Chat user RebelYeltsin1 (Wiki user RebelYeltsin does not match any existing user name ) Entered into chat late at night and started lolrandom posting, including pinging various people purely to annoy them. As there were no other operators on at the time, I issued a 1 week ban for maturity/trolling, and this action will be reviewed by chatstaff tomorrow.
Agreed with a weeklong ban, with the assumption that this was a one-off late night lapse in judgement and that any further similar behavior will result in accelerated escalation.
2021-09-04 02:00:35 RebelYeltsin1: Tf happened to skip IRC it looks weird
2021-09-04 02:01:01 RebelYeltsin1: DrGolden would you be interested in reading an EXTREMELY short tale I wrote
2021-09-04 02:04:20 RebelYeltsin1: WHO SCP-5000'D THE CHAT
2021-09-04 02:06:58 RebelYeltsin1: CT-K class end of chat scenario
2021-09-04 02:08:13 RebelYeltsin1: DrMagnus
2021-09-04 02:08:20 RebelYeltsin1: That should get the chat going
2021-09-04 02:10:12 RebelYeltsin1: I AM AT THE CENTER OF EVERHTHING THAT HAPPENS TO ME
2021-09-04 02:10:21 RebelYeltsin1: OR I SHOULD GO TO BED
2021-09-04 02:10:26 RebelYeltsin1: ONE OF THE TWO IDK
2021-09-04 02:12:09 RebelYeltsin1: .I
2021-09-04 02:12:15 RebelYeltsin1: .|
2021-09-04 02:12:29 RebelYeltsin1: .l
2021-09-04 02:13:08 RebelYeltsin1: OK OK I GET IT YOU GUYS HAVE THINGS TO DO ON FRIDAY NIGHT
2021-09-04 02:14:25 DrMagnus: It's two fucking am
2021-09-04 02:14:29 DrMagnus: Why are you pinging me.
2021-09-04 02:16:42 DrMagnus: RebelYeltsin1: have some basic decency and don't ping people at 2 am.
2021-09-04 02:16:49 RebelYeltsin1: SCP-MAGNUS-J if you ping it at night it will wake up and transport you to a pocket dimension called "shadowban"
2021-09-04 02:18:17 RebelYeltsin1: I'll admit i only pinged you because short of creating a burner account, pinging Magnus at 2am is the only 100% effective way of reviving the chat
2021-09-04 02:21:19 DrMagnus: I don't have the authority to ban you any longer, but I will happily toss you on the ignore list.
2021-09-04 02:23:21 RebelYeltsin1: Considering I've been threatened with a ban for, oh horrors, commenting on a closed staff thread, and down voted to oblivion because i posted something that wasn't a work equivalent to the holy bible…
2021-09-04 02:23:40 RebelYeltsin1: I need SCP-2000 to get the old site back lmao
2021-09-04 02:24:01 RebelYeltsin1: RebelYeltsin1 was kicked by ManyMeats for: Needless pings, buffoonery
2021-09-04 02:30:16 RebelYeltsin1: RebelYeltsin1 was kicked by ManyMeats for:
2021-09-04 02:00:11 Guest69827: Hi can i be invited to the invite list
2021-09-04 02:02:16 RebelYeltsin1: Why does skipirc look weird now
2021-09-04 02:02:28 RebelYeltsin1: Everything has been messed up for the last 24 houds
2021-09-04 02:02:31 RebelYeltsin1: *hoyrs
2021-09-04 02:02:33 RebelYeltsin1: Blyat
2021-09-04 02:02:36 RebelYeltsin1: *hours
2021-09-04 02:02:47 Guest69827: Can I have my name invited to the list?
2021-09-04 02:02:54 Guest69827: [Username redacted]
2021-09-04 02:03:19 Guest69827: [Username and age redacted]
2021-09-04 02:11:56 RebelYeltsin1: mitchinatr the chat is deader than a d class so don't bother
2021-09-04 02:13:06 mitchinatr: imma take a class a amnestic so i can pretend i didn't see that
2021-09-04 02:15:26 RebelYeltsin1: Lol go over to site 19 i have awakened satan
2021-09-04 02:16:40 mitchinatr: Oh boy!
2021-09-04 02:18:56 RebelYeltsin1: I pinged some guy just to make the chat wake up
2021-09-04 02:27:32 RebelYeltsin1: When zyn threatens to ban you because you joke about a joke SCP, so you do something to actually deserve a ban:
2021-09-04 02:27:40 RebelYeltsin1:
2021-09-04 02:28:11 RebelYeltsin1: Series 1 was better, and I have had too much 420-J tonight.
