Remember Cornserv and his bizarre robot babble?
This guy either does or they're multiplying.
Posting for Anakin.
First, in 19, this was the kick, I do not believe we have logs of the warning for incoherency.
<Shepard>: All- estimate ongoing corruption iterference may become permenant$/warning\\\\> <MrAnakinSpecter>: …
<LadyKatie>: … damnit.
<MrAnakinSpecter>: No roleplaying, Shepard.
<Metaphysician>: .tell Deci|SuperAFK
<Alexandra>: Metaphysician: I'll pass that along.
<Athenodora>: .s chat guide
<Alexandra>: Athenodora: Chat Guide(Rating:31) -
<MrAnakinSpecter>: Shepard: Continued incoherence will result in operator action, do you understand?
<MrAnakinSpecter>: Shepard: Really, give me anything to prove you are not a bot…
<MrAnakinSpecter>: …
<Shepard>: 18 month estimate boundry style un studied movement or retrations due to boundry interferrence may result in innapropriate movement even under saftey line others are worried and assisting in silence or darkness
*** Shepard was kicked by MrAnakinSpecter (You were warned.)
And then round 1 in 17:
- Shepard (||tibbiM) has joined
- AbsentWolf is now known as BusyWolf
<Shepard> I appoligize. I have no known arithmis to your rules. Please accept.
<MrAnakinSpecter> …
<MrAnakinSpecter> You still need to follow them.
<Athenodora> .def arithmis
<Alexandra> Athenodora: definition for "isthmus": noun: A narrow strip of land, bordered on two sides by water, and connecting two larger landmasses.
<MrAnakinSpecter> Also, I don't think arithmis is a word?
<Athenodora> arithmetic? algorithm?
<Athenodora> are you saying you're a bot now?
<MrAnakinSpecter> Shepard: I'm not entirely sure what you are asking, here. Please try and be more coherent.
- Metaphysician (||tibbiM) has joined
<Shepard> Not a bot im on the phone hold on
- Wogglebug has quit (Quit: …)
<MrAnakinSpecter> Then perhaps not type so fast?
<MrAnakinSpecter> or bye I guess
- Shepard (||tibbiM) has joined
- Jabonicus (ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.9FBC6E08-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.9FBC6E08-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Shepard> Sorry.
<MrAnakinSpecter> It's fine.
<MrAnakinSpecter> What were you trying to say?
<Shepard> It is a word by the way. And its classified through S.s.
<MrAnakinSpecter> …
<MrAnakinSpecter> The Foundation is not real. We are a fiction writing community.
- Quikngruvn (~PI.9A124EFC.C0D40835.FAED7495|vurgnkiuQ#PI.9A124EFC.C0D40835.FAED7495|vurgnkiuQ) has joined
- ChanServ sets mode +a on #site17 Quikngruvn
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Quikngruvn
<MrAnakinSpecter> I also warned you not to roleplay. This chat is for staff questions and critique only. Do you have any questions?
<Shepard> If S.S.S.S. in fact. I understand , and know.
<MrAnakinSpecter> …
<Shepard> Yes the rules
<MrAnakinSpecter> Final warning: start making sense, please.
<MrAnakinSpecter> …?
<Shepard> Ok sorry im trying to understand. My mind does not accept some critical thinking algorithems of thought through an open interface as such. Your point of this fiction i was warrented seceret memories of this place. I am just curious.
<MrAnakinSpecter> This is not real. You are not following the rules. Please leave.
<Athenodora> Shepard what kind of bot couldn't spell "algorithm" correctly?
<Athenodora> what kind of bot uses a phone, anyway?
<MrAnakinSpecter> No need to mock, Athenodora.
<Shepard> You guys are and i have memories of this.
<MrAnakinSpecter> Shepard. Please leave. I am asking nicely.
- ProcyonLotor has kicked Shepard from #site17 (Unlike Anakin, I don't ask. Cut it out.)
<MrAnakinSpecter> 2 nice 4 my own good )):
<ProcyonLotor> you just gotta learn the cynicism
- Lex1nat0r has quit (Quit: One last Night at the Opera)
- Shepard (||tibbiM) has joined
<MrAnakinSpecter> Shepard. Final warning. If you do not have a question for staff, you need to leave or you will be banned for interruption and roleplaying.
<Shepard> I run the social science department of development. I will study my memories of you all alone then. Thank you for communicating with me to here.
<MrAnakinSpecter> aaannndd b&
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*
- ProcyonLotor has kicked Shepard from #site17 (Nice knowing you. Please leave.)
Also, relevant side note: Anakin should
be on 05, have staffchat access, and half-op in 17 (why I was kicking and banning for him here) as a full op. The lack of that has really unfairly stymied his abilities as an op and there's no good reason for it?
We talked about Shepard, decided to give him one more chance to appeal coherently or otherwise perma.
is currently appealing has appealed.
It's uh, certainly something.
- Shepard (||tibbiM) has joined
<Shepard> Sorry
- UraniumEmpire is now known as gumbal1
<ProcyonLotor> Shepard, alright.
<ProcyonLotor> I am going to give you one chance to coherently appeal your ban.
<Shepard> Ill read the rules first thistime
<ProcyonLotor> If you pull any more "The SCP is secretly real" it will be denied, and the ban shall be permanent.
<ProcyonLotor> So, now, you have the floor. Please explain why you should not be banned.
- Bouncl (ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to Bouncl
- TombPM is now known as Tuomey
<Shepard> I did not imply that i said the idea as i was stating. I did not gain the knoledge of all of you to know what my words ment before i blabbered in
<ProcyonLotor> Alright, I'm going to also add a caveat.
<ProcyonLotor> Explain to me in a way we can understand why you should not be banned.
<ProcyonLotor> Are you there, Shepard?
<MrAnakinSpecter> He is on his phone so his typing is slow, he mentioned.
<ProcyonLotor> Ah, yes.
<Shepard> I opend this door and sterted blabbing to you like you knew who i was. Im sorry. I didnt mean to imply or be of any said to real or uncaptioned. I have unknown memories from this information. The more i think about this the more i remember. I do not want to be banned for being upmost of ignorance to implicabilty in remorse here. I am sorry.
<BusyWolf> markov
<BusyWolf> that's definitely a markov chain
<MrAnakinSpecter> BusyWolf, not the time.
<ProcyonLotor> Although, while that was not the time, I am growing very much less convinced you're actually a human being. Even if you were, you're both completely, utterly, balls to the wall incomprehensible and incoherent and still seem to be implying this crap is real.
<ProcyonLotor> As such, your appeal is denied. The ban is permanent.
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*
- ProcyonLotor has kicked Shepard from #site17 (You may appeal again in one year.)
Also apparently he might be a literal chatbot, who knows.
Perma, appeal denied.