User behaved inappropriately and used offensive language in-chat, was warned several times about it, was then kicked and given a 24-hour ban.
Said user then PM'd me in an attempt to "understand" what he did wrong and get me to unban him. Logs posted.
[19:29] >| obiwan (ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[19:29] Decibelle Nooplo: would you rather recieve critique by PM, or in chat?
[19:29] obiwan Hellol
[19:29] Athena_Grey hi
[19:29] obiwan Do you guys have any SCPs about mermaids?
[19:30] TyGently Maybe!
[19:30] TyGently .sea mermaid
[19:30] Alexandra TyGently: The Mermaid(SCP-327, Rating:67) -
[19:30] |< Freudian has left (Ping timeout)
[19:30] Cavalry That was fast
[19:30] obiwan Thank you very much Alex.
[19:30] Athena_Grey obiwan one of those things I wouldn't be surprised if someone has written it up yet, but can't remember any on top of my head
[19:30] Nooplo Decibelle: In chat would be fine for me, might generate some interest from others as well if it's in chat.
[19:30] Athena_Grey … and TyGently got it
[19:30] Athena_Grey .s mother in the ice
[19:30] Alexandra Athena_Grey: Mother in the Ice(SCP-1836, Rating:137) -
[19:30] Cavalry He wrote it.
[19:30] Nooplo Decibelle: Wait for a second though, using the bathroom
[19:30] obiwan Also anyone using hexchat>?
[19:30] Athena_Grey hmm. do you think 1836 count?
[19:30] obiwan Tried to connect but it was giving me some issues.
[19:31] >| M1NDF4NG_ (~ude.uelttaes.F925C629-CRInys|GN4FDN1M#ude.uelttaes.F925C629-CRInys|GN4FDN1M) has joined #site19
[19:31] TyGently That said though obiwan, if you're considering writing a draft don't quit solely because the broad concept has been done
[19:31] obiwan I'm not considering that actually, didn't even come to mind.
[19:31] WererStritchy .sea board
[19:31] Alexandra WererStritchy: Voodoo Dartboard(SCP-773, Rating:33), Biological Motherboard(SCP-003, Rating:170), Cardboard Cutout Dog(SCP-1783, Rating:94), With 8 more matches.
[19:31] obiwan Just wanted to read some mermaid writing.
[19:31] >| TLALOC (ten.xoc.hp.hp.034C277C-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.hp.hp.034C277C-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[19:31] Cavalry Unicorn… Do we have a unicorn?
[19:31] WererStritchy .sea board boardgame
[19:31] Alexandra WererStritchy: No matches found.
[19:31] obiwan I don't think I'd be very good at writing.
[19:31] Cavalry .sea Unicorn
[19:31] Alexandra Cavalry: No matches found.
[19:31] Cavalry Wat
[19:32] WererStritchy Ahhh…
[19:32] TLALOC hello!
[19:32] obiwan I just learned about this SCP stuff yesterday, said it originated on /x/? Are most of you all from /x/?
[19:32] WererStritchy I remember there being a seahorse that was similar.
[19:32] TyGently obiwan: okay, a lot of times people are looking to see if similar things exist before they start writing
[19:32] Nuke_Fury Very few of us are from /x/
[19:32] Photosynthetic Oh god no, obiwan. Heh.
[19:32] Voct obiwan - no, we're from all over.
[19:32] TyGently obiwan: most of us are not
[19:32] Nuke_Fury the /x/ days were long before most of us joined
[19:32] Photosynthetic The site originated there, but it's evolved a long way from its roots.
[19:32] obiwan That's a shame.
[19:32] Athena_Grey .s history of the universe part one
[19:32] Alexandra Athena_Grey: History Of The Universe: Part One(Rating:152) -
[19:32] Voct obiwan - if you'd been here in 2008, maybe
[19:32] obiwan lol
[19:32] Sophos Yeah
[19:32] Sophos You're all
[19:32] Sophos newfags
[19:32] TyGently obiwan: The site originated there but it's been long divorced
[19:32] Nooplo Decibelle: Ready when you are
[19:32] Photosynthetic Eh, hardly, obiwan. The place is a lot more civil these days.