2021-09-04 02:28:34 ManyMeats: Go watch a movie and chill offline, hombre
2021-09-04 02:29:26 RebelYeltsin1: NEED PIZZA. COLD PIZZA. ManyMeats CAN I HAVE YOUR BRAIN I ONLY HAVE HALF
2021-09-04 02:30:10 RebelYeltsin1: RebelYeltsin1 was kicked by ManyMeats for:
Of note are the user's lines of "Considering I've been threatened with a ban for, oh horrors, commenting on a closed staff thread, and down voted to oblivion because i posted something that wasn't a work equivalent to the holy bible…" and "When zyn threatens to ban you because you joke about a joke SCP, so you do something to actually deserve a ban", which are references to their Wiki activities and interactions with Staff, some of which are documented on their Disc thread.
Of note also is their line about "[having] had too much 420-J tonight".
ETA: Oops this was supposed to be a reply to ManyMeats' post above.
Noting that they engaged in general chatter and backseat modding in #site17 this morning, shortly before their ban expired. A .tell has been sent reminding them to please do neither.
8:20:00 AM <@stormfallen> .tell RebelYeltsin1 This is a reminder from chat staff that #site17 is not a general chat channel, and that backseat modding is neither requested nor appreciated.
2021-09-11 01:33:31 RebelYeltsin1: Any chat admins around? My 1-week ban is up. The ban for those uninformed was for spamming chat and pinging about "needing cold pizza" and other 420-J fueled observations
2021-09-11 01:33:39 RebelYeltsin1: Would appreciate an unban from 19
2021-09-11 01:34:08 RebelYeltsin1: And I formally apologize for the dank-inspired tirade
2021-09-11 01:36:55 ToonBoy: Hi. I accidentally timed out lol. Still hoping to be added to the invite list for sandbox.
2021-09-11 01:36:55 ToonBoy: WikiDot name: ToonBoy
2021-09-11 01:36:55 ToonBoy: Age: 18
2021-09-11 01:36:55 ToonBoy: Sorry for doing it twice in short intervals
2021-09-11 01:39:49 RebelYeltsin1: ToonBoy what's you're opinion on sirenhead
2021-09-11 01:40:11 ToonBoy: It's alright. Never really was into it.
2021-09-11 01:41:06 RebelYeltsin1: lol i was just checking to see if you were actually 18
2021-09-11 01:41:19 ToonBoy: Why…?
2021-09-11 01:41:56 RebelYeltsin1: Because we routinely get children (like less than 13) coming on here and claiming to be 18 and they all love sirenhead
2021-09-11 01:42:07 ToonBoy: pffft
2021-09-11 01:42:24 ToonBoy: yea I was about to say I've had my 12 year old kids gush about sirenhead
2021-09-11 01:42:30 ToonBoy: *12 year old kid cousins
2021-09-11 01:42:39 ToonBoy: lmao sorry I'm very burnt out tired
2021-09-11 01:42:54 ToonBoy: it's like 2 am and I'm running on college hour sleep
2021-09-11 01:43:08 RebelYeltsin1: What country?
2021-09-11 01:43:16 ToonBoy: US
2021-09-11 01:43:26 RebelYeltsin1: Same I'm in Nebraska tho
2021-09-11 01:43:40 ToonBoy: yea it's like almost midnight there right?
2021-09-11 01:44:22 RebelYeltsin1: Last time i was on this late i came on high on 420-J (and I was away from home 2 timezones away) and spammed stuff about cold pizza
2021-09-11 01:44:42 RebelYeltsin1: So i shouldn't complain about children
2021-09-11 01:44:54 ToonBoy: cold pizza when high isn't bad
2021-09-11 01:45:06 ToonBoy: hell it's not bad when you're not high
2021-09-11 01:45:11 RebelYeltsin1: I came on and pinged the grouchiest dude on the server
2021-09-11 01:45:15 ToonBoy: I just hate cold pizza w stuffed crust
2021-09-11 01:45:21 RebelYeltsin1: Just to "get the chat going"
2021-09-11 01:45:34 RebelYeltsin1: What about Spicy crust pizza?
2021-09-11 01:45:58 ToonBoy: spicy crust?
2021-09-11 01:46:05 ToonBoy: that sounds like a midwestern thing
2021-09-11 01:46:16 ToonBoy: unless you're referring to garlic crust
2021-09-11 01:46:25 ToonBoy: or whatever dominoes does
2021-09-11 01:46:42 RebelYeltsin1: I'm referring to "i even took orders from a pizza delivery man before I realized he was from Spicy Crust Pizza"
2021-09-11 01:47:02 ToonBoy: yea no clue what that is
2021-09-11 01:47:17 RebelYeltsin1: Bro, the orientation tale?
