19:40 * SlackJack joined #site19 PI.C5A6161F.D0C17EEC.BB9F0701|tibbiM#PI.C5A6161F.D0C17EEC.BB9F0701|tibbiM
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19:41 SlackJack Good aftermorning
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19:43 hihahaba hello
19:44 * Bouncl joined #site19 ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB
19:44 + ChanServ has given op to Bouncl
19:46 * Bunton joined #site19 moc.duolccri.gnitoot.8962E613-CRInys|16487dis#moc.duolccri.gnitoot.8962E613-CRInys|16487dis
19:46 Bunton Ataturk seems like he was a pretty cool dude.
19:46 Bunton Also hi all.
19:47 hihahaba who?
19:47 Bunton Dude who founded Turkey.
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19:47 Bunton Well, the modern state of Turkey.
19:48 Bunton The Ottoman Empire was already there but it was terrible.
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19:48 Rimple|afk Are there any skips out there which could be described as anomalous concepts? Wanna see if what I'm working on is too similar to anything else.
19:49 hihahaba I guess
19:50 nullsleepyfish hello
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19:50 Perelka_L Ataturk is everywhere when you go to Turkey
19:50 hihahaba I think most memetic scips could be described that way
19:50 Bunton Ataturk is best described as the Turkish George Washington if you're American.
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19:50 Perelka_L I mean from what I heard he did a lot of good stuff for Turkey but his faces are nearly everywhere
19:50 Bunton Except more important because he only did his thing 100 years ago as opposed to 300 years ago.
19:51 hihahaba lol
19:51 Bunton "Ataturk" is an honourific that literally means "father of the Turks".
19:51 hihahaba I thought it was only 200
19:51 Bunton And he's the only one that's allowed to hold that title, much like George Washington.
19:51 Perelka_L I liked the story how he banned fezzes and when some important guy arrived from Egypt he just casually threw that guy's fez on the ground
19:51 Perelka_L Egypt wasn't pleased
19:51 Bunton hihahaba: idk, I'm British.
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19:52 Metaphysician Aye; father of modern Turkey.
19:52 hihahaba either way
19:52 * GreenWolf is now known as AbsentWolf
19:52 Bunton It wasn't even 100 years ago. He was still in office in 1938.
19:52 Metaphysician Yup.
19:52 Bunton He's an awesome dude. :P
19:52 hihahaba also I'm watching a video of a store celebrating their 10,000th shop lifter
19:53 Bunton Well, he died in 1938.
19:53 Bunton But he was in office for some of 1938.
19:53 Bunton While he was still alive.
19:53 BlackWing George Washington's thing is that no General can ever out-rank him
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19:53 Bunton He's like Turkish George Washington crossed with Turkish Churchill.
19:53 hihahaba so a little less than 200 years I guess
19:53 Bunton BlackWing: ah, okay.
19:54 BlackWing There's also the whole "First President who unofficially set the Two-Term limit until that little situation in 1941-1945
19:54 BlackWing "
19:54 hihahaba hey guys I'm going to run this idea real quick
19:55 Bunton BlackWing: what happened in 1941-1945
19:55 Bunton hihahaba: sure! Go ahead!
19:55 BlackWing FDR was President for three terms
19:55 Bunton Oh, okay.
19:55 BlackWing No rule saying he couldn't run for more than 2 at the time
19:55 Bunton Well to be fair there was a war on.
19:56 Bunton The country really didn't need a change of power at that time.
19:56 BlackWing We still had elections
19:56 hihahaba A city modified for chinchillas, there are only chinchillas in this city as any other animals would turn into a chinchilla if they entered the city
19:56 Bunton hihahaba: okay.
19:56 Bunton What else?
19:57 hihahaba just a rough idea :P
19:57 SlackJack Well, I'm leaving now.
19:57 SlackJack HEIL HITLER
19:57 * SlackJack quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) PI.C5A6161F.D0C17EEC.BB9F0701|tibbiM#PI.C5A6161F.D0C17EEC.BB9F0701|tibbiM
dude joined, greeted the chat, said nothing for a while, said he was leaving, random "HEIL HITLER" on the way out