[19:32] Sophos Endless summer
[19:32] Kalinin I'm from /x/, but that's more an exception
[19:32] Voct Sophos - oooh
[19:32] Nuke_Fury Sophos:
[19:33] Sophos ENDLESS
[19:33] |< Cybergirl has left (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[19:33] Sophos SUMMER
[19:33] Nuke_Fury Kalinin: an e/x/ception
[19:33] Sophos flips a table
[19:33] Sophos floats away
[19:33] Cavalry Photosynthetic, we only shut our ears. It's barely moar civil.
[19:33] Voct _|__|_
[19:33] obiwan I'll be from /x/ with you then Kalinin
[19:33] Photosynthetic …
[19:33] Voct demonstrates flipped table
[19:33] Kalinin Also 4chan is a cesspit and I'm glad that influence has mostly waned
[19:33] Photosynthetic ^
[19:33] obiwan true true
[19:33] TwistedGears ssso newfag is an okay thing to say, then?
[19:33] obiwan haven't shit good shit on /x/ for so long now
[19:33] LadyKatie Probably not
[19:33] >| Smaugnolia (PI.32735173.CA02FFD6.D7563F07|tibbiM#PI.32735173.CA02FFD6.D7563F07|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[19:34] Photosynthetic Not really, TG, no. What did I miss?
[19:34] obiwan sometimes the greentext threads are good though
[19:34] Dr_Kens DAMNIT SOPHOS
[19:34] Cavalry Wasn't there a big thing about "faggot" being okay on the chat?
[19:34] TwistedGears [18:31:36] Sophos You're all
[19:34] Dr_Kens GET OUT OF HERE
[19:34] TwistedGears [18:31:36] Sophos newfags
[19:34] Photosynthetic Ah. Sophos, please don't.
[19:34] Wicked223 it's kind of weird that all of the religious SCPs are Abrahamic in origin
[19:34] TLALOC i've seen better stuff on 8chan than 4chan now tbh
[19:34] Voct TwistedGears - it's a joke based on how that's a common phrase on 4chan
[19:34] DolphinSlugchugger you mean we're e-cigs
[19:34] obiwan I will log out, I got hexchat working
[19:34] Voct Wicked223 - they're not, actually.
[19:34] TLALOC but 8chan scares me
[19:34] obiwan I will log back in as bastard
[19:34] TyGently Not all of them Wicked223
[19:34] >| Lex1nat0r (htilonom.demroflam.tnecifelam|r0tan1xeL#htilonom.demroflam.tnecifelam|r0tan1xeL) has joined #site19
[19:34] Dr_Kens obiwan: Please don't do that.
[19:34] Voct Wicked223 - we've got some greek ones, some buddhist ones….
[19:34] TyGently Not all by far
[19:35] Wicked223 all was a bad word, yes
[19:35] Athena_Grey Wicked223 well, we do have a number of non-Abrahamic ones, but those are admittedly few and far in between
[19:35] >| bastard (~ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab#ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab) has joined #site19
[19:35] bastard okay the thing about 8chan is that I've never seen it move, not even once.
[19:35] Cavalry Wicked223: No, we just call those mythology now
[19:35] |< obiwan has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[19:35] =-= bastard was booted from #site19 by Athena_Grey (can you please change your nick to something more appropriate?)
[19:35] LadyKatie ..
[19:35] Nuke_Fury Wicked223: an awful lot of the people on the site are raised in places where Abrahamic religions are dominant
[19:35] LadyKatie Dude, you were told not to
[19:35] Cavalry It is an English speaking site.
[19:35] |< Kalinin has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[19:35] >| obiwan (~ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab#ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab) has joined #site19
[19:35] obiwan test
[19:36] Dr_Kens obiwan: I said not to rejoin as "bastard"
[19:36] obiwan I didn't
[19:36] Athena_Grey .g scp chat guide
[19:36] Alexandra Athena_Grey: Chat Guide - SCP Foundation: "Oct 11, 2015 … Welcome to the SCP Foundation Chat Guide! This guide outlines what is and isn't allowed in chat, what to expect, and some basic instructions …"
[19:36] Dr_Kens [19:35] >| bastard (~ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab#ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab) has joined #site19
[19:36] obiwan says obiwan on my screen right now?
[19:36] Photosynthetic It's in your hostmask, dude.
[19:36] Dr_Kens [19:35] >| obiwan (~ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab#ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab) has joined #site19
[19:36] Dr_Kens
[19:36] obiwan oh weird, right now it's saying I'm obiwan
[19:36] Cavalry
[19:36] obiwan idk how to change that then?