2021-09-11 01:47:32 RebelYeltsin1: Sorry if you weren't familiar
2021-09-11 01:47:45 ToonBoy: nope
2021-09-11 01:47:47 RebelYeltsin1: Foundation front company. Spicy Crust Pizza, SCP for short
2021-09-11 01:47:47 ToonBoy: my bad
2021-09-11 01:47:58 ToonBoy: ohhhhhhh
2021-09-11 01:48:10 ToonBoy: yea sorry as I said running on minimum sleep the college way
2021-09-11 01:48:17 RebelYeltsin1:
2021-09-11 01:48:50 sketchyth0ughts: RebelYeltsin1: hey man i think you got unbanned from sechelen if you want to try again (not staff, so i cant do anything but it says you got unbanned in 19 now)
2021-09-11 01:49:46 RebelYeltsin1: Helen kicked me for "needless trolling and pinging"
2021-09-11 01:49:47 sketchyth0ughts: ah alr, sorry. guess youre going to have to wait for an 0p. stay safe :D
2021-09-11 01:49:58 RebelYeltsin1: My original ban was for "tomfoolery"
2021-09-11 01:49:59 sketchyth0ughts: oh right, i forgot why i even came here. i have a question for staff if anyone is on
2021-09-11 01:50:24 RebelYeltsin1: We engage in a mild amount of tomfoolery
2021-09-11 01:52:11 ToonBoy: aight I'm gonna head off for the night and just try tomorrow to get in. see ya guys
2021-09-11 01:52:16 RebelYeltsin1: Gngn
So this happened, and then about an hour later they started vandalizing the site, as described in their Disc thread. Obvious permaban to mirror the site ban.
12:04:23 AM → RebelYeltsin1 joined (||stleYlebeR)
12:04:44 AM <Fishish> Plato flexed hard enough to win debates.
12:04:59 AM <RebelYeltsin1> I wrote a thing
12:05:03 AM <Fishish> That immediately disqualifies 90% of Ancient Greece
12:05:03 AM <DrGolden> Philosopher by day, dudebro by night
12:05:14 AM <RebelYeltsin1> It's a tale about SCP 173 very short if anyone wants to take a look lmk
12:06:14 AM <Fishish> Man a man capable of flexing hard enough to challenge philosophical beliefs sounds cool af as an article
12:06:26 AM <RebelYeltsin1> I have been banned from the critters, plz overturn ManyMeats. It's been more than a week since the infamous cold 🍕 rant. Thanks
12:06:40 AM <Fishish> Then again the concept’s been nabbed by DC Comics
12:07:13 AM <@ManyMeats> oh yeah, those dont lapse automatically
12:07:20 AM <@ManyMeats> gimme a min
12:07:40 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Again sorry it was too much 420-j
12:08:11 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> DrLeibowitz idk how to feel about their relationship. Based on the only two snippets I've heard, it seems to me that from Plato's POV, it was Frenemies, while from Diognese's POV, he was correcting serious errors with Plato's school of thought
12:08:15 AM <DrLeibowitz> RebelYeltsin1: There is no RPing in here, so we'll have to demote you to D-Class.
12:09:25 AM <DrLeibowitz> ThatDudeOverThere: I usually read it as sort of Frenemies on both sides? They just sort of expressed it in different ways. Plato through figs and Diogenes through urinating on art.
12:09:29 AM <@ManyMeats> Okay RebelYeltsin1
12:09:56 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Lol, i am literally saying i got banned cuz I smoked too much 420-j and got on late at night
12:10:06 AM <RebelYeltsin1> The vodka and 2 hours of CSGO before may have helped
12:10:13 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Thanks ManyMeats
12:10:17 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> DrLeibowitz the worst part about this is, I think I get where Diogenes is coming from
12:10:26 AM ⇐ Smaugnolia quit (PI.0062.2071.etar.hc3b.dpdpn1-PCS|ailonguamS#PI.0062.2071.etar.hc3b.dpdpn1-PCS|ailonguamS) Ping timeout: 120 seconds
12:10:51 AM <@ManyMeats> Basically every late night chat in this room turns into diogenes posting, and I love it
12:11:25 AM <DrGolden> It’s early morning Diogenes for me :
12:11:28 AM <DrGolden> :p
12:11:42 AM <Fishish> afaik Diogenes 100% meant for his antics to be seen as a challenge of the various schools of thought he disliked
12:11:45 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Diogenes? I prefer Diokhakis
12:11:47 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> BEHOLD [insert username]'S SCP! *drops a chicken into the chat*
12:11:48 AM <DrLeibowitz> I definitely get where Diogenes is coming from, things don't really matter outside of human constructions, but I think he extended that to grudges/phylosophy in general. Plato may have been "wrong" but it also doesn't matter.
