Just some thoughts on some of Lucio's points: (meant to do this as a reply, oops)
Instead of:
Don't ONLY read Series 1 (i.e. the first 1000 SCPs). Series 1 can be great, but it's a decade old and can sometimes fall short of modern site standards. We've also got Series 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and the latest one, Series 7. Try reading an equal number of SCPs from each series.
How about:
Don't ONLY read Series 1 (the first 1000 SCPs). Series 1 can be great, but it's a decade old and can sometimes fall short of modern site standards. We'd recommend reading a variety of SCPs from our more recent Series to see how our writing has progressed over time, especially if you intend to contribute to the site.
Just to avoid having to update it all the time, and to give people a better idea of why they should read more recent works.
In terms of "canon" - I'd put that as the third question in the list, before the amnestic and D-class stuff, since they're specific examples of a more general trend - it seems odd to answer specific questions about canon prior to the more general "it depends" caveat that puts them in context. We could include the D class question within that, and maybe note that some canons even explore setting in which the Foundation is no longer secret or doesn't even exist.
I feel like "I have a question about a Video Game" could be merged with the question about "offsite content creators", to make it clearer what we're talking about.
Maybe: "I have a question about an SCP related Video Game/Youtube Channel/other project not on this site"
However, it probably is worth mentioning that the Wanderer's Library and the International Branches are officially affiliated with us if we phrase it that way, although even then, "contact them directly" still applies.