[19:36] Dr_Kens Lie again and you're going to be banned for 24 hours.
[19:36] Decibelle Cavalry: to answer your question from earlier, it's not okay to say
[19:36] obiwan Not lying
[19:36] obiwan I'll fucking screenshot it
[19:36] Nuke_Fury Your nick is obiwan now, yes.
[19:36] obiwan Okay so what's the issue?
[19:36] Decibelle and anyone who says it will be kicked, or banned at whatever discretion the operator at that time has
[19:37] |< AceKenshader has left (Quit: Leaving)
[19:37] Nuke_Fury You joined as bastard a minute ago and were kicked, after being told not to.
[19:37] |< ZombieRaptor has left (Ping timeout: 184 seconds)
[19:37] Nuke_Fury That was the issue.
[19:37] obiwan Oh!
[19:37] Decibelle Nooplo: lets take this to PM
[19:37] obiwan I'm sorry I must have missed that
[19:37] Cavalry There's a thing in the History of the Universe about that? Decibelle? Swear I read something like that.
[19:37] DolphinSlugchugger Decibelle: does this count ex post facto
[19:37] Nuke_Fury Fair enough.
[19:37] obiwan That kick was the first time I saw anyone warn me not to join as bastard
[19:37] Nooplo Decibelle: Sure
[19:37] Decibelle Cavalry: it was okay, but not anymore
[19:37] >| JackIke (PI.D6E6B2D5.E2FE6BBD.C3BC1F45|tibbiM#PI.D6E6B2D5.E2FE6BBD.C3BC1F45|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[19:37] obiwan Just out of curiosity, why can I not join as bastard? Bad words not allowed?
[19:38] Cavalry Fuck no
[19:38] Dr_Kens As your nick it's not.
[19:38] Nuke_Fury Not in nicks
[19:38] Voct fuck shit asshole santorum
[19:38] obiwan How come?
[19:38] JackIke Because.
[19:38] Nuke_Fury It gets pretty ridiculous if we have a bunch of assholes calling themselves variations on asshole
[19:38] Athena_Grey obiwan we do have a chat guide, discussing standard of behaviour around here
[19:38] Nuke_Fury Voct:
[19:38] Athena_Grey .g scp chat guide
[19:38] Alexandra Athena_Grey: Chat Guide - SCP Foundation: "Oct 11, 2015 … Welcome to the SCP Foundation Chat Guide! This guide outlines what is and isn't allowed in chat, what to expect, and some basic instructions …"
[19:38] DolphinSlugchugger Obiwan: we swear a lot and don't like pinging people every time we drop shit
[19:38] obiwan Yeah I saw that, I don't mean to step on your toes or anyone with questioning, just wondering.
[19:39] JackIke I just got my results for maths back
[19:39] TyGently Let's not swear to illustrate our swearing guidelines, okay? Not super needed.
[19:39] Cavalry Is you a scientists?
[19:39] JackIke Got like, A-/B+ for all the tests and such
[19:39] Dr_Kens Cavalry: I was. Then I got a job as an engineer.
[19:39] DolphinSlugchugger tygently: you aren't my sodding momther
[19:39] Voct Cavalry - some of us do have degrees in science
[19:39] JackIke C-/D+ for the assignments
[19:39] TyGently I demand a DNA test ds
[19:39] Voct DolphinSlugchugger - actually, TyGently *is* your mother.
[19:39] obiwan fucking mother I think you mean, Dolphin
[19:39] TLALOC so i had an idea for a skip where it would be these scientists observing the 4 fundamental forces as personifications
[19:39] DolphinSlugchugger no
[19:39] DolphinSlugchugger sodding
[19:39] TLALOC too cliche?
[19:39] obiwan brits
[19:39] DolphinSlugchugger .urb sodding
[19:39] Alexandra DolphinSlugchugger: sodding: A british slang word, meaning 'damned' or 'fucking.'
[19:39] Cavalry I'm sure far too many of you have degrees in English.
[19:40] obiwan .urb fucking
[19:40] Alexandra obiwan: Fucking: 1. The man's erect penis rapidly thrusting back and forth in the woman's vagina (or an anus). 2. The woman's vagina (or an anus)rubbing up and down on the man's erect penis. 3. The action of the penis penetrating an object or a person. 4. An insertion of the vagina that is pleasing to the woman.