12:12:21 AM <RebelYeltsin1> SCP-4666
12:12:22 AM <%Secretary_Helen> RebelYeltsin1: SCP-4666: The Yule Man (Rating: +1045. Written 3 years ago By: Hercules Rockefeller) -
12:12:44 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Me when I drink too much vodka eggnog on Christmas Eve
12:13:24 AM <DrLeibowitz> ThatDudeOverThere: SCP-3620
12:13:30 AM <DrLeibowitz> SCP-3620
12:13:30 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrLeibowitz: SCP-3620: Data Expunged the Chicken (Rating: +239. Written 3 years ago By: Allan Crain) -
12:14:05 AM <RebelYeltsin1> SCP-5602
12:14:05 AM <%Secretary_Helen> RebelYeltsin1: SCP-5602: Why Did The SCP Cross The Road? (Rating: +55. Written 1 year ago By: Neuhaus) -
12:14:26 AM <DrLeibowitz> ITT: Only chicken skips
12:14:54 AM Fishish → FishishAFK
12:15:40 AM <RebelYeltsin1> This is a business in my city i shit you not
12:15:50 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> behold DrLeibowitz's Chicken skip? SCP-3199
12:16:13 AM <DrLeibowitz> SCP-3199
12:16:13 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrLeibowitz: SCP-3199: Humans, Refuted (Rating: +797. Written 4 years ago By: bittermixin) -
12:16:25 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> RebelYeltsin1 don't go in
12:16:33 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> I bet that's how they get their D-Class
12:16:38 AM <RebelYeltsin1> [link removed]
12:16:45 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Oh that's a nice house WAIT
12:17:14 AM <DrLeibowitz> What is the wait?
12:17:26 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> read the address
12:17:46 AM <DrLeibowitz> Well yeah, why do you think it's so cheap?
12:17:59 AM — DrLeibowitz is from California
12:18:00 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> ._.
12:18:09 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Omegalul there is a landscaper at 110 Montauk st in some town in New York.
12:18:21 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Tomorrow morning I call them and ask for Dr. Bright
12:18:25 AM → Smaugnolia joined (ten.labolgcbs.homtnc.cigqpc-PCS|ailonguamS#ten.labolgcbs.homtnc.cigqpc-PCS|ailonguamS)
12:19:18 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> "You have reached the voicemail of DR.BRIGHT, please stay on the line. Any attempts to hang up will be seen as hostile action."
12:20:00 AM <RebelYeltsin1> SCP-004-SEASONS-J
12:20:03 AM — DrLeibowitz cuts the phone lines in the building instead of hanging up, so as not to be hostile
12:21:31 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Can someone read my tale lol
12:22:13 AM <DrLeibowitz> RebelYeltsin1: Since we've been talking about obstinant philosophy, I will tell you that I posess the physical ability to read your tale.
12:22:34 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> DrLeibowitz Impressive. Most impressive.
12:22:45 AM <RebelYeltsin1> DrLeibowitz that has the same feel as "we engage in a mild amount of tomfoolery"
12:23:10 AM <RebelYeltsin1> but nice one
12:23:15 AM <DrLeibowitz> RebelYeltsin1: That, indeed, amuses me greatly.
12:23:18 AM <ThatDudeOverThere> okay, sleep meds finally kicking in. night all
12:23:29 AM <DrLeibowitz> ThatDudeOverThere: Good night
12:23:49 AM ⇐ ThatDudeOverThere quit (ten.knilneddus.hd.7joi17-PCS|egnuoleht#ten.knilneddus.hd.7joi17-PCS|egnuoleht) The Lounge - By
12:24:54 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Ess see pee? No, ess see piss it's okay to swear now!
12:25:07 AM <RebelYeltsin1> -zyn berating me for using redacted too much
12:26:06 AM <DrLeibowitz> Yeah, that tracks.
12:28:02 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Anyone else think this thing looks like an SCP
12:28:50 AM <cygne> It looks like a BEET ROOT
12:30:46 AM ↔ DrLeibowitz nipped out
12:31:54 AM <DrLeibowitz> Well, irssi crashed on me, aprently. I didn't even realize that could happen with a program that is like two bytes and a nybble.
12:32:43 AM <RebelYeltsin1> IDI NAHUI CYKA BLYAT. 1 reply1 reply: Athenodora
12:33:10 AM <DrLeibowitz> All of the words I understand in that tell me I should be offended.
12:33:22 AM — DrLeibowitz is offended as a bonus action.
12:34:36 AM <DrLeibowitz> RebelYeltsin1: I read your tale. I don't really know what I think about it. On the one hand, it is short, on the other hand, that is what stood out to me as being good about it. I've been out of the loop for a while, though, so maybe short origin stories for 173 have circled back to being good, idk.
12:34:52 AM <DrGolden> .l
12:34:52 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: Star Lover (Written 11 hours ago By: DrGooday) -
12:34:53 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: Machen2 vs. Machen1 (Written 15 hours ago By: Machen2) -
12:34:54 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: SCP-6023: Fish Snacks, Fish Snacks (Written 21 hours ago By: Zyn) -
12:38:35 AM <@Athenodora> RebelYeltsin1 can you explain what this is about?
12:38:45 AM <@Athenodora> > RebelYeltsin1> RebelYeltsin IDI NAHUI CYKA BLYAT.
