User vlad received a 24 hour ban for being like, really angry and mean to another user when he was not happy with the harsh crit he got upon requesting crit.
9:52 PM <Mx_Snow> but uh yeah I'd rather not have over 170K dollars of student debt
9:52 PM <Vlad> Rate my SCP:
9:52 PM <Vlad>
9:53 PM <%DrFullham> Mx_Snow: I mean, keeping it less than that should be manageable.
9:53 PM <%DrFullham> I spent 6 years in school and left with less than $70k
9:53 PM <DrMagnus> Vlad: Downvote from me. YOu hit a couple common pitfalls right out the gate.
9:53 PM <Mx_Snow> DrFullham: true but also you're forgetting one significant factor: I'm a dumbass
9:54 PM <Vlad> What did I do
9:54 PM <%DrFullham> Mx_Snow: You think I was smart at 18? I was dumb as shit
9:54 PM <Vlad> DrMagnus what did I do
9:54 PM <%DrFullham> I just asked a lot of smart people around me that had done similar things
9:54 PM <Mx_Snow> fair
9:54 PM <DrMagnus> First sentence of your description has "seems to be" in it.
9:55 PM <DrMagnus> Your article is 90% anomaly focused without much of a narrative.
9:55 PM <DrMagnus> The tone is off.
9:55 PM <DrMagnus> Crosslink to SCP-500
9:55 PM <DrMagnus> First one alone is enough to get a downvote from me, the other ones just compound the problem.
9:55 PM <%DrFullham> Mx_Snow: The secret to seeming smart is to just repeat things that smart people have said
9:56 PM <Vlad> DrMagnus Number one, how is a crosslink to SCP-500 bad? Number two, it's meant to be a scientific report, not some fairy tale narrative, obviously.
9:56 PM <DrMagnus> 1) Because it's overused to an absurd degree.
9:56 PM <Mx_Snow> DrFullham: makes sense but also i'm slightly concerned how well i'm gonna do money wise
9:56 PM <DrMagnus> 2) Having a narrative is a basic requirement for an article to be successful.
9:56 PM <DrMagnus> You don't tell a story
9:57 PM <DrMagnus> You're telling us about A thing what do X.
9:57 PM <sketchyth0ughts> hhhh omg. okay so our washing machine doesnt work right, and we've been washing our clothes by hand for the past few weeks. on saturday we finally get a new one but uh
9:57 PM <sketchyth0ughts> just now
9:57 PM <sketchyth0ughts> my brother told me he peed the bed
9:57 PM <DrMagnus> No hook, no narrative, and you fall in to a half dozen cliches.
9:57 PM <naqupenda> DrFullham: That's basically mentoring! ^^
9:57 PM <%DrFullham> oh lordy
9:57 PM <Vlad> DrMagnus well your opinion is unpopular.
9:57 PM <%DrFullham> naqupenda: Yeah basically lmao
9:57 PM <sketchyth0ughts> and i cant wait for saturday bc we have no spare sheets :(
9:57 PM <DrMagnus> Vlad: You're the one that asked for feedback.
9:57 PM <%DrFullham> sketchyth0ughts: Can you just go buy sheets?
9:57 PM <DrMagnus> And I assure you, the votes will not contradict me.
9:57 PM <%DrFullham> Like a cheap set at wal-mart or something
9:58 PM <sketchyth0ughts> DrFullham: theres not really anywhere nearby where i can get it
9:58 PM <sketchyth0ughts> and we dont have walmart here
9:58 PM <Vlad> DrMagnus let's give it a day. See how it will go
9:58 PM ⇐ Vlad quit (PI.902.202.si0.qas-PCS|dalV#PI.902.202.si0.qas-PCS|dalV) The Lounge - By
9:58 PM <%DrFullham> sketchyth0ughts: oof :/
9:59 PM <DrMagnus> I've never made any bones about being a tough critic lol
9:59 PM <Mx_Snow> lol
9:59 PM <sketchyth0ughts> DrMagnus: meh, vlad has done this before. came into 19 and got iffy about crit they were given
10:00 PM <sketchyth0ughts> ig they were seeking approval
10:00 PM <DrMagnus> I know.