[19:40] LadyKatie …
[19:40] DolphinSlugchugger sighs
[19:40] Cavalry JESUS CHRIST
[19:40] TyGently Um.
[19:40] Voct TLALOC - you know electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force are the same at sufficient energy levels, yes?
[19:40] Voct .g "electroweak force"
[19:40] Alexandra Voct: Electroweak interaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Above the unification energy, on the order of 100 GeV, they would merge into a single electroweak force. Thus, if the universe is hot enough (approximately …"
[19:40] TyGently Can you… not do that from now on?
[19:40] =-= obiwan was booted from #site19 by YOU (Don't do that again. 24 hour ban on next infraction.)
[19:40] TLALOC nope!
[19:40] JackIke How the fuck does that happen. B+ in test, D+ in assignments.
[19:40] >| obiwan (~ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab#ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab) has joined #site19
[19:40] LadyKatie …
[19:40] TLALOC but now I do
[19:40] Voct obiwan - things were different in 2008
[19:40] TyGently JackIke: some people (you) perform well in a testing environment
[19:41] obiwan Better or worse?
[19:41] >| Tesseract (~PI.4C58BB6E.9D661A67.C36C90D3|opiuqE#PI.4C58BB6E.9D661A67.C36C90D3|opiuqE) has joined #site19
[19:41] DolphinSlugchugger also just a warning
[19:41] TyGently but worse in other environments
[19:41] Voct obiwan - depends on your perspective.
[19:41] JackIke But
[19:41] obiwan What's yours?
[19:41] DolphinSlugchugger the .urb function is playing with fire
[19:41] JackIke i had like, weeks to work on the assignments
[19:41] TLALOC i was gonna make them seem like the 4 horseman
[19:41] JackIke And i did work on them for ages
[19:41] obiwan Yeah seems so
[19:41] TLALOC but that felt cliche too
[19:41] Voct obiwan - as a result of changes in channel culture, some people have left in a huff, and some people have been permabanned.
[19:41] JackIke And I just get these shit as balls grades that give me a C overall
[19:42] JackIke I just dont understand how i could do so horrendously
[19:42] TyGently obiwan: The standards of this website are very different from the standards of /x/. If you are unsure what is or is not acceptable, ask a staff member here or in private or sit back and get a feel for the culture of the channel.
[19:42] TLALOC i was gonna have the typewriter one personification had be a "stallion" brand
[19:42] DolphinSlugchugger chat culture is bad puns and not being too insulting to anyone
[19:42] JackIke Especially when one of the assignments was to reduce repayments on a loan, and i got help from my father who does actual finance and such
[19:42] obiwan yo I wasn't insulting anyone
[19:42] obiwan just making a joke, because you urban dictionaried sodding
[19:42] obiwan and I was correcting you with fucking, so I did the same
[19:42] Voct obiwan - I'll grant that you might not *intend* to be insulting people
[19:43] DolphinSlugchugger insulting/disturbing/making people uncomfortable
[19:43] DolphinSlugchugger perturbing
[19:43] obiwan yo just tell me not to do something and I'll stop bro
[19:43] Cavalry licks DolphinSlugchugger
[19:43] DolphinSlugchugger fffFUCK
[19:43] Cavalry Tastes like fish
[19:43] >| ZombieRaptor (~ZombieRap@151ECAD3:FC10F2F0:5A1139D5:IP) has joined #site19
[19:43] DolphinSlugchugger wipes off lick
[19:43] obiwan Voct what's changed? Kind of vauge lol
[19:43] obiwan vague*
[19:43] JackIke I like, genuinely feel insulted by these grades
[19:44] DolphinSlugchugger it's generally not cool to use slurs, even in contexts where they aren't meant to be slurs
[19:44] Voct obiwan - one particular difference is that ecks is no longer allowed here
[19:44] salvagebar ANOMALOUS
[19:44] Voct obiwan - ecks made lots and lots of rape jokes and rape comments and rape allusions and so forth.
[19:44] Cavalry I had that as my spray in various videogames
[19:44] TyGently that's pretty friggin anomalous salvagebar
[19:44] Voct at first he was tolerated and laughed at.
[19:45] Lex1nat0r salvagebar: not anomalous, just standard IKEA instructions
[19:45] salvagebar IKEA is anomalous.
