Initially banned for a week for minor immaturity and a poor taste joke. Log of the latter is below:
2021-09-16 10:16:40 SusTib: Ah, yes of course
2021-09-16 10:16:43 DrSoot: falls into the lounge face first via a wormhole
2021-09-16 10:16:55 Mooagain: DrGolden but with an Apple + membership it's only $899!
2021-09-16 10:16:58 SusTib: You- I-
2021-09-16 10:17:07 DrGolden: Mooagain thats the spirit
2021-09-16 10:17:15 DrSoot: hugs DrGolden
2021-09-16 10:17:19 DrGolden: uh
2021-09-16 10:17:24 SusTib: How do I commit die
2021-09-16 10:17:29 DrGolden: could you not hug people unsolicited?
2021-09-16 10:17:33 DrGolden: its kinda weird
2021-09-16 10:17:34 DrSoot: fine
2021-09-16 10:17:41 DrGolden: thanks
2021-09-16 10:17:44 Mooagain: SusTib that's not funny, don't say things like that
2021-09-16 10:17:47 DrSoot: unhugs DrGolden
2021-09-16 10:18:13 DrSoot: anyways, what are we talking about?
2021-09-16 10:18:22 SusTib: No idea.
2021-09-16 10:18:33 DrSoot: got it, a perfect topic
2021-09-16 10:18:38 Kensing2: SusTib Can you like… not?
2021-09-16 10:19:10 SusTib: Kensing2 What?
2021-09-16 10:19:19 SusTib: What are you offended by?
2021-09-16 10:19:30 hungrypos: it's not being offended
2021-09-16 10:19:38 hungrypos: it's you being disruptive and lolrandom
2021-09-16 10:19:42 Kensing2: Mooagain Also, got your tell, that shit's hilarious
2021-09-16 10:19:57 Kensing2: The Greazes are more like used car salesmen tho
2021-09-16 10:19:59 CuteGirl: Actually, suicide jokes are a bannable offense
2021-09-16 10:20:01 WarFang: manifests
2021-09-16 10:20:05 SusTib: Any fckin' ways
2021-09-16 10:20:06 CuteGirl: Come back in a week
2021-09-16 10:20:08 DrGolden: greetings FarWang
2021-09-16 10:20:10 CuteGirl: CuteGirl has banned :*!PI.941.91.5lr.c4b-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.941.91.5lr.c4b-PCS|egnuoleht
2021-09-16 10:20:14 SusTib: SusTib was kicked by CuteGirl for:
ban reduced to a warning after an appeal, but they're on thin ice and future incidents might lead to additional steps up standard escalation depending on their nature. log of appeal is below:
2021-09-16 10:22:57 SusTib: I was actually asking how to do those "kill" command things, I had no intention of making a joke related to suicide.
2021-09-16 10:24:20 SusTib: I'mma grab a cup of coffee for this.
2021-09-16 10:24:51 Athenodora: SusTib is what you're saying the truth?
2021-09-16 10:25:05 SusTib: Of course.
2021-09-16 10:25:53 SusTib: I feel no need to lie.
2021-09-16 10:26:33 Athenodora: what do you need those "kill" command things for?
2021-09-16 10:27:23 SusTib: I was simply attempting to get my "licks" in for an ongoing joke.
2021-09-16 10:27:44 Subject19: Wow.
2021-09-16 10:27:56 Subject19: I came in to jokes?
2021-09-16 10:28:01 Subject19: Hit me with one…
2021-09-16 10:28:31 WarFang: Subject19: please do not comment on proceedings in 17 as they are happening
2021-09-16 10:28:33 SusTib: Pretty bad time, mate. But sure!
2021-09-16 10:28:41 SusTib: o
2021-09-16 10:28:46 Subject19: My bad.
2021-09-16 10:28:53 Subject19: I didn't know, WarFang.
2021-09-16 10:29:19 SusTib: Anyways
2021-09-16 10:30:35 Athenodora: > I was simply attempting to get my "licks" in for an ongoing joke
2021-09-16 10:30:45 Athenodora: what do you mean by this? Can you please explain
2021-09-16 10:30:51 SusTib: I just wanted to input a "kill" command for a joke, but I didn't know how.
2021-09-16 10:31:07 SusTib: I was following the joke
2021-09-16 10:31:24 SusTib: I was trying to add to it.
2021-09-16 10:33:07 gee0765: hi - i'll be taking the rest of your appeal
2021-09-16 10:33:22 SusTib: Alright then.
2021-09-16 10:33:26 gee0765: here's a screenshot of what got u kicked so you know what i'm referring to
2021-09-16 10:33:48 gee0765: i'm not sure i quite understand where your comment came out of here - can you explain your thought process a bit
2021-09-16 10:34:27 SusTib: I was trying to use a "kill" command for a joke that was previously ongoing.
2021-09-16 10:34:55 SusTib: It came off the wrong way.
2021-09-16 10:35:14 gee0765: Do you understand why other users and operators had issue with your behaviour?
2021-09-16 10:35:26 SusTib: Yes, yes I do.
2021-09-16 10:36:12 gee0765: Ok. I'm going to let you back into 19 with just a warning, but if you betray my trust and it turns out that this was the wrong decision, you'll likely receive a pretty long ban
2021-09-16 10:36:30 SusTib: I appreciate it.
2021-09-16 10:36:34 gee0765: i'm trusting your comments here, don't let me down
2021-09-16 10:36:43 SusTib: I wont.
2021-09-16 10:37:12 gee0765: you can rejoin 19
2021-09-16 10:37:23 SusTib: "Preciate it.