12:39:07 AM <@Athenodora> is this a reference to something I don't get
12:40:28 AM <DrLeibowitz> According to Urban Dictionary, it is a complement in the language of Counter Strike: Global Offensive trying to sound cool and edgy in russion.
12:40:33 AM <DrLeibowitz> *Russian
12:41:26 AM <DrGolden> Ah, faux-Russians
12:41:30 AM <DrGolden> Not usually a fun bunch
12:42:13 AM <DrLeibowitz> The words I understand in it from my interactions with actual Russians is "Fucking Bitch" and I think something phallic.
12:42:42 AM <DrGolden> Yeah, they’re usually not very mature
12:43:51 AM <FishishAFK> That phrase is the written equivalent of blasting the ussr anthem remix thing from YouTube
12:43:55 AM <FishishAFK> Oops
12:44:00 AM FishishAFK → Fishish
12:44:08 AM <Fishish> There, much better
12:44:41 AM <@Athenodora> right
12:45:15 AM <DrLeibowitz> DrGolden: I mean a lot of my more slavicly inclined friends say "сука блуат" as a friendly way of greeting eachother. Not overly mature, but not really trying to be.
12:45:21 AM ⇐ RebelYeltsin1 quit (||stleYlebeR) The Lounge - By
12:48:43 AM <DrLeibowitz> Fishish: I've been trying to figure out how to pronounce your name for a few minutes. Is it pronounced like "ghotioti"?
12:49:02 AM <Fishish> Pretty much yeah
12:49:51 AM ⇐ naepicfael quit (||669853diu) Connection closed for inactivity
12:49:56 AM <Fishish> As long as you’re stringing the specific phonic circumstances for it to sound like the animal
12:49:56 AM <DrLeibowitz> Cool. I am fond of the friendly interactive shell, but the more I use bash the less it makes sense to switch.
12:50:01 AM → RebelYeltsin1 joined (||stleYlebeR)
12:50:32 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Idi nahui CYKA blyat is the last thing you hear after one missed shot, and before seeing "you have been kicked from the game"
12:50:52 AM <DrLeibowitz> Fishish: Yep, good.
12:52:06 AM <RebelYeltsin1> YO GUYS! I WANT COLD PIZZA!
12:52:14 AM <RebelYeltsin1> cold pizza rant 2: fridge boogaloo
12:52:21 AM <DrLeibowitz> I should go to bed as my brain is making less and less sense by the second.
12:52:59 AM <RebelYeltsin1> DrLeibowitz can i have your brain? I only have half
12:53:56 AM <DrGolden> RebelYeltsin1 I dont mean to backstead mod but uh, please stop acting like your cold pizza rant wasnt disruptive and rude to m4guns ._.
12:54:00 AM <DrGolden> it was 3AM for him
12:54:22 AM <DrGolden> .l
12:54:25 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: Star Lover (Written 12 hours ago By: DrGooday) -
12:54:26 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: Machen2 vs. Machen1 (Written 16 hours ago By: Machen2) -
12:54:27 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: SCP-6023: Fish Snacks, Fish Snacks (Written 21 hours ago By: Zyn) -
12:55:01 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Getting pinged at 3am= NUCLEAR WAR.
12:55:14 AM <DrLeibowitz> RebelYeltsin1: Sure, any particular make or model you want? I have about half a dozen from a few… doners.
12:55:20 AM <DrGolden> Its just rude bro .-.
12:55:20 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Tbf, for people with lives i supposed it is
12:55:23 AM <DrGolden> .au Dr Golden
12:55:23 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: dr golden - ( has 4 pages. (3 SCP articles, 0 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 1 others.) They have 119 net upvotes with a rounded average of 30. Their latest page is Golden Moth Museum at 25.
12:55:28 AM <DrGolden> SCP-6990
12:55:28 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: SCP-6990: The Truth about Ancient Aliens (Rating: +41. Written 13 days ago By: Dr Golden) -
12:55:43 AM <RebelYeltsin1> For those who touch grass i can see why a 3am ping is quite productive.
12:55:51 AM <RebelYeltsin1> *disruptive
12:55:53 AM <DrGolden> as a matter of fact, most of us have lives
12:56:03 AM <DrLeibowitz> DrGolden, RebelYeltsin1: I wasn't here for this, but pinging anyone not active on chat is a war crime on IRC.
12:56:22 AM <RebelYeltsin1> But as for me, "come over to my house, this is what you see, every day every night, we are rushing B"
12:56:38 AM <DrGolden> :/
12:56:40 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Yeah DrLeibowitz I've been on discord a bit and even there it isn't as violent as here
12:56:52 AM <DrGolden> im not gonna contnue us at that point itll be backseat modding
12:56:55 AM <Fishish> Same as Golden w the backseat modding thing but you literally just got unbanned man, and you keep bringing up a pizza rant or something which I’m pretty sure I was here for but just don’t remember.
