Mainsite Mirror
Heya everyone,
So, Guides and Official Pages is trying to do a rewrite of the Newbie Guide, (again,) but for that we needed to collect some info from as many people as possible. Considering how much has changed on the wiki since the Newbie Guide (now known as Joining Guide) was first written, we decided to not try and necessarily conform to the mold set by said guide, and instead to try and just write a good, brand new guide, and only later look at the previous guide to see if we missed anything.
To start this process however, we needed to clear up one key thing - What should even be on said guide? Considering how much there is on the wiki and how much users are expected to know to even traverse it, what should we even tell new users? To try and be as all-encompassing as we can, we're opening this up for discussion to both staff on 05, and the grander community on the mainsite.
In this thread, feel free to mention anything and everything you think a new user should be shown or told - Formats, advice, sites, links, tips, whatever. Throw it all here, and we'll do the sorting out. Thanks.