2:20:09 PM <Slendercreppy0> Hello, I have a few questions for the staff
2:20:24 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Slendercreppy0: sure
2:20:34 PM <Slendercreppy0> Hold, on Im tryna find that page
2:21:24 PM <Slendercreppy0> So, How do I make the template including containment class, disruption class and etc
2:21:28 PM <Slendercreppy0> like in this one
2:21:37 PM <Slendercreppy0> http://scp-sandbox-3.wikidot.com/arib313
2:21:54 PM <Slendercreppy0> My friend btw, if you’re wondering and think Im trolling
2:22:09 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .s acs guide
2:22:09 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: Anomaly Classification System (ACS) Guide (Rating: +356. Written 2 years ago By: Woedenaz) - http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/anomaly-classification-system-guide
2:22:11 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> ^^
2:22:24 PM <Slendercreppy0> Ye thx
2:22:33 PM <Slendercreppy0> hold on, let me just through it
2:22:34 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> np
2:23:01 PM <Slendercreppy0> Oi thx
2:23:07 PM <Slendercreppy0> let me save the page and Ill leave
2:23:30 PM <Slendercreppy0> Thx and bye
2:23:31 PM ⇐ Researcher_Vance, minmin and Cassandra_Prime quit ↔ Slendercreppy0 nipped out
2:44:25 PM <Slendercreppy0> Hello, I was here 10 minutes earlier
2:44:49 PM <Slendercreppy0> question for the staff
2:45:57 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Slendercreppy0: go for it
2:46:44 PM <Slendercreppy0> So, I managed to pull it off. But something I did made the secondary class to magically disappear
2:46:57 PM <Slendercreppy0> i checked the code and it matched the one I was given
2:47:06 PM <Slendercreppy0> any clue on what the could be?
2:47:12 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> the secondary class doesn't show up unless you use esoteric as the primary class
2:47:22 PM <Slendercreppy0> ?
2:47:26 PM <Slendercreppy0> ohh
2:47:46 PM <Slendercreppy0> but.. I had mine as Archon earlier and it still showed up
2:48:05 PM <Slendercreppy0> what is esoteric, Ive read it through but cant really comprehend it
2:48:08 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> can you link your sandbox?
2:48:14 PM <Slendercreppy0> Sure
2:48:15 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .s object class
2:48:15 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: Did you mean : 1) The Origin of Object Classes, 2) Object Class Bar, 3) Object Class Bar Source, 4) Object Classes, 5) SCP-1622-J: No Object Class Whatsoever, 6) Object Class: Podcast, 7) SCP Object Classes (Archived), ?
2:48:20 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .sm 4
2:48:21 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: Object Classes (Rating: +80. Written 7 years ago By: aelanna rewritten on: 2018-01-21 by mayd) - http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/object-classes
2:48:24 PM <Slendercreppy0> http://scp-sandbox-3.wikidot.com/slendercreppy0
2:48:36 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> esoteric is any class outside of the standard classes
2:48:45 PM <Slendercreppy0> Haven’t made much, started writing today
2:48:49 PM <Slendercreppy0> ok?
2:48:55 PM <Slendercreppy0> ye.. that’s for me
2:48:57 PM <Slendercreppy0> thx
2:49:01 PM <Slendercreppy0> and goodbye
2:49:05 PM → Arclapse and Cassandra_Prime joined ⇐ Ecronak and TheyCalledMeTim quit ↔ Kensing popped in ↔ Slendercreppy0 nipped out
3:17:53 PM <Slendercreppy0> Sorry to bother, I have another question for the staff
3:17:59 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> sure
3:18:15 PM <Slendercreppy0> https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4606
3:18:21 PM <Slendercreppy0> The main picture at the top
3:18:32 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .s style resource
3:18:32 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: SCP Style Resource (Rating: +447. Written 3 years ago By: 7happy7 and s d locke) - http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-style-resource
3:18:33 PM <Slendercreppy0> “By order of bla bla bla”
3:19:08 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-style-resource#toc4
3:19:11 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> ^^
3:19:26 PM <Slendercreppy0> Very much appreciated
3:19:29 PM <Slendercreppy0> goodbye
3:19:30 PM → theycallmetim and slendercreppy0 joined ⇐ Slendercreppy0, Arclapse and +Cyvstvi quit • JazSleep → +Jazstar
3:46:35 PM <slendercreppy0> Again, sorry to bother
3:46:41 PM <slendercreppy0> question for da staff
3:46:54 PM <slendercreppy0> is there away to move a text or a collapsible block to the middle
3:47:08 PM <slendercreppy0> and can you make a collapsible block within a collapsible block
3:47:10 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> are you asking how to center text?