12:57:11 AM <DrGolden> ^
12:57:30 AM <Fishish> Golden was probably here too considering I see his username every time I log on
12:57:59 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Rash b
12:58:03 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Suka blyay
12:58:08 AM ⇐ RebelYeltsin1 quit (||stleYlebeR) The Lounge - By
12:58:11 AM <DrLeibowitz> RebelYeltsin1: I've been on IRC for 20 years and modded on various rooms for over half of them. We are just as violent as we need to be to maintain good order and disapline. Discord is managed like a Call of Duty server.
12:58:22 AM <DrLeibowitz> woops.
12:58:33 AM → RebelYeltsin1 joined (||stleYlebeR)
12:58:54 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Not saying it is unjustified lol.
12:59:56 AM <DrLeibowitz> Just making sure. Rules 8 and 9 of the internet are good ones to know.
1:00:49 AM <DrGolden> ?
1:00:53 AM <DrGolden> What're rules 8 and 9?
1:01:10 AM <DrLeibowitz> Rule 8: There are no real rules about posting.
1:01:24 AM <DrLeibowitz> Rule 9: There are no real rules about moderation either - enjoy your ban
1:01:29 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Most here: people who enjoy writing Me: loser who hides in fictional world to escape reality and wastes his life watching SCP videos while 2718 creeps closer and ignored the fact that I've never had a girlfriend and am slowly turning into SCP 096 but fat AAAAAAAAH SITE 19 IS MY THERAPIST
1:02:45 AM <DrGolden> Homie, if you need help please get some professional help. No one here is obligated or necessarily able to help ._.
1:04:00 AM <Fishish> Leaving until new convo brb
1:04:12 AM Fishish → FishishAFK
1:04:19 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Omegalul
1:04:23 AM <DrGolden> :/
1:04:23 AM <DrLeibowitz> I hope what he means is that site19 provides him with the seritonin shot he needs to make it through the day, but still.
1:04:27 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Again, it's late night lmao
1:04:36 AM <DrGolden> Lets change subjects
1:04:38 AM <DrGolden> .l
1:04:39 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: Star Lover (Written 12 hours ago By: DrGooday) -
1:04:40 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: Machen2 vs. Machen1 (Written 16 hours ago By: Machen2) -
1:04:41 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: SCP-6023: Fish Snacks, Fish Snacks (Written 21 hours ago By: Zyn) -
1:04:46 AM <DrGolden> God, there's been nothing new for a while
1:05:07 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Time for le coldpost. Problem, wiki?
1:05:19 AM <DrLeibowitz> .s good dogo
1:05:20 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrLeibowitz: I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything.
1:05:22 AM <DrLeibowitz> .s good doggo
1:05:22 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrLeibowitz: I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything.
1:05:24 AM <DrGolden> As long as its good, i dont mind
1:06:54 AM <DrLeibowitz> DrGolden: Here, have a silly thing I wrote forever ago, if you haven't read it - it is silly and like the only shaggy dog entry not about Tim Allen
1:07:03 AM <RebelYeltsin1>
1:07:46 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Alright folks time for a better discussion than shit about chickens and cold pizza. What languages do y'all speak?
1:08:36 AM <DrLeibowitz> Fluent in English, C, and Sarcasm and I know a bit of French, German, Russian, Japaneese, C++, Fortran, and JavaScript.
1:09:44 AM <DrGolden> English, a bit of Arabic and some French
1:09:54 AM <DrGolden> A tiny bit of German too
1:11:20 AM <DrLeibowitz> int main(void) { printf("What about you, RebelYeltsin1?"); return 666; }
1:11:29 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Lul
1:11:41 AM <cygne> English, Japanese + a bit of French + Yiddish
1:12:12 AM <RebelYeltsin1> English+French, a bit of Dutch and enough Russian to play CSGO
1:13:01 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Пошел ТИ нахуй
1:13:29 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Nom de dieu de bordel de merde de connard de saloperie
1:13:43 AM FishishAFK → Fishish
1:13:51 AM <Fishish> Language talk? Nice.
1:15:14 AM <DrLeibowitz> Speaking of, I am flabergasted that people are translating my skips. I don't have many of them, but it is cool that people like them.
1:16:00 AM <RebelYeltsin1> People are translating my name into other languages as the universal word for "loser". Speaking of which i gotta go to bed
1:16:05 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Jk, i don't sleep
1:17:11 AM <RebelYeltsin1> This how i look when no sleep and too much vodka+CSGO [link removed]
1:17:33 AM <RebelYeltsin1> This image feels like an SCP
1:18:15 AM <cygne> Looks shopped ;P
1:18:31 AM <DrLeibowitz> You can tell by the pixels.
1:20:33 AM ⇐ cygne quit (ten.enilnotpo.nyd.10gsdb-PCS|engyc#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.10gsdb-PCS|engyc)
1:21:01 AM <DrGolden> doctored photos are easy to spot
1:21:50 AM <DrLeibowitz> DrGolden: Usually there is someone with a stethoscope in them.