[19:45] Lex1nat0r Yeah, I'll give you that
[19:45] Cavalry Sweden is anomalous
[19:45] DolphinSlugchugger ikea is an -EX
[19:45] TLALOC theyre meatballs are the real skip
[19:45] DolphinSlugchugger wait
[19:45] DolphinSlugchugger god fucking dammit
[19:45] TLALOC oops
[19:45] TyGently secretly every scp is just meatballs
[19:45] DolphinSlugchugger someone needs to write Ikea as an -EX
[19:45] Cavalry .sea meatballs
[19:45] Alexandra Cavalry: No matches found.
[19:45] obiwan I think there's a point where thats funny, and then a point that it gets annoying
[19:45] TyGently .sea beefbelly
[19:45] Alexandra TyGently: No matches found.
[19:45] TyGently .sea restaurant
[19:45] Alexandra TyGently: A Chain Restaurant (SCP-785, Rating:172) -
[19:45] obiwan gotta spice your comedy up a bit, yeah?
[19:45] TyGently no, alex
[19:46] Lex1nat0r .sea meatball
[19:46] Alexandra Lex1nat0r: No matches found.
[19:46] Lex1nat0r Sadness
[19:46] Cavalry .lc
[19:46] JackIke .sea Paradox
[19:46] Alexandra JackIke: Time Paradox(SCP-196, Rating:109), Paradoxical Insurance Policy(SCP-711, Rating:196), Paradoxical Avian Propagation(SCP-1505, Rating:83)
[19:46] obiwan He got banned for the rapejokes then?
[19:46] Alexandra Cavalry: SCP-2916(Rating:-13) - - Fear Not(Rating:16) - - SCP-2910(Rating:12) -
[19:46] salvagebar SCP-30920 "Coherent Assembly Instructions" Only found in the possession of SCP-93841 "Competent General Contractor" and SCP-93842 "Honest Automobile Mechanic"
[19:46] |< ZombieRaptor has left (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
[19:46] Voct obiwan - he was told that he could stop the rape jokes, or he could leave.
[19:47] obiwan lmao dont' tell me he left
[19:47] Voct he did.
[19:47] Voct "raep! raep! this scp needs more raep!"
[19:47] obiwan lol how retarded do you have to be to care about rape jokes that much
[19:47] LadyKatie …
[19:47] JackIke "When a living being inhales SCP - 2196, they are addressed as SCP - 2196 - a." "SCP - 2916 is an oak - wood guitar estimated to be made in 1974"
[19:48] obiwan oh that sounds cool
[19:48] Cavalry Is no gud… plees spare me.
[19:48] Voct and he'd constantly post links to horrible porn - always properly tagging it, of course. "http://HORRIBLE-PORN <warning, not work safe!>"
[19:48] Dr_Kens …
[19:48] JackIke Anyone who inhales a guitar is SCP-2196-A
[19:48] Decibelle hate to burst the bubble yet again, but since im here and got pinged by it; don't use the r slur. thanks
[19:48] obiwan I read about some SCP about wood chippings that can move into your lungs
[19:48] obiwan like teleportation style
[19:48] Dr_Kens obiwan: You're getting a 24 hour ban. Stop using that sort of language. You've been warned about it before.
[19:48] salvagebar idk every shitty comedian at an open mic on the west side has a bunch of rape jokes - usually followed by "man, you are an uptight crowd"
[19:48] Voct obiwan - oh yes, the chair
[19:48] Dr_Kens If or when you come back, don't do it again.
[19:48] Voct or the former chair
[19:48] obiwan oh sorry man
[19:48] Cavalry GoI ball!
[19:48] Dr_Kens It's too late.
[19:48] Dr_Kens
[19:49] obiwan ?
[19:49] Cavalry By obi
[19:49] =-= obiwan was booted from #site19 by YOU (You've already been warned several times. 24 hour ban.)
[19:49] DolphinSlugchugger .g it's too late to apologize
[19:49] Alexandra DolphinSlugchugger: It's Too Late to Apologize .. - YouTube: "Feb 8, 2013 … Apologize by One Republic Lyrics: I'm holdin' on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground I'm hearin' what you say, but I just can't make a …"
[19:49] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by Dr_Kens
[19:49] Voct salvagebar - if your routine is rape jokes, then you are - yes - a shitty comedian.
[19:49] obiwan Hey man, I'm really sorry. Didn't realize I couldnt' use that word.