3:47:14 PM <slendercreppy0> Yes
3:47:15 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .s col top
3:47:15 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: Did you mean : 1) Nested Collapsibles: Top, 2) Nested Collapsibles: Top Deep, ?
3:47:23 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .sm 1
3:47:23 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: Nested Collapsibles: Top (Rating: +11. Written 1 year ago By: Uncle Nicolini) - http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/component:coltop
3:47:44 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> slendercreppy0: ^^ that's how you nest collapsibles.
3:47:59 PM <slendercreppy0> Ok
3:48:06 PM <slendercreppy0> what about center text
3:48:12 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> centered text is [[=]] at the beginning and [[/=]] at the end (different lines to the text)
3:48:23 PM <slendercreppy0> Ok
3:48:25 PM <slendercreppy0> thx
3:48:28 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> np
3:48:45 PM → Slendercreppy0 joined ⇐ slendercreppy0 quit
3:52:27 PM <Slendercreppy0> …
3:52:37 PM <Slendercreppy0> again, terribly sorry to bother
3:52:41 PM <Slendercreppy0> question for da staffs
3:52:47 PM → Spamrock8 joined • Slendercreppy0 → Guest38472
3:53:18 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Guest38472: sure
3:53:38 PM <Guest38472> is there a way to move a text or a column further down or can you enlarge the vacuum between the lines
3:53:53 PM <Guest38472> Down and up*
3:54:23 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> as in put spaces in between the lines? put on a blank line where you want the space to be
3:54:35 PM <Guest38472> Ye, let me test that out
3:54:37 PM <Guest38472> brb
3:55:14 PM <Spamrock8> hello! about three days ago I came here for the sandbox invite, is it usually sent by now or am I just supposed to wait longer? just making sure it didn't mess up or anything :)
3:55:31 PM <Guest38472> Thx
3:55:34 PM ⇐ Guest38472 quit (es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht#es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht) The Lounge - By https://thelounge.chat
3:55:36 PM <%stormfallen> Spamrock8: what's your username?
3:55:47 PM <Spamrock8> Spamrock
3:56:07 PM <%stormfallen> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/1VBPJT9v/image.png
3:56:12 PM <%stormfallen> Says you're a member
3:56:14 PM <Spamrock8> wait what
3:56:28 PM <Spamrock8> I guess the invitation for the mainsite must have included a link to the sandbox?
3:56:32 PM <Spamrock8> oh well, thank you!
3:56:38 PM <%stormfallen> np
3:56:39 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Spamrock8: have you tried creating a page in the sandbox?
3:56:57 PM <Spamrock8> oh, not yet since I haven't been greenlit!
3:57:09 PM <Spamrock8> I wasn't aware that I was accepted since I never got an invitation for that website
3:57:14 PM <Spamrock8> only the main scp site
3:57:28 PM <Spamrock8> maybe the invitation I was sent just accounted for both? not sure
3:57:59 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> (you don't need greenlights to create a page btw)
3:57:59 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> as long as you can create a page on the sandbox you're fine 🤷
3:59:29 PM <Spamrock8> Oh? sorry I thought for first time writers you had to have your greenlights before you could make the sandbox?
3:59:40 PM <Spamrock8> "Per the greenlighting policy, first-time authors must get concepts reviewed in the Ideas Critique Forum or IRC chatrooms before creating a feedback thread in the Drafts and Critique forum. Draft critique can still be sought via IRC and PM without greenlights."
4:00:09 PM <Spamrock8> maybe I am just misunderstanding what I read, really sorry!