1:22:09 AM <DrGolden> 🔫
1:22:17 AM <DrGolden> the pun SWAT awaits
1:22:51 AM <DrLeibowitz> Jokes on you, irssi doesn't do unicode.
1:23:09 AM <DrGolden> Damn you, primitive host
1:23:40 AM <DrGolden> .l
1:23:40 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: Star Lover (Written 12 hours ago By: DrGooday) -
1:23:41 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: Machen2 vs. Machen1 (Written 16 hours ago By: Machen2) -
1:23:42 AM <%Secretary_Helen> DrGolden: SCP-6023: Fish Snacks, Fish Snacks (Written 22 hours ago By: Zyn) -
1:23:56 AM <DrLeibowitz> ( ˘ ͜ʖ ˘)
1:24:58 AM <DrGolden> ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=
1:25:01 AM <DrGolden> >:D
1:25:37 AM <DrLeibowitz> Oh no, my one true weakness! 1980's emotocons <:-O
1:25:55 AM ⇐ RebelYeltsin1 quit (||stleYlebeR) The Lounge - By
1:25:58 AM <DrGolden> And this ones an actual gun!
1:26:02 AM <DrGolden> instead of a water gun :p
1:26:31 AM <DrLeibowitz> Well then… water you waiting for -_-
1:28:34 AM → RebelYeltsin1 joined (||stleYlebeR)
1:28:43 AM <RebelYeltsin1> HELLO HELLO
1:28:57 AM <RebelYeltsin1> I'm back
1:29:07 AM <DrLeibowitz> Well, I believe that is God telling me to sleep. Gn everyone!
1:29:09 AM → Balthazaar joined • DrLeibowitz → DrSleepowitz
1:29:51 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Oh fucknuggets i dropped my phone on my crotch
1:30:47 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Do i need to ping someone again? The chat is deader than a d class
1:30:49 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Jk
1:31:04 AM → Dr_Recoil joined (PI.031.501.jha.rud-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.031.501.jha.rud-PCS|egnuoleht)
1:31:31 AM <LittleFieryOne> sonic mania is a good game
1:31:45 AM <LittleFieryOne> it's the only thing i can talk about
1:32:16 AM <Fishish> Fantastic tale
1:32:17 AM <Fishish> Take
1:32:36 AM <LittleFieryOne> Fishish, yes, thank you
1:32:44 AM <LittleFieryOne> come to me for all good sonic opinions
1:33:04 AM <Fishish> Shame about the colors remaster right?
1:33:30 AM <LittleFieryOne> Fishish, I haven't tried it yet. I like colors, and I hope the remaster at least gets patched
1:33:49 AM ⇐ Smaugnolia quit (ten.labolgcbs.homtnc.cigqpc-PCS|ailonguamS#ten.labolgcbs.homtnc.cigqpc-PCS|ailonguamS) Leaving.
1:33:53 AM <Fishish> Waiting for that too tbh
1:34:06 AM <LittleFieryOne> I've heard it's otherwise good.
1:34:17 AM <Fishish> I usually wait 3 days before buying something in case it has issues and hearing that about colors hurt
1:34:26 AM <Fishish> Well, it is sonic colors at the end of the day
1:34:53 AM ← Dr_Recoil left (PI.031.501.jha.rud-PCS|egnuoleht#PI.031.501.jha.rud-PCS|egnuoleht): The Lounge - By
1:35:15 AM <LittleFieryOne> Fishish, I'm kinda numb to day 1 patches at this point.
1:35:35 AM <LittleFieryOne> It still stinks that they've become normal, though.
1:35:59 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Tortillapiss
1:36:12 AM <RebelYeltsin1> It's 1236
1:36:39 AM <LittleFieryOne> I keep wondering if I should finally clean my firefox cache/cookies
1:36:58 AM <LittleFieryOne> But I don't want to remember all those passwords
1:37:01 AM <Fishish> LittleFieryOne: fr. Games keep coming less and less developed every year
1:37:25 AM → Rigen joined ⇐ MajorTom quit
1:38:06 AM <LittleFieryOne> But to be fair, Sonic Mania came with a Day 1 patch. They're not inherently a major sin, but in cases like Cyberpunk it usually speaks to the shit going on during development.
1:39:52 AM <Rigen> I just ate
1:39:56 AM <Rigen> unripe mango
1:40:16 AM <Rigen> and it's more sour than my mom's face when she saw my grades
1:40:49 AM <LittleFieryOne> Rigen, is that a positive or a negative
1:40:58 AM <LittleFieryOne> .au
1:40:58 AM <%Secretary_Helen> LittleFieryOne: littlefieryone - ( has 5 pages. (4 SCP articles, 0 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 1 others.) They have 230 net upvotes with a rounded average of 46. Their latest page is SCP-6791: The Protagonist at 57.