[19:49] === obiwan <~ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab#ten.nhb.ser.DFD69884-CRInys|dratsab> “realname”
[19:49] === obiwan: attached to “om nom cookies”
[19:49] === obiwan: idle for 0 seconds (on since Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:33:18 PM)
[19:49] —- End of WHOIS information for obiwan.
[19:50] obiwan read over chat guide, didn't say anything about banned words.
[19:50] Dr_Kens …use your head. There is no way we can maintain a comprehensive list of "banned words". Be aware of what topics and words are sensitive and offensive.
[19:50] Dr_Kens Much of the language you've been using is fairly offensive, and the casual way you use them doesn't help.
[19:51] Dr_Kens You've been warned several times about it.
[19:51] Dr_Kens It's not a permaban. It's only for one day.
[19:52] Dr_Kens If you come back, just be aware of what you're typing.
[19:52] obiwan It said harshness is tolerated? Retard is a word used in casual conversation? Like I will not use that word? Do you have a set of something more updated or something?
[19:52] obiwan Yeah but still, leaves a lasting mark on my future career as a partaker in your irc chat.
[19:52] Dr_Kens I'm not going to be able to give you a full list.
[19:52] obiwan haha, I don't need one.
[19:52] Dr_Kens But generally speaking, don't use any of the slurs or terms used in the chans for the start.
[19:52] obiwan Could you like comapare the chat to something? Just so I have a general guideline?
[19:53] obiwan Didn't realize retard was a slur, I've apologized for that.
[19:53] Dr_Kens Don't say anything in chat that you wouldn't say in public.
[19:53] obiwan And neither is fucking or bastard? That's where I was unclear on. Fucing and bastard really have no clear connection to retard.
[19:54] obiwan I call myself a bastard, make sex jokes, and say retard all in public though? I think that's the fundemental difference and that's where the confusion has stemmed from.
[19:54] obiwan Really not trying to undermine you or anything bro, I'll keep in accordance to your rules from now on.
[19:54] Dr_Kens The bastard part is because you used it as a nick.
[19:54] Dr_Kens Don't use any curse, slur, etc as a nick. That's a pretty straightforward rule.
[19:55] Dr_Kens Sex jokes and using those offensive terms shouldn't really be used in public, either.
[19:55] obiwan Wasn't a rule on your chat guidelines things, that's the issue man. When I came into chat I was expecting a totally different vibe than there currently is.
[19:55] Dr_Kens What were you expecting? 4chan/8chan or whatever?
[19:56] obiwan Yo well that's your view man. I'm an adult, I don't see why I shouldn't joke about sex in public. I'm not walking up to strangers talking about intercourse or nothing, but the word fucking?
[19:56] obiwan Nah I just just expecting a chill vibe.
[19:56] obiwan Most ircs I've encountered that allow harshness as the board culture are kind of those, don't be a douche and it'll all be okay kind of places, ya know?
[19:57] Dr_Kens Well that is the mindset for those other IRCs.
[19:57] Dr_Kens It is not the one for this channel.
[19:57] obiwan Yeah, I didn't realize that.
[19:57] Dr_Kens So now you do.
[19:57] obiwan Indeed.
[19:57] Dr_Kens Again, it's not a permaban.
[19:58] Dr_Kens It's just for one day.
[19:58] obiwan Why do I need to be banned for a day if I understand my error?
[19:58] obiwan If from now on it's on topic SCP, non offense commentary, I'd just be contributing, no?
[19:59] Dr_Kens You've been warned several times before this ban. We're not removing the ban just because you understand the error.
[19:59] Dr_Kens It's a disciplinary action.
[20:00] obiwan Why not though? I'm not a child that needs it to be hammered into my head, otherwise I'll sin again.
[20:01] Dr_Kens …it doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way anywhere. Just because you apologize doesn't take back what happened.
[20:02] Dr_Kens This ban is meant to make sure that you understand that your previous behavior was inappropriate. Just because you may be an adult doesn't mean that discipline isn't still required.
[20:02] obiwan It works that way on the irc I main. I had a legitimate misunderstanding about the chat culture and rules, I have had a talk with the admin, and now I understand what you guys want.
[20:03] obiwan Hey man, tbh I still don't think it was inappropriate, but I appreciate that you guys don't want harsh languagae in your irc, and I can respect that.