4:00:14 PM ⇐ %Edna_Granbo quit (scihparg.nilbog|139963diu#scihparg.nilbog|139963diu) Connection closed for inactivity
4:00:28 PM <%stormfallen> You can make a draft without greenlights, you just can't post it in the Drafts Critique forum
4:00:40 PM <Spamrock8> ohhh, okay! thank you
4:00:52 PM <Spamrock8> sorry for so many questions lmfao
4:00:56 PM <%stormfallen> No worries
4:01:11 PM → UraniumEmpire and Subject19 joined ← Spamrock8 left ⇐ BoogeyMan23, theycallmetim and Zoran quit • TawnyOwlJones → %TawnyAFK
4:51:26 PM <JapaneseJavelin> Hello, is there any way for me to know if I have been approved as a member
4:52:40 PM TawnyAFK → %TawnyOwlJones
4:52:57 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> JapaneseJavelin: are you referring to the mainsite?
4:53:02 PM ⇐ DianaBerry quit (moc.duolccri.notgnimyl.snfl05-PCS|861373diu#moc.duolccri.notgnimyl.snfl05-PCS|861373diu) Connection closed for inactivity
4:53:08 PM <JapaneseJavelin> Yes I think so
4:53:17 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> what's your wikidot username?
4:53:28 PM <JapaneseJavelin> JapaneseJavelin i think
4:53:49 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .user JapaneseJavelin
4:53:49 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: http://www.wikidot.com/user:info/JapaneseJavelin
4:54:08 PM → Guest31625 joined (ten.nozirev.soif.qu1ahn-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.nozirev.soif.qu1ahn-PCS|egnuoleht)
4:54:32 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> you aren't a member of the mainsite. if you've applied to join the mainsite, you'll recieve an invitation in your wikidot inbox within 72 hours
4:54:40 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .s join this
4:54:40 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: Join This Site (Rating: +67. Written 13 years ago By: The Administrator) - http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/system:join
4:54:50 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> ^^ if you haven't applied yet, the link is there
4:54:57 PM ⇐ Guest31625 quit (ten.nozirev.soif.qu1ahn-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.nozirev.soif.qu1ahn-PCS|egnuoleht) The Lounge - By https://thelounge.chat
4:55:08 PM <JapaneseJavelin> Ok thank you I have applied, I was just making sure
4:56:17 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> np! you will get an invitation eventually; the applications are handled manually so it can take a while. do you want me to add you to the sandbox list while you're here?
4:56:31 PM → Mars joined (moc.duolccri.egdirbxu.u4aii3-PCS|919714diu#moc.duolccri.egdirbxu.u4aii3-PCS|919714diu)
4:57:44 PM <JapaneseJavelin> Sure!
4:58:22 PM <JapaneseJavelin> Thanks!
4:58:23 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> i'll need your age as well. you're welcome to pm it to me if you don't want to disclose it in a public chat
4:58:25 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> np
4:59:43 PM → Guest99875 joined (es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht#es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht)
4:59:45 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> JapaneseJavelin: I've added you to the waitlist. Expect an invitation in your Wikidot inbox ( https://www.wikidot.com/account/messages#/invitations ) within 24h; if you don't have one within two days, please come back here. Wikidot's been worse than usual lately.
4:59:57 PM <Guest99875> Hello, I have question for the staffs
5:00:03 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> sure
5:00:04 PM <Guest99875> my real acc is Slendercreppy0
5:00:25 PM <JapaneseJavelin> Thanjk you!
5:00:30 PM <Guest99875> How do I add a picture into my draft
5:00:39 PM <%stormfallen> Guest99875: this is the sixth time you've come in today with a question that can be answered in the guides.
5:00:39 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> JapaneseJavelin: np!
5:00:50 PM <Guest99875> Zyn said something about files
5:01:04 PM <Guest99875> i did try, But it all came out differently
5:01:56 PM <Guest99875> Wait how on
5:02:01 PM <Guest99875> I found something
5:02:02 PM <Guest99875> brb
5:02:44 PM ↔ DoctorDExotic popped in
5:03:53 PM <Guest99875> Nope it didn’t work
5:04:35 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .s how to write
5:04:35 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: How To Write An SCP (Rating: +191. Written 13 years ago By: The Administrator) - http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/how-to-write-an-scp
5:04:44 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Guest99875: read the guides please
5:04:47 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .s guide hub
5:04:47 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: Guide Hub (Rating: +38. Written 9 years ago By: malycegraves and themightymcb) - http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/guide-hub
5:05:23 PM <Guest99875> Ok…
5:05:25 PM ⇐ Guest99875 quit (es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht#es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht) The Lounge - By https://thelounge.chat
5:06:27 PM → Guest08847 joined (es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht#es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht)
5:06:33 PM <Guest08847> Sorry for wasting y’all’s time
5:06:36 PM <Guest08847> found it
5:06:41 PM <Guest08847> au revoir
5:06:42 PM → Guest24715 joined ⇐ Guest08847 and valhallah quit ↔ awesomestuff, Guest24821 and awesome popped in
5:21:13 PM <Guest24715> hi can I be added to the invite list?