1:41:19 AM <Rigen> (to be fair my mom never made sour face at my grades, except that one time I got F because writing reports are annoying and this teacher wants a weekly one…)
1:41:31 AM <Rigen> for unripe mangoes? a positive, I guess
1:41:38 AM <Rigen> they are supposed to be sour
1:41:54 AM <LittleFieryOne> Rigen, Okay just wondering. Some people don't like sour, some people do
1:42:08 AM <LittleFieryOne> the former are wimps
1:42:12 AM <LittleFieryOne> the latter are masochists
1:42:17 AM <Rigen> I just didnt expect this much sourness, it's been a while since I ate some
1:42:38 AM <LittleFieryOne> Rigen, Is it like Warhead's sour?
1:43:05 AM <Rigen> never ate warhead
1:43:20 AM <Rigen> I dont think they sold those where I live
1:43:25 AM <LittleFieryOne> Rigen, it was the only candy that hated your tongue
1:43:44 AM <Rigen> lol
1:45:15 AM <@Athenodora> maow
1:45:27 AM <LittleFieryOne> Athenodora, Did you eat warheads?
1:45:45 AM <@Athenodora> anyone interested in a Near Eastern Studies seminar on Hittite religion and so forth? One starts in 15 mins [link removed]
1:45:49 AM <@Athenodora> LittleFieryOne yup
1:45:58 AM <@Athenodora> not recently, but I've had it before
1:46:00 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Should we do a little trolling?
1:46:14 AM <@Athenodora> RebelYeltsin1 no
1:46:44 AM <@Athenodora> and I distinctly remember you reassuring us that you won't be causing any trouble again once you're back from your ban
1:46:53 AM <RebelYeltsin1> I kid
1:47:22 AM <RebelYeltsin1> As long as you don't WANT anyone filling the zoom chat with "I'm hittiteing your mom from behind rn"
1:47:56 AM <@Athenodora> RebelYeltsin1 how old are you
1:48:33 AM <RebelYeltsin1> 18 haha. Old enough for 420-J and young enough for bad judgement at 1am
1:49:12 AM <RebelYeltsin1> But if that was the rhetorical "how old are you?"
1:49:24 AM <RebelYeltsin1> As in, "c'mon man, how old are you?"
1:49:53 AM <@Athenodora> RebelYeltsin1 once again - you're not the only person who stays up past 1am
1:50:06 AM <@Athenodora> hell, I stay up way later than that all the time
1:50:24 AM <@Athenodora> and I'm not as disruptive as you are
1:50:30 AM <@Athenodora> so don't cite that as an excuse
1:50:36 AM <RebelYeltsin1> r/storiesaboutkevin = me
1:50:48 AM → Sirslash47 joined ⇐ Balthazaar quit
1:52:15 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Idea: Sovietwave remix album of Alan walker songs called "Spectre of Communism"
1:53:26 AM <@Athenodora> actually
1:53:31 AM <@Athenodora> > As long as you don't WANT anyone filling the zoom chat with "I'm hittiteing your mom from behind rn"
1:53:40 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Bad joke ik
1:53:43 AM <@Athenodora> explain it to me - should I interpret that as a threat?
1:54:01 AM <RebelYeltsin1> It is an offer to zoom bomb your meeting lol
1:54:17 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Basically tradition for the Class of '20
1:54:56 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Someone posts a zoom, you offer to spam it.
1:55:05 AM <@Athenodora> RebelYeltsin1 I've been promoting Zoom lectures and events here on chat for almost two years now, and you know how many times I see people offering to zoom bomb my meetings?
1:55:06 AM <@Athenodora> once
1:55:10 AM <@Athenodora> as in, just now
1:55:15 AM <TheRaven> Remind me how many times you've already been banned for being an obnoxious jackass?
1:55:31 AM <RebelYeltsin1> Just once lol
1:55:54 AM <@Athenodora> so no, I don't think your baseline level of behavioural maturity matches what is required of this chatroom, no
1:55:58 AM <RebelYeltsin1> J U D G E M E N T *deep breath*
1:56:27 AM <Fishish> There’s no way you’re older than me
1:57:00 AM <@Athenodora> so I'm exercising my power as chat operator to ban you now
1:57:28 AM <@Athenodora> will decide on ban length with other chat ops later, but in all honesty
1:57:50 AM <@Athenodora> I don't see how threatening to "filling the zoom chat with "I'm hittiteing your mom from behind rn" (sic) is gonna be taken lightly
1:58:10 AM <aismallard> (rip)
1:58:20 AM @Athenodora banned *!||stleYlebeR (+b)
1:58:32 AM <TheRaven> Much appreciated.
1:58:35 AM ← RebelYeltsin1 (||stleYlebeR) was kicked by @Athenodora
Edit: Noting that they've been identified as a recent troll who's been showing up in 17 lately.