[20:04] Dr_Kens No problem.
[20:04] Dr_Kens Just, you know, be mindful in the future.
[20:05] obiwan So you'll unban me then?
[20:05] Dr_Kens No.
[20:05] Dr_Kens It's still a 24 hour ban.
[20:05] obiwan Even though I understand the rules of the irc?
[20:05] Dr_Kens Yes.
[20:06] obiwan How come? If I already understand what I am meant to (and I do because I'm not ten years old), keeping me banned does nothing but create resentment, and drive me away from the irc.
[20:07] Dr_Kens I'm not unbanning you.
[20:07] Dr_Kens I've already explained the reasons.
[20:07] Dr_Kens Take your disciplinary action in stride.
[20:07] obiwan >bend over and take it
[20:08] Dr_Kens If that's how you feel it is, okay then.
[20:08] obiwan by the way on the subject of sex jokes, one of the earilest SPC's was about a legit semon demon
[20:08] Dr_Kens Do you have any other questions?
[20:08] obiwan
[20:08] obiwan Nah, I just don't get your reasoning man.
[20:08] obiwan >meant to make sure you understand that your previous behavior was inappropriate
[20:08] obiwan but I do understand it, so there is no reason left for me to be banned. If I make the same mistake again, permaban me, be done with it?
[20:09] Dr_Kens Then you can wait for the 24 hours to be up and then you can try again.
[20:09] obiwan But why do I need to wait that 24 hours if I already understand my errors now? That's what I'm not getting and what you keep not answering.
[20:12] Dr_Kens Because you've already been warned several times. And your behavior didn't change.
[20:12] obiwan First time was about my nick, which I changed, nothing in the guidelines said anything about bad words not being allowed in nicks.
[20:12] obiwan Then it got confirmed that I was allowed to use bad words.
[20:13] obiwan Then I got kicked for urban dictionary the word "fucking" which made sense as a joke in the context of what was going on with Dolphin doing the same thing to sodding, was banned, was warned how urban dictionary can be like playing with fire.
[20:13] obiwan Then I said retard and you told me I was banned.
[20:13] obiwan Those are three completely seperate things that are not related to eachother at all, and all those things were not mentioned in guidelines.
[20:13] obiwan You told me curses are okay, then ban me for saying retarded?
[20:13] Dr_Kens …if you don't understand why these three are related then you're completely missing the point.
[20:14] Dr_Kens You are still banned for 24 hours.
[20:14] Dr_Kens Is there anything else?
[20:14] Dr_Kens Because if not, I'm going to have to cut this PM short.
[20:14] obiwan Could you explain? So I don't commit this sin in the future? How are these three things related? One was about curses in nicks, one was about urban dictionary, one was about saying a bad word (which was confirmed okay)
[20:15] Dr_Kens I cannot keep spending my time trying to teach you what is wrong. If I had more time, I would try, but I don't.
[20:16] obiwan To me it seems like you don't know though. You are able to answer all my questions, but when I finally bring up how the warnings were completely unrelated, you suddendly don't have time?
[20:16] obiwan Please, just give me a quick summary.
[20:16] Dr_Kens [19:50] Dr_Kens …use your head. There is no way we can maintain a comprehensive list of "banned words". Be aware of what topics and words are sensitive and offensive.
[20:16] Dr_Kens [19:50] Dr_Kens Much of the language you've been using is fairly offensive, and the casual way you use them doesn't help.
[20:16] Dr_Kens That is literally one of the first things I said to you.
[20:17] obiwan Okay but you told me bad words are okay!
[20:17] obiwan THey said people use bad words all the time
[20:17] obiwan Yet I get banned for using bad words? I didn't want to bring this up initially, but it just doesn't make sense.
[20:17] Dr_Kens …
[20:18] Dr_Kens Your ban is still kept at 24 hours.
[20:18] Dr_Kens If there is nothing else, please find a better way to occupy your time.
[20:18] obiwan <obiwan> Just out of curiosity, why can I not join as bastard? Bad words not allowed?
[20:18] obiwan <Cavalry> Fuck no
[20:18] obiwan <Dr_Kens> As your nick it's not.
[20:18] obiwan But you still don't answer my question?
[20:18] obiwan You say right there, bad words are not allowed as my nick.
[20:19] Dr_Kens Your ban is still kept at 24 hours. Goodbye.