Posting this with permission from
I recently wanted to add my Semi-Comprehensive List of Groups of Interest as an Essay to the Guide Hub, and realised what a hassle it was - I'm Junior Staff so getting in contact with people was pretty easy, but because the Guide Hub is locked I needed to get a Moderator to make a very minor edit.
This seems like a waste of everyone's time, and is probably the reason why several essays aren't actually on the Hub. Therefore, I have proposed the creation of a separate Essay Hub, which will be unlocked, tagged as collaborative, and occasionally pruned by the MAST team to remove anything that shouldn't be on there. The new Guide Hub will become much shorter due to the transfer of all essays to the Essay Hub, and will remain locked so that nobody can alter it without staff permission.
- Makes distinction between Guides and Essays clear, without the need for the really ugly cyan and green letters we currently use.
- Serves as a logical progression from Required Reading to official Guides to unofficial Essays.
- Adding essays is easy, and essay authors can choose how to classify and summarise their essays.
- I know some people think we should delete them entirely, but removing the joke essays from the official Guide hub seems like a good idea to me.
- Not entirely related to the proposal, we could just do this anyway, but I have taken the opportunity to categorise the essays into additional sections and subsections.
- Again, not entirely related, but I have included a few extra essays that have previously been missed, plus stuff like the components hub and the amnestic guides (technically tales, but useful for answering questions on those specific aspects of the SCP universe).
- May make essays less prominent - although note that currently we hide all user created essays on writing in a collapsible.
- May make people less likely to notice the essays - to alleviate this I've added a description of the Essay hub and why you might want to check it out to the Guide Hub.
- I guess technically this allows people to add essays of dubious quality to the Essay Hub, but if the essay is actually bad then we can just remove the link once it gets deleted.
If nobody proposes anything beyond minor edits, we'll go ahead and do it - lots of reparenting of essays will be needed but it will otherwise be pretty simple.