's being sarcastic
2021-11-25 23:17:34 Athenodora: This is the first thing I said to you, and it was a polite question
2021-11-25 23:17:43 Spike: You asked my age and I told you
2021-11-25 23:17:54 Spike: And with more precision than most do I'm certain
2021-11-25 23:18:34 Athenodora: Spike would you write down that answer in your census form, then?
2021-11-25 23:18:39 Spike: I thought you'd appreciate a circuitous answer that's no use to you without some work on your part
2021-11-25 23:18:58 Spike: I don't fill out census forms but sure
2021-11-25 23:19:07 Spike: So anyway
2021-11-25 23:19:17 Spike: Where can I pitch an idea
2021-11-25 23:19:23 Spike: Not here I presume
2021-11-25 23:19:25 Athenodora: Spike I haven't spoken to you before. Why do you talk to me like that?
2021-11-25 23:19:57 Spike: Talk to you like what? You asked and I gave you an answer to three decimal places
2021-11-25 23:20:19 Edna_Granbo: Edna_Granbo has banned :*!*
2021-11-25 23:20:30 Spike: Spike was kicked by Edna_Granbo for:
2021-11-25 23:26:31 Guest72762: Hello, I was hoping to get my name added to the Invite list for the Sandbox?
2021-11-25 23:27:35 Athenodora: Guest72762 I can add you onto the Sandbox invite list, yeah - what's your Wikidot username, and what's your age? You can send that information to me in PMs if you don't want to disclose it to a public chat
2021-11-25 23:42:27 blowmefaggot: But seriously
2021-11-25 23:42:35 blowmefaggot: What channel to pitch ideas
2021-11-25 23:42:42 blowmefaggot: I can literally do this all day
2021-11-25 23:43:00 blowmefaggot: blowmefaggot was kicked by Athenodora for:
2021-11-25 23:43:51 Guest71508: Hey I'm trying to make a sandbox account and it says I gotta come here and ask for some help
2021-11-25 23:44:04 Hex: Hex has banned :*!*
2021-11-25 23:44:08 eatmeretard: eatmeretard was kicked by Hex for:
2021-11-25 23:44:23 Athenodora: Guest71508 I can add you onto the Sandbox invite list, yeah - what's your Wikidot username, and what's your age? You can send that information to me in PMs if you don't want to disclose it to a public chat
2021-11-25 23:45:21 AndroUser2: Remember you started this, you wanted it this way
2021-11-25 23:45:40 AndroUser2: So which channel
2021-11-25 23:45:46 ClaudiaKara: Ops
2021-11-25 23:45:47 Hex: Hex has banned :*!*
2021-11-25 23:45:51 AndroUser2: AndroUser2 was kicked by Hex for: Fuck off.
2021-11-25 23:46:24 fellateme##: Remember you started this, you wanted it this way
2021-11-25 23:46:28 Hex: Hex has banned :*!*
2021-11-25 23:46:31 fellateme##: fellateme was kicked by Hex for: