SCP Wiki Disiciplinary Staff received a complaint recently against user
Rounderhouse regarding April Fool's changes the user made to their article SCP-6000.
With respect to rules regarding adult images on the wiki, the following come to mind:
Images of excessive nudity/pornography and/or excessive gore are not allowed. What counts as excessive nudity/pornography and/or excessive gore will be decided on a case-by-case basis by SCP Foundation Wiki Staff.
Sexual images or behaviors in inappropriate places and contexts, especially when directed towards other users.
For instance, sexual imagery is permitted in #site19 when tagged "NSFW". However, a sexual image or comment sent to a person who hasn't asked for it is usually harassment.
What kinds of things can get me in trouble?
Rule Zero of the SCP Wiki is ‘Don’t be a dick’.
Most rules descend from that. Excessive rudeness, posting NSFW content in public spaces, not listening when a staff member asks you to stop something (for example, changing a conversation topic in IRC chat), spammy messages around the forums, editing others’ work without permission, plagiarism, bigotry, ‘being a creep’, threats, harassing other members - essentially, anything covered in Site Rules, and anything that doesn’t fit in polite company, if done in excess, could get you in trouble.
As Rounderhouse altered their own page [as opposed to vandalizing the pages of others in the case referenced to this individual], included appropriate adult splash pages during the April Fools period in which the image in question was featured, and has since removed the image of their own accord after April 1st, Disciplinary Staff has determined Rounderhouse did not violate our rules. As such, no disc action will be taken at this time.
The above is being included on this non-disc thread to demonstrate the complaint has been processed, and for record keeping purposes.