5:22:54 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Guest24715: i can add you to the sandbox list if you give me your wikidot username and your age.
5:24:18 PM <Guest24715> ok, my wikidot username is awesome_stuff and I am 19 years old
5:25:20 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> .user awesome_stuff
5:25:20 PM <%Secretary_Helen> TawnyOwlJones: http://www.wikidot.com/user:info/awesome_stuff
5:25:56 PM → Slendercreppy0 joined (es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht#es.2elet.dnabderb.km2qmh-PCS|egnuoleht)
5:26:05 PM <Slendercreppy0> Hello, I have questions for the staffs
5:26:25 PM <Slendercreppy0> i have a problem with collapsible command
5:26:34 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Guest24715: I've added you to the waitlist. Expect an invitation in your Wikidot inbox ( https://www.wikidot.com/account/messages#/invitations ) within 24h; if you don't have one within two days, please come back here. Wikidot's been worse than usual lately.
5:26:34 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> have you applied to join the mainsite yet? it's a different process from making a wikidot account
5:26:37 PM <Slendercreppy0> is it nested collapsible Im supposed to read?
5:26:48 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Slendercreppy0: what problem are you having?
5:27:10 PM <Slendercreppy0> Making the collapsible text centered also leaves text within it centered
5:27:19 PM <Slendercreppy0> and that’s a smol no no
5:27:36 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> so put the [[/=]] before the text
5:27:46 PM → Mero joined (ten.xoc.hp.25ho7t-PCS|tibbiM#ten.xoc.hp.25ho7t-PCS|tibbiM)
5:27:50 PM <Slendercreppy0> Can you show me an example
5:27:56 PM ⇐ Mero quit (ten.xoc.hp.25ho7t-PCS|tibbiM#ten.xoc.hp.25ho7t-PCS|tibbiM) http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
5:28:04 PM <Slendercreppy0> Oh, you mean it like that
5:28:44 PM <Slendercreppy0> Nope
5:29:42 PM ⇐ Guest24715 quit (ten.xoc.co.j96n38-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.xoc.co.j96n38-PCS|egnuoleht) The Lounge - By https://thelounge.chat
5:33:24 PM <%TawnyOwlJones> Slendercreppy0: as far as i can tell it isn't possible to use collapsibles or nested collapsibles where the collapsible is centered but the text isn't. i'd suggest asking someone else and/or using a different format
5:33:55 PM <Slendercreppy0> Oi
5:34:01 PM <Slendercreppy0> Thx anyways
5:34:08 PM <Slendercreppy0> Ill think of something else to do
5:34:11 PM <Slendercreppy0> goodbye
5:34:13 PM → Guest30983 joined ⇐ Slendercreppy0 and %WarFang quit
1:02:29 AM <Slendercreppy0> Hello, I have question for the staffs
1:03:31 AM <%Doracula> Slendercreppy0 what's the question?
1:04:05 AM <Slendercreppy0> Im writing an scp and how do I link another page to mine
1:04:15 AM <Slendercreppy0> like in this one https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6000
1:04:18 AM ⇐ Ecronak quit (moc.duolccri.notgnimyl.7clpc9-PCS|811103diu#moc.duolccri.notgnimyl.7clpc9-PCS|811103diu) Connection closed for inactivity
1:04:41 AM <Slendercreppy0> Ive noticed that they added an /offset/1 to the end but they don’t work
1:07:10 AM <%Doracula> Slendercreppy0 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-5961851/creating-an-offset-page-or-two
1:07:36 AM <Slendercreppy0> Thx