10:00 PM <sketchyth0ughts> .ch stop, have more
10:00 PM <%Secretary_Helen> sketchyth0ughts: have more
10:00 PM <DrMagnus> People think all I know is eat helen-code, be old man, and lie.
10:00 PM <%DrFullham> Helen is a hedonist
10:01 PM <DrMagnus> When in reality, I'm an author.
10:01 PM <%DrFullham> Or would she be a Hellenist? :P
10:01 PM — DrMagnus snort.
10:01 PM — DrLerche chuckles
10:01 PM <sketchyth0ughts> DrMagnus: lie??
10:01 PM → Smaugnolia joined (PI.0062.2071.etar.hc3b.suulse-PCS|ailonguamS#PI.0062.2071.etar.hc3b.suulse-PCS|ailonguamS)
10:01 PM <DrMagnus> It's a play on a meme
10:01 PM <DrMagnus> "All girls know how to do is eat hot chip, be bisexual, and lie"
10:02 PM → Vlad joined (PI.902.202.si0.qas-PCS|dalV#PI.902.202.si0.qas-PCS|dalV)
10:02 PM <sketchyth0ughts> ohhh
10:02 PM <Vlad> DrMagnus Which SCPs have you written
10:02 PM <sketchyth0ughts> .au magnus
10:02 PM <%Secretary_Helen> sketchyth0ughts: Did you mean: drmagnus,helenmagnusisdead?
10:02 PM <sketchyth0ughts> .sm1
10:02 PM <sketchyth0ughts> .sm 1
10:02 PM <%Secretary_Helen> sketchyth0ughts: drmagnus - ( has 53 pages. (20 SCP articles, 27 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 6 others.) They have 4735 net upvotes with a rounded average of 89. Their latest page is Once And Future Alchemist at 27.
10:02 PM <Mx_Snow> lmao
10:02 PM <DrMagnus> The second one is my wife.
10:02 PM <Vlad> @DrMagnus Which SCPs have you written
10:02 PM <DrMagnus> lol
10:02 PM <@CuteGirl> .tell vlad please do not ask for crit then get mad when you receive honest crit
10:02 PM <%Secretary_Helen> CuteGirl: *Jots that down on her clipboard* Got it, I'll let them know…
10:02 PM <DrMagnus> Vlad: You can view my author page above.
10:02 PM <@CuteGirl> Oh you’re back
10:02 PM <DrMagnus> All my articles are listed there.
10:03 PM <Vlad> Okay, but send me one
10:03 PM <@CuteGirl> Vlad, you asked for crit, you got honest crit
10:03 PM → Subject19 joined (ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS#ten.xoc.rh.arm0jd-PCS|91tcejbuS)
10:03 PM <DrMagnus> .s alchemy murder
10:03 PM <%Secretary_Helen> DrMagnus: SCP-5621: Jealousy, Murder, and Alchemy (Rating: +113. Written 1 year ago By: DrMagnus) -
10:03 PM <DrMagnus> There you go.
10:03 PM <Subject19> Hello! I'm back.
10:03 PM <@CuteGirl> Vlad: why do you need one of magnus’ articles??
10:04 PM <Vlad> CuteGirl Because he's just some fucking child saying that my SCP is trash while he is probably sitting alone masturbating, then he can go fuck himself
10:04 PM <Vlad> So I am checking.
10:04 PM <Vlad> *If he's a child
10:04 PM <Vlad> I meant to say if
10:04 PM <Subject19> Bro, shut up.
10:04 PM <Subject19> Don't be mean.
10:04 PM <@CuteGirl> Vlad: okay, you do *not* speak about other users like that
10:04 PM <DrMagnus> Good lord.
10:04 PM <@CuteGirl> Vlad: you can come back in 24 hours
10:05 PM @CuteGirl banned *!*@SCP-saq.0is.202.209.IP (+b)
10:05 PM ⇐ Vlad quit (PI.902.202.si0.qas-PCS|dalV#PI.902.202.si0.qas-PCS|dalV) The Lounge - By
No formatting on the logs because he said fuck.
Pls look at my